Have been reading up local news and it wasn’t cancer it was a sudden death over night and family doesn’t know why. Pretty shocking and sad. RIP young man. Dawson is a high character guy and I’m sure if there is any info that would help others in a similar situation he would speak and give info the community.
Still don’t understand how a healthy young elite athlete dies suddenly at the age of 22 and no one is asking why and how??? It’s perplexing. Does the family know? What about the school? RIP young man and hope we learn something and don’t allow this to happen again.
Good for him…. I’m sure if Josh wins a super Bowl or two I’m the next few years the Bills will reward him with a redo of his contract and he will deserve it.
He’s a freak of nature that’s for sure and has a nasty attitude. Big fan of Doyle, needs some time to work on Technique under Kromer, could be a solid starter one day at T or G.