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Everything posted by Buffalo_Gal

  1. Why do you think the air force has luxury planes? For service men and women!? It is for political junkets - including family members. The Brussels stop was probably to off-load most of them to shop and take a train south.
  2. Threatened, doxxed, piled on by the MSM, I hope the kids take him up on his offer of free representation... https://mobile.twitter.com/Barnes_Law/status/1086984625711341568
  3. "Clearly changing his mind"??? What? The news media reported he'd sign it. President Trump did not signal he would sign that bill. In light of everything he campaigned on, best guess is the news media put forth a narrative hoping to either pressure Trump, make him seem weak, or so people could later say "he changed his mind". He told Nancy he had the votes in the House for wall funding (he did) and he'd take the blame (adult in the room, but a mistake IMO). Schumer than did not allow the Ds in the Senate to vote for the bill with wall funding. heh - autocorrect keeps wanting to replace Schumer with schemer.
  4. NO 35-28 KC 35-28 KC - NO Super Bowl (I hope~)
  5. Yellow vests are protesting again today. Last night we had dinner with people who are French-Americans. They were French citizens, came to America legally, and became American citizens. Besides having zero love for illegal aliens, we also got to chatting about the yellow vests. Let's just say with so much family still left in France, they confirmed that there is little love for Macron, the French Government as a whole, or the EU. Neither saw this ending well for anyone.
  6. Another brick in the wall
  7. Questions for you open border chaps: 1) Do you have a door on your house? 2) Do you have walls on your house? 3) Would you (or have you) call the police if someone trespassed inside of your home?
  8. I think his point may be that when your mother is getting beat on, you react and deal with the consequences later - especially when you are 18.
  9. I always thought the $100K in booze from Nancy's Congressional "business" trips was hyperbole. Guess not. (thread)
  10. Hmmm sounds like WKRP episode:
  11. Patek Philippe... or go for something cheaper but more readily known like a Rolex.
  12. Well, that would explain Nancy stomping back to her room to write up articles of impeachment in crayon, and then sticking it on the side of the fridge in the Congressional lunch room for all to admire her work. (I honestly will not be shocked if that is her next move.)
  13. I wonder if Israel knows anything about border security?
  14. Man, people are quick...
  15. Now that Schiff can't fly off to stab Trump and the US in the back in Brussels, maybe he can explain his lies about Ohr's testimony in his memo!
  16. Fox was following the bus around, circling, circling... and Shep (who I loathe) got in a funny: Shadowy figures on a bus, circling the Capitol. Sounds like how the government is run.
  17. For more on that postponed trip... (thread)
  18. Because Jeremy Corbyn is hated. I'm not convinced this whole thing isn't to make Brexit go away and "just stay in the EU" because they couldn't work a deal. The EU wants this to be very, very painful so no other country gets any bright idea about leaving. The £39B ransom they (EU) want is ludicrous, although I am sure they need the £ (and would probably accept €, $ or zł too) to pay for those "awesome" government programs and "refugees" they allowed into the EU. I am not convinced there is the political will for a "hard Brexit" but if they signaled that is really what will happen in lieu of the current rejected "deal", the EU might get a tad more reasonable about the exit.
  19. Trump should reschedule the SOTU... and have it during half time at the Super Bowl ? Nancy P. has left the decision making for the guest list and venue of the SOTU address exclusively in the hands of President Donald Trump - master marketer and showman. Smart Nancy, real smart. I am gonna run out of popcorn if this shut down lasts much longer. ?
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