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Everything posted by Buffalo_Gal

  1. Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam holds press conference following controversial yearbook photo Link to live news conference
  2. This was one of the ads against Ed Gillespie during the election.
  3. Meanwhile, in France, another Saturday, another day of yellow vest protests: France's Yellow Vest protesters were back on the streets Saturday to keep pressure on French President Emmanuel Macron's government and denounce the large number of people injured in demonstrations they say is the result of police violence. Yellow-vest protests: French demonstrators condemn police violence Even WaPo reported today.
  4. I wonder what Trump's poll numbers would be with an even semi-honest press? Those "national polls" are interesting. The Fox poll was during the shutdown (Jan 20-22). The "top priority" for the wall grew 12%, but "quit/resign" grew 5% too. SMH. They also asked if people were better off than a year prior, most were, but the country was worse off?!? (well, maybe due to the shutdown?) 24% Thought it was a good thing to move away from capitalism and toward socialism!? WTF were these 1000 people surveyed!?!?! The ABC Poll was also done during the shutdown (Jan 8-11). About half the people surveyed think the border is a crisis... among the people who do not want a wall, 48% see it as a serious problem. What in the world do they expect to hold back people from crossing into the United States illegally? Fairy dust and unicorns!? This poll has the shift for a wall at +11 for independents from one year prior. 788 people surveyed, 31% D, 26% R, 39% I. The CBS poll (also during the shutdown (Jan 18-21)) is really screwy... The answers make little sense.... the shutdown isn't worth wall funding, but the Democrats should give wall funding in the budget!? Weighted respondents 277 R (22%) 349 D, (31%), 476 I (43%) The link to the Quinnipiac poll did not work. I wonder if there is a way to get a better sample size? 1K people with Rs under-represented isn't going to give a great representation of the American public's views, especially with slanted push or pull questions. I know internal polls generally do a better job (less of a push or a pull), but no one ever seems to get that data except the person paying.
  5. I am sure some are genuinely offended. And then there are the rest of the people munching popcorn while the Ds and MSM hypocritically try and spin this as "different", or simply eat their own.
  6. I doubt the Democrats care about the will of any voters.
  7. *cough* Things are getting interesting...
  8. He already apologized. Apparently, sorry isn't good enough. As people have pointed out, what a start to Black History Month.
  9. And now... NAACP Calls For Ralph Northam’s Resignatio n
  10. Trump was in real estate. RE guys use other people's money like it falls from trees. I'd be shocked and amazed if President Trump ever took on the debt or deficit spending.
  11. Calls for his resignation are coming in: Rs (of course): Virginia GOP calls for Northam to resign over blackface, KKK robe photo Some Ds: Top Dem super PAC chief, activist group call on Northam to resign And the Lt Governor of VA is black: Justin Fairfax.
  12. The Washington Post is now reporting it .
  13. Not sure what will happen, but WI voters... SMH
  14. (nope) She is wrong? Or (nope) she is correct that it is not a coincidence? Your take jives with some very loud rumors of an app, a couple of guys, and some rough stuff.
  15. Well, tripadvisor likes Buffalo . ?‍♀️ (sorry if already posted, I'm not slogging through 8 pages of "but NYS taxes" and "snow!" ? )
  16. From Fakebook: Cory Booker running for POTUS: 'He can run on a split ticket with Kamala Harris – “Booker and the Hooker”' Ouch.
  17. Well, those layoffs are inspiring some people to get to work (warning: language):
  18. The comments... How many are part-time? How many were government workers looking for a second job? But unemployment was up! My questions for those people ... how come everything was swell under Obama as more people left the workforce, worked two low-paying jobs, and people got shoved onto welfare in record numbers? Why can't people just enjoy the ride and look to better themselves in a growing economy? Apparently, some people are (the unemployment numbers are more people deciding to look for a job as there are more jobs than people available at the moment), but the eeyores really are something else.
  19. ICE set up a fake university enrolling hundreds of foreign students as part of a sting operation * Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents set up a fake university in Michigan that enrolled hundreds of foreign nationals participating in a "pay to stay" scheme in which they could remain in the US, The Detroit News reported, citing a federal grand-jury indictment. * The University of Farmington was not a college but an office pretending to function as one. Hundreds of foreigners paid thousands of dollars to live and work in the US with student visas despite not being students at all, the indictment said. * The indictment said students knew their enrollment in the university was illegal but did not know the school was run by ICE. </snip>
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