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Everything posted by Buffalo_Gal

  1. Because airplane travel isn't horrible enough... (thread)
  2. Because that's what this election cycle needs is another run by the Cryptkeeper.
  3. When we moved onto our street, the answer was no ... but my son was one of three kids on the street, and he turned 18 the next month. ? The street has turned and all the original owners are now gone, replaced with younger families with children who bought the homes. There are now quite a few children living on our street and they all seem to play outdoors. There are also a lot of backyard pools that get used (we hear the laughter and shrieking sometimes when we go for a walk), and the community pool and tennis courts are always in use during nice weather . Bikes abound. Apparently, video game use + "structured" playtime is on the decline.
  4. I did my part tonight!! ?
  5. I'd go! Well, I don't need to go with Josh Allen, but I am always up for a wine tour, glass of wine, heck a few bottles... ?
  6. Within the story is the link to the report. Story link. </snip> On election night, Herrell declared victory in the race to represent New Mexico’s 2nd Congressional District. But as more votes were counted, Torres Small secured the win. The roughly 3,500-vote victory for Torres Small—out of about 200,000 cast in the southern New Mexico district—relied heavily on absentee ballots from Doña Ana County, the largest county in the district, including the Las Cruces area. </snip> Torres Small, 34, who was sworn in Jan. 3, replaced retiring Rep. Steve Pearce, a Republican who was re-elected by 26 points in 2016. The House seat has been held by a Republican for all but one term since 1968. Donald Trump, the Republican nominee for president, won the district by 10 points over Democrat Hillary Clinton in 2016. </snip> “This is suggestive of the possibility that someone was submitting absentee ballot applications for Democrats and those deemed likely to vote for Democrats,” the report says, adding: Also consistent with potential absentee ballot-application fraud is the apparently high rate of applications rejected for incorrect Voter ID or for submitting duplicate applications, i.e., where the same voter purportedly applies twice for an absentee ballot. </snip>
  7. Matt Simms hand looks awful.
  8. ? McCabe may want to shut his yap and lay low rethinking this "national tour". Graham vows to hold hearing on McCabe's "stunning" 25th Amendment comments Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said he will hold a hearing about comments made by former Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe about an apparent discussion of the possibility of using the 25th Amendment to remove President Trump from office. In an interview with "60 Minutes" set to air Sunday evening, McCabe said Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein raised the issue shortly after the firing of FBI Director James Comey in 2017. The 25th Amendment provides a process for removing a president who is "unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office." </snip>
  9. The Jussie Smollett case will go before a grand jury early next week, according to a new report. Law enforcement sources tell TMZ that a panel will hear the case, but the outlet didn’t elaborate on who is facing charges — or what they might be. </snip>
  10. We'll see. To me, it has been fairly apparent that President Trump wants Congress to do its damn job!! If he has to pull an #orangemanbad to get them to do it, and people call that 4D chess, so be it.
  11. Actually, it is a great analogy! The windows make it a perfect analogy... there are going to be smaller, tighter spaces where people have to work harder to get in, can be monitored better - just like on windows - bars, hurricane glass, an alarm system, or a gun for intruders would make entry more difficult, and the shattering glass would make it obvious someone tried or was entering... alerting you to the entry - which makes for better policing. And the question you skipped is... if someone entered your home by breaking in, would you welcome them, or call the police? If you would call the police, why is it a-ok to allow someone into this country illegally? Why shouldn't they be removed from the country as an intruder would be removed from your home? "Building the wall" is an excellent idea. It is a permenant fixture. That means the next Democratic President will have a difficult time removing it (imagine the optics of removing a border wall, and how could it possibly be explained? We want more drugs, sex slaves, and illegal voters!? Yeah, that would go over well.) The next Congress will pay with their seats if they vote to remove it. Once in place, it stays. And that is why people against a barrier wall are "open border people" whether or not you want to admit to it. Walls work as a deterrent. You wouldn't have one around your home if they did not work. Good fences make for good neighbors. Large walls and barriers make for great allies. ? BTW, the "mob thinking"? Go back and look through recent history. The money has been voted for in the past. (The political will to carry out the plan has been lacking.) Past Presidents have said for years (since Carter) we have an open border crisis. If 40+ years of "we have an issue" is mob-think, well you and I have very different ideas of what the term "mob think" means.
  12. She's Johnny Bravo. (If you missed it, the explanation was a few pages back. If this was rhetorical, er, nevermind.)
  13. I can't believe the MSM didn't report this! ( ? I crack myself up sometimes)
  14. This is a good thread on "where the money is coming from" before a nickel of the "emergency money" is touched (although he does say "begin" when the wall/barrier has been already started):
  15. Forgive me if they seemed rhetorical, they were not. They were meant to be introspective. If you answered yes to any/all of those questions, how can you (open border people) be opposed to a wall/barrier at our national borders? Trump declared a national emergency to get things done faster. There is (approximately) $21B available to build a wall/barrier, and even the 9th circle ruled in the administrations favor for eminent domain. President Trump released this yesterday: Statement by President along with a buncha other White House statements you might be interested in.
  16. Twitter yanked it (REM bitched and got it taken down at the source). Trump reuploaded it (there is new music, not as funny as before)
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