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Everything posted by Buffalo_Gal

  1. I "think" it was $25B? But $50B wouldn't surprise me. Still a drop in the bucket over a $2T budget... and fewer costs associated with less illegal drugs, and incarcerating illegal aliens that commit violent crimes at a higher rate , etc., etc.
  2. Good question... Soros still has a few bucks in his bank account after the market recovery, so it wouldn't surprise me in the least.
  3. I am thinking EBT (snap) money running out is where the ***** starts to hit the fan. Who blinks then is the question.
  4. Welp, go look at Jim Acosta's tweet from earlier today. The steel wall (fencing) showed no illegals trying to climb over it, and operational businesses across the road. NO ONE knows how many drugs come across the southern border illegally. They can make a guesstimate, but know for certain? Unlikely. It isn't like the drugs (or people) are being declared at the border. ? The wall will hopefully help herd people to places where they RE more easily rounded up - hard to hide in the desert brush. And maybe more tunnels can be found and investigated? Walls need to be guarded. You do not just slap one up and say "done!". From Hadrian's Wall to the Great Wall of China, walls were still defended after being built.
  5. I would not place bets against this happening. While a lot of RINOs got voted out, and many Rs see the "winning" strategy of holding firm, there will always be some GOPe-squishes hiding under the seats in Congress.
  6. I wonder if there is a California, New Mexico, Texas, etc study that correlates to this Arizona study? (55 pages long) Undocumented Immigrants, U.S. Citizens, and Convicted Criminals in Arizona John R. Lott Crime Prevention Research Center Date Written: February 10, 2018 Abstract Using newly released detailed data on all prisoners who entered the Arizona state prison from January 1985 through June 2017, we are able to separate non-U.S. citizens by whether they are illegal or legal residents. Unlike other studies, these data do not rely on self-reporting of criminal backgrounds. Undocumented immigrants are at least 142% more likely to be convicted of a crime than other Arizonans. They also tend to commit more serious crimes and serve 10.5% longer sentences, more likely to be classified as dangerous, and 45% more likely to be gang members than U.S. citizens. </snip>
  7. How useful are those private lands on the Mexica border at the moment? Can they be safely used at this time by the people or companies that own them? Or are they left barren due to drug trafficking and human trafficking? (IOW is the land too dangerous to use.) "long term environmental concerns" -- you mean like global warming?
  8. It has been suggested that spikes be in place at the top of a steel wall... some say for an added difficulty to get over it, other's say for severed heads as a warning...
  9. Exactly what harm could having a wall in place cause?
  10. I think this shutdown is throwing Nancy for a loop... she is so used to the kabuki theater in which the GOPe pretends to be strong and offer "opposition" to Democratic legislation before they cave in (every stinkin' time) that she is off her game with President Trump. It will be mighty interesting to see how this plays out.
  11. You are too kind. I think he's too stupid to realize he just proved President Trump's point about a wall.
  12. ? That's just wrong. And yes, what I have read and heard from Crenshaw so far points to him as someone who shows real promise. Now let's see if Washington ruins him or not.
  13. I still have my fingers crossed that his spinal fusion holds.
  14. Apparently, fact-checking can show bias? Hmmm And if you are a "progressive" virtual signaling is more important than facts, so let it go, people!
  15. She is pretty, but is she $65B pretty? Jeff Bezos Now Dating News Anchor Lauren Sanchez —Who’s Also Getting Divorced: Sources
  16. Should be interesting to see if Miami's issues were Gase or Tannehill. Time will tell.
  17. I gotta ask... The National Parks are the Holy Ground of the hippy-dippy lot. If you have ever hiked or camped in a national park, you know that not only do you bring out what you brought in, but the hippy-dippy lot will not so gently "remind" you to "pick that up and take it with you" in no uncertain terms if you fail to do so. This shutdown has been going on for a few weeks, but the garbage complaints started the day after the shutdown began on December 22nd. The national parks are generally pretty quiet this time of year - at least for families who might be leaving behind some trash. So my question is: who ran into the national parks the week of Christmas and started leaving behind Reese's wrappers and water bottles? And I am suuuuuure people would prefer barricades. ?
  18. This stat is very sad and what is even sadder that CBS deleted it because it reinforced the claim: CBS decided to help Democrats by fact-checking in real time President Trump's address on the need for a wall. CBS reported, "Fact check: Number of women sexually assaulted on trip to border. "CLAIM: The president claimed one in three women have been sexually assaulted traveling to the border. "FACT CHECK: Between 60 percent and 80 percent of female migrants traveling through Mexico are raped along the way, Amnesty International estimates." None of the "fact checks" CBS left in place refuted the President's claims from last night (you have to add on one of them).
  19. Oh good! So you think the House will give the full $25B and get those extra Democrat Senate votes needed for passage, and reopen the government!? Call your rep and ask for that!
  20. Jumanji 3! They are filming this month and releasing around Christmas... not sure if they can meet the deadline, but I hope they do. Dwayne Johnson ? ?? I'll go see the last Avengers and Star Wars, but I can't say I am excited about either one. And Frozen 2 is the first time I am glad I do not have grandchildren. Frozen was horrible. I am not certain I could sit through a sequel (although Lion King and Aladdin look intriguing!)
  21. I agree it shouldn't be the way either side works. However, it is always the way one side (and sometimes both sides) work. If you are on shutdown, call your local House Rep and Senator and ask them to vote for wall funding. The sooner that thin slice of government money is set aside for border security, the sooner the government can reopen. And while you are at it, ask your House Rep to work on a budget and not just stopgap funding - so federal employees will not be used as leverage again in a few weeks or months when the stopgap spending bill again runs out.
  22. Yeaahhhhh I think we've seen that act before. It ain't working with this President. Give wall funding, then we can "open the government". Why not give wall funding? If they have voted for wall funding in the past (and Schumer has) his only possible reasons to not give it now are: 1) He supports human trafficking 2) He supports drug trafficking 3) He wants to aid and abet illegal aliens 4) He does not care about American citizens 5) He does not care about Federal works and if they are being paid 6) #orangemanbad 7) all of the above
  23. Well, Chuck's Washington phone number is busy (shocking!) so I called his local satellite office. The lady was very nice. I laid in on the human trafficking angle saying "I know there is no way he can support that". Anyhoooo they will ask for your name and zip at the satellite office: Chuck Schumer satellite office.
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