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Elite Poster

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Everything posted by Elite Poster

  1. 16th in points given up per game, 16th in total points given up, and 18th in yards per game, and finally 19th in total yards. It takes a special kind of stupid to think the Bills had anything BUT an average defense. Just about 100 yards (less than 10 per game) from being 16th in all of these stats; in other words, literally, dead center in the entire league. So what the heck is average in your world? Or is this some type of alternative fact?
  2. Torell Troupe was apparently having an amazing camp/workouts before breaking his back. Tough luck. TJ Graham over Russell Wilson is more criminal. I also want to remind everyone that with who we have had at QB, Gronk wouldn't be a damn thing. Also, Gronk has missed a much greater percentage of games than Sammy, fans would burn his Buffalo home down.
  3. Can I get a hell yeah?? Or maybe even a link?
  4. This thread is so aggravating. We are comparing a future HOF, super bowl winner, multiple time first team all-pro, who has thrown for 30+ TDs and 4000+ yards 6 times out of 9 years starting, to Tyrod who struggles to get 20 passing TDs and 3k yards.
  5. He also has a 90-45 record so yeah I'm sure the 25% of games he loses by "not being clutch" isn't a big deal. Tyrod has a horrible record trailing by 4 AT ANY POINT IN THE DAMN GAME. Not just the 4th quarter. Tebow also has a career QBR of 45 so he's hot, steaming garbage for the other 3 quarters of the game. 45 isn't even in the top 200 for QBs all time.
  6. Trading McCoy to pick McCaffrey is like picking Spiller then trading Lynch.
  7. This got me wondering. Who is our rival? If anything it's moreso jets than any other AFC East team now.
  8. For all the pissing and moaning that happened here about McCoy missing these workouts, a lot of you are in no position to complain about this article. He had public spats about a coach that destroyed a franchise, traded it's cornerstone players for peanuts, and got fired from two franchises in the span of two years. Perspective baby. Have some.
  9. 55 years?? Do you remember the 90s? You must have really hate those guys. Oh and btw, Adrian Peterson, Tom Brady, Ray Lewis, and Peyton Manning all skipped voluntary workouts at some point. NONE OF THEM ARE LEADERS!
  10. A lot of us don't seem to remember how those 90s Bills, especially the great ones, were notorious for skipping voluntary workouts. Short term memory, full term complaining. And he's still the best player on the team and will continue to contribute the most. Feel free not to cheer come September.
  11. I hate this pick so much. What happened last time we picked WR high with a limited QB?
  12. First thing he's doing that I admire. The team needs guys with C's on their chest.
  13. Did you see Kyle miss 3 tackles on Ajayi with the last being the huge one in OT? I swear he's one of those immune guys in Buffalo who we aren't allowed to call out when he has poor plays. Kinda like goal line fumble Freddy. I'm surprised you didn't notice Hughes awful game. No leverage or contain on several big dolphin runs.
  14. His defense didn't stop much of anyone last year because he didn't have all pros at all 3 levels anymore, only 2. Did Cam Newton come with the hire?
  15. More people will band around together and wish well for this guy who has nothing to do with the Bills. On the other hand, the guy on our team who's entire family passed away/got murdered gets caught with weed and we want to burn down his house...Wonder why? Also, can someone fill me in on why this guy is such a great GM? Their first round pick in 2016 is a monster bust so far and he did a great job picking up a guard at #5 the year before. Whoopty damn doo. Don't tell me he did a great job with Seattle because he wasn't GM there. Seattle is John Schneider's baby and he was just on the staff.
  16. If I'm not mistaken do equipment managers and people who do video editing typically get fired when a new coach gets hired? The answer is no. This is a Chip Kelly type move.
  17. He's the nutritionalist and it takes like a 30 sec Google search to see he's well respected outside of football as well. Is an equipment manager changing going to help us win games as well? McDermott just wants to hire his boys.
  18. Getting rid of Dan Liburd is a disgrace. He was a great guy and he's losing his job because our HC feels this entitled. Dan was the guy who trained and guided a blind runner thru the Buffalo marathon. Great job McDumbass. Hearing on the radio they might fire the equipment manager too. Ross Tucker just tweeted "Bills getting rid of the wrong people...".
  19. Literally every expert is saying this is the deepest DB class in 20 years. Now you can take what they say with a grain of salt, but when a load of people who's life work is football say something, you listen.
  20. Yeah we sucked so bad we decided to bench half our quarterback??? Had he played it would've been an 8-8 season.
  21. Was this supposed to be funny?
  22. I do want to point out the parts in this clip where guys are losing consciousness and getting dragged back up to their feet. Makes me cringe.
  23. His skill set didn't fit the 1930s simply because nobody had tried playing that way yet. It's not like the human race is evolving in 70 years.
  24. Drafting a QB too high has burned teams several times. No, that would not make us idiots. Drafting the BPA and then taking the RIGHT QB at the RIGHT spot is what a smart team (hopefully us) should do.
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