Bright spot was the 2 rookies. Kincaid looked smooth and was creating separation easily and Torrence was manhandling dlinemen with power and technique.
I’m going to throw it out there… Beane should get Carson Wentz on the phone for a workout and maybe inquire about Tre Lance as a back if can redo that insane contract….
I’m starting to think all these so called Bills reporters that have been feeding us “camp updates” were all selling us fools gold. Talking up a big game to get views and clicks…. Just a theory. What you guys think?
Just brutal news. Was really rooting for him this year. Hope he can come back from this. I think it’s his not the same knee feom
last year, does anyone know?
Wow that looked like Tommy Doyle’s left knee. I think it was his right knee that was injured last year. The guy just doesn’t have any luck. Poor guy, I was rooting for him. Hope he is ok.