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Everything posted by Buffalo_Gal

  1. How Congress and President Obama Made Trump’s Wall Possible Throughout the 2016 election, Donald Trump campaigned for president on the promise that he would build a wall along the southern border. Six weeks after his election in November 2016, Congress overwhelmingly passed a statute—codified as 10 U.S.C § 284—that authorized the secretary of defense to support the “construction of roads and fences and installation of lighting to block drug smuggling corridors across international boundaries of the United States.” On Dec. 23, 2016, a month before leaving office, President Obama signed the 973-page bill into law without any objection to this provision. Today, the Trump administration has invoked this express statutory delegation of authority to do what the statute says: “construct ... fences ... across international boundaries of the United States.” Specifically, the president identified up to $2.5 billion under the Department of Defense funds that were designated for counterdrug activities. This provision does not turn on the declaration of a national emergency pursuant to 10 U.S.C. § 2808, which the president also invoked in a proclamation issued today. Critically, the White House stated that “these funding sources will be used sequentially and as needed.” The “emergency” funds may not be tapped till the other, less controversial funds are depleted. Plaintiffs may not have standing to challenge the diversion of “emergency” funds till those funds are in fact allocated. Through § 284, both Houses of Congress willingly gave President Trump a path to build at least part of the wall. </snip>
  2. The Commander in Chief... which means the President has an obligation to secure our borders. Again, serious questions for the open border crowd in this thread: do you have a door on your house? Do you have walls in your house? Does your house or HOA have a barrier? If someone walked into your home uninvited, would you call the police? If you have answered "yes" to any of these questions why are you against securing our national border against people who would come into the United State illegally?
  3. Yes, and no on the next President declaring a willy-nilly national emergency... there already are a ton of national emergencies. Many presidents have previously declared them. Currently, there appear to be 28 (I know, I know, CNN... I probably should have used wiki as here cnn says 32 ). Declaring a national emergency on border security is within the purview of the executive branch. There are rules and guidelines within which any president can declare one, and the current president must sign to keep current ones going. A "gun" national emergency would end up in court faster than you can say "gun". Not saying it would not be tried, just saying it would end up in court.
  4. A real post in this thread!? ?
  5. I get it - I have tibs, exiled, and a few others (I think the same person on three different accounts) blocked. The disingenuous posts are why. It becomes difficult to read.
  6. Cooler today, high will be 72 but it is only 62 right now. (St Augustine)
  7. You are pretty hard to take sometimes, so I get the block. I do not think you are a troll, simply misguided in many, many, MANY of your beliefs and assertions. If nothing else, you remind me how men may have thought a thousand years ago or so. ?
  8. Boston's Top Prosecutor Ready to Investigate Sexual Assault Allegations Against Fairfax Suffolk District Attorney Rachael Rollins, Boston’s top prosecutor, has announced that she is ready to investigate the sexual assault allegations against Virginia Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax. </snip>
  9. "The number of job openings hit a record high of 7.3 million in December, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Tuesday in a sign of the labor market’s strength." The private sector drove the new record, with private entities accounting for 6.7 million job vacancies — also a record high. The construction industry recorded 382,000 new posts, far more than ever before. </snip>
  10. Trader Joe's has an ancient grains cereal that is really good (I eat very little cereal these days). As a kid? Mr. Wonderfull's Surprize. Best. Cereal. Ever. It was like eating candy for breakfast. My mother would buy two boxes (the chocolate flavor, not the vanilla) on her every other week shopping expedition and we'd have one box gone by the next morning. My siblings and I would be bouncing off the walls - all sugared up - while watching Saturday morning cartoons.
  11. After they take away your guns, they restrict your travel. No one said where those trains will be taking you...
  12. I don't think they'd leak more than a select line or two.... just to prove "Trump doesn't pay taxes!". The man and his company are under constant IRS audit. If he did something disallowed, he (or one of the companies) is paying fines + the tax on those amounts. Real Estate taxes are extremely complex. The average schlump cannot appreciate the complexity. They also cannot understand that Uncle Sam always gets his $$, It may be on a year you "made" nothing but still have to write a huge check (*sniff*), it may be ten years down the road, but the US Government will always get their money.
  13. Being fair, there are media outlets reporting that Robert Francis had a gazillion more people there than President Trump did. It is a misinformation campaign (again). They are also not reporting about this (see tweet) ie the entities that organized (and paid the attendees) at the Robert Francis ralley:
  14. He should give up one of his homes to house the poor. Walk the walk, not just talk the talk.
  15. Or simply trying to save their political skin and/or careers?
  16. Staffers to Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax resign following second sexual assault allegation Two of the three government staffers to Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax and two employees of his political action committee resigned following news Friday of a second sexual assault allegation against him. </snip>
  17. Appeals court rules Trump can build border wall Liberal panel shoots down environmentalists' challenge A federal appeals court ruled Monday that the Trump administration has the power to waive environmental laws in order to speed up border wall construction, dealing a major symbolic blow to the president’s opponents. The three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which President Trump regularly likes to chide as too liberal, sided with him this time. The judges said federal law gives the administration broad powers to waive any laws in order to get the wall built. </snip>
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