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Everything posted by Buffalo_Gal

  1. Only if they get reported... and instead of blocking these idjits, I may take the time to report them. It has been ugly out there.
  2. Dana Perino said Trump will stay in presidential suite at Walter Reed which is complete with its own office. There's a presidential suite at Walter Reed? Kudos if you knew this because I certainly did not.
  3. Journalists who work at the White House are testing positive for Covid-19 </snip> Three journalists who work at the White House tested positive on Friday, according to a series of memos from the White House Correspondents Association. A White House staffer who sits in the "lower press" area of the West Wing also received a confirmed positive result on Friday morning. </snip>
  4. Interesting theory: That cnsnews article quotes a CNN article about the drug: As CNN reported on Tuesday, two days before Trump’s announcement that he had tested positive for coronavirus, preliminary test results of Regeneron’s antibody cocktail released earlier that day suggest it reduces both levels and symptoms of the coronavirus. The desired effect of Regeneron’s cocktail is “to trap and shut down viral replication,” CNN reports in its overview of the drug: “A cocktail antibody therapy uses two or more lab-engineered antibodies. Regeneron's cocktail includes a monoclonal antibody that targets the spike protein the virus uses to drill into healthy cells, and another antibody that targets a different part of the novel coronavirus. With two, the hope is to trap and shut down viral replication.” </snip>
  5. I must say that for as unhinged as I think some of the TDS people here are in this thread, they ain't got nuthin' on the ghouls on twitter.
  6. Job growth was not as good as hoped for, but still way up from norms. If California would only open up... Anyhooo... Fox actually wrote the "unexpectedly." Unemployment was not expected to be under 8% for a while when this madness started. So, I guess that is unexpected. 🙂 It showed the unemployment rate unexpectedly fell to 7.9% from 8.4%.
  7. There was a poll some time ago where everyone fell vis-à-vis a political party. It was very interesting how many who post here (fairly) regularly were neither Democrat nor Republican (myself included).
  8. I tried to see if this was posted but the last few pages have been . Anyhoooo.... apologies if this is already in this thread:
  9. Congratulations!!
  10. I cannot believe the amount of people who are not furious with China over unleashing COVID-19 on an unsuspecting world. Their lack of transparency made things even worse. China has much to answer for, the question is will they be held accountable?
  11. From Ann Althouse. She went back to her notes in the 2012 Joe Biden vs Paul Ryan debate. For her it comes down to: Trump was not going to let Biden do to him what Biden did to Ryan. The debate study saw what Biden did, once Biden started the interruptions, that was it for Trump. Chris Wallace not stopping Biden's original interruption (yes, Biden was the first to interrupt) allowed Trump to see how this was going to go. And Trump is a fighter, not a milquetoast. </snip> Biden is being rude, laughing and mouthing words.... Biden mutters an interruption. When Biden is given a turn, he calls what Ryan said "malarky."... Ryan is speaking earnestly... and Biden is chuckling toothily, his body shaking like Santa Claus.... When Ryan speaks, Biden is laughing clownishly again. It looks just awful... Biden is acting as though he cannot physically tolerate Ryan having a turn to speak!... Biden continually interrupts Ryan in a way I find incredibly annoying.... While Ryan is talking... Biden sighs long and loud... Biden interrupts. </snip> Debating Trump, Biden got a big serving of what he dished out 8 years ago. Ryan did a fantastic job of maintaining his cool, staying substantive, and going high when Biden went low. And then he lost the election. I'm sure Biden would have been willing to do what he did in 2012 and be completely rude and irritating as hell once again, but he's 8 years older, and, more importantly, Donald Trump is not Paul Ryan. Trump is Trump, and Trump saw the ultra-polished and polite Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan go down to defeat. </snip> And from the comments: </snip> The precise failure of Chris Wallace is this: Biden starts interrupting and heckling of Trunp's two-minute speech. Wallace does not chastise Biden, and allow Slow Joe to get away with it. So, Trump is faced with a choice -- get trampled (as Ryan did) or interrupt back. He chose the latter, and, alas, you get a messy debate. </snip>
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