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Everything posted by wppete

  1. https://m.facebook.com/prageru/videos/439573436686430/?refsrc=https%3A%2F%2Fm.facebook.com%2Fwatch%2F&_rdr
  2. Happening right now in China. 3 Million people in concentration camps taken by train. Remember the last time the world saw evil like this??? Wake up people!!!
  3. Black Lives Matter Supporter Wanted For Murder, We MUST Call Out The Worst Wearing an "I CANT BREATH" T-Shirt! People are awake now!!!! Unarmed Black People killed by police 2019 : 10 Unarmed Black People killed by BLM 2020 (so far) : 26
  4. Soooooo Oppressed.... This whole BLM movement has backfired horribly. Compassion for BLM is out the window. Did it to themselves....
  5. The NBA and their star LaCommie James are ok with this!!!!
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