Really shocking reports out there of Russell Wilson scamming people threw his charity for millions. A lot of info out there. It’s amazing how far Russel Wilson has fallen, I guess people were right he is a true fraud.
$6500 is insane price. Only an idiot would pay that. Facts. Remember that when watching the game on tv in the comfort of your home, all those people you see in the stance are idiots.
The Panthers would hit the lottery if they get CJ Stroud at #9. Can’t see him drop there but never know. I’ll be cheering for the Panthers, hope it works out.
At this point I really feel McDermott is wasting Josh prime years. Someone a week or two ago started a thread about McDermott not having a killer instinct. I agree with that, he is a passive person with tempered emotions. Got to have a killer instinct with a QB like Josh. Need to destroy teams and intimate. McDermott isn’t that guy. IMHO.