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Elite Poster

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Everything posted by Elite Poster

  1. Is this guy ever healthy for a big game? Hurt every single year.
  2. Allen was okay today. He's missing open guys, this could've been a ~50 point barn burner if he wasn't off.
  3. How in the world is Duffs winning. Insane. Bar Bill, Elmo's, Gabe's Gate PLEASE do one of these.
  4. I remember we had a stat with Tyrod where we would essentially never win if down by 4+ points, looking over my NFL game pass today, an interesting stat that was pointed out is the Bills are 2-11 with Josh when down by 10+ pts. That is actually shocking, I felt like we have several come from behind wins with him, but I guess they are only 1 score games. Hopefully this is a result of sample size but it's not an encouraging trend for sure.
  5. When you are at the game and not watching the TV broadcast, the amount of times Sanders and McKenzie got open down field with the ball getting checked down to Beasley was Tyrod level bad. Let's just hope Josh turns the dial back up next week. 5 yards a pass, horrible. He overthrew Diggs too. Had a similar overthrow to Beasley in the preseason game. He needs to clean it up. No more excuses. Year 4, 43M dollars. When Josh plays great, I'm going to be the first one to throw praise, when he's off, let's not make excuses anymore.
  6. Did you watch tonight's game?
  7. Would McDermott have his 43M QB throw at that moment or run twice and kick???
  8. 212. A fight almost broke out between this kid and his friends with an older fan. Same friggin team. Kid kept saying he went to Alabama and just graduated and called us soft because we didn't want to stand and cheer WHILE ON OFFENSE.
  9. Idiot fans in my section wouldn't stop getting after me for saying to be QUIET while we were on offense. It really is just a get drunk and act stupid atmosphere.
  10. They won a ring last year and played for one this year. We haven't made a title game since I was shitting my diapers. Who are we laughing at? Don't be a jabroni.
  11. He throws the ball low quite a bit. If he could get a bit more air under some of his throws guys like Diggs/Brown would get extra yardage. Other than that, B+/A- performance for me, really just the fumbles and some ball placement but if that is his avg game, we going far.
  12. Maybe Carolina but certainly not New England. The hell were you watching? Dallas and Miami was only 3 games. There were 13 other games.
  13. To be honest, who the hell DIDN'T see this coming. So obvious.
  14. Yeah nobody has really dove into it so I have no idea how it's catching steam, but for Will Meade to randomly tweet this on a trading day, he knows people so it might be bad news.
  15. Will Meade just posted in Twitter (stock/investment guy), something along the lines of Fromm say goodbye to your career. Apparently this was just posted online by someone who was texting Fromm. Not confirmed if real or not but the timing is terrible.
  16. Better at what? QB? Nope. Winning games? They haven't been below 9 wins since 2011, we are just now getting 9-10 wins within the same decade. They have been in the playoffs 6 out of the last 7 years. Or are we better something that doesn't effect wins and losses like how often the players go bowling or drinking a lot of beer at a sabres game...don't get me wrong, I believe in team chemistry and good culture but you still have to play and win games. This is something we need to really start getting straight. We are acting like we are THE team after a nice season but what did we really accomplish? Got booted out of the wildcard round twice in three years. Slow down my friend.
  17. Yeah this one was obvious. Chance to play with Russell in a great organization.
  18. It's a regular season award. You don't react to one game. McDermott's name shouldn't have even been a consideration for the choke job in the wildcard round with that logic.
  19. Shady, Sammy, and Reggie Ragland too lol. What a wonky group of former Bills to get a ring.
  20. This KC team came back from down 10 in two straight games. It ain't over until the clock strikes zero.
  21. This whole thread has me laughing my ass off. This is a league MVP who is smashing records that everyone was writing off in a 2 score game with a quarter and a half to go. Clown. Show.
  22. When it comes to coaches aged over 50, they will place more importance on hitting FGs than scoring TDs. Makes my brain hurt.
  23. Nathan Peterman, Jeff Tuel, Rob Johnson, Trent Edwards, and every other garbage QB that for some reason Bills fans fall in love with. The amount of brain cells I've lost debating about useless QBs...Arguing with fools makes me the biggest fool I guess. Maybin was so bad...Totally forgot about him.
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