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Everything posted by Buffalo_Gal

  1. I would like to see exactly how it is written. Some person in Colorado is gonna sue on this and I can't wait to see where it ends up, and how it is resolved.
  2. We need a sarcasm tag or emoji. When I first read your post I thought you were serious.
  3. This is so no Democrat will ever be "cheated" out of the Presidency again. The Constitution is so 1787. But seriously, why would a state want to do this? Anyhoooo the Supreme Court should have fun with this one.
  4. This has been making the rounds. I do not think people in her district care.
  5. This could go in so many threads, but I'll slap it in here... DOJ handed down some indictments against Huawei today: This one for stealing t-mobile secrets: Chinese Telecommunications Device Manufacturer and its U.S. Affiliate Indicted for Theft of Trade Secrets, Wire Fraud, and Obstruction Of Justice This one for money laundering, illegal trade with Iran - starting in 2007 and continuing all during the Obama years: Chinese Telecommunications Conglomerate Huawei and Huawei CFO Wanzhou Meng Charged With Financial Fraud Should be interesting to see how this shakes out with a US- China trade deal.
  6. Mmmmm Adam Levine ?
  7. https://twitter.com/marcorubio/status/1089656112130019329 The U.S. has given control of U.S. bank accounts of the Venezuelan government & Venezuelan Central Bank over to the legitimate government of Interim President @jguaido.
  8. Well, Ann Coulter and he dated in the 90s, so they go way back. Both provocateurs, always saying whatever they can (is necessary) to push buttons and get in the news.
  9. I am in Jamaica right now. Hubby wanted to leave the gated area and I was a tad testy in saying "no". (We are on a cruise.) We've been here for the day a bunch of times. It is poor, there is little to do, but the coffee is superb. The vacation would have to be free to get me to come down and stay at one of the resorts for a week. Note: we did "stuff" the first few times we went to Jamaica, now we just shop for booze and coffee beans and then head back to the ship.
  10. https://twitter.com/ianduhig/status/1088341553905577985
  11. Crime - in one of the threads in this group I posted the link to the stats for illegals in AZ (plain vanilla stats, no manipulations). You can search the forum to find it. It was illegals committed crimes at a MUCH higher rate than citizens (blowing up the narrative that people who break the law to get into the country don't break more laws when they get here *insert eye roll*).
  12. OK, I could not listen as I am out of the country with the world's slowest internet connection... This temporary opening... Is it so people do not get RIF-ed? A bargaining of ... if A does not happen in 3 weeks, B will (B being bad)? Is a resolution close? Anyone mind giving me the Reader's Digest version of President Trump's news conference?
  13. This is an interesting thread: BREAKING: Nicholas Sandmann has hired a Georgia attorney known for aggressive libel and slander suits against media organizations.
  14. Just block (ignore) him. Hover over his avatar and click ignore.
  15. This may have been posted ( I apologize if it was), but if you have not already, read this thread: https://mobile.twitter.com/ThunderB/status/1087883425028157441
  16. I think the people of Venezuela have had more than enough. https://mobile.twitter.com/Barnes_Law/status/1086984625711341568
  17. O.o https://twitter.com/KyleKashuv/status/1087584893817651200
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