"Beane had a tentative deal in place with the Los Angeles Rams for the now-former Bills wide receiver Sammy Watkins ahead of the team’s game versus the Minnesota Vikings last week, but the general manager chose to keep it a secret from his head coach. Yet, interestingly, under McDermott’s watch, the Bills first four passing plays against the Vikings were dialed up for Watkins - which apparently did enough to reassure the Rams on trading for the wideout, as a deal between the two clubs was made less than 24 hours later.
“Interestingly, Beane didn’t tell McDermott about his tentative deal with the Rams before their game against Minnesota,” Peter King wrote after discussing the deal with Beane. “Imagine the Rams’ shock when, on the first four plays of the game on offense for Buffalo, Tyrod Taylorthrew to Watkins. Beane wanted McDermott, in his first game as coach, not to be shackled but rather to be able to use his 90 players the way he saw fit. They didn’t discuss the chance for the trade until after the game."