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Everything posted by Buffalo_Gal

  1. Hard to get upset at a man who uses his training to kill ISIS. Remember the Swiss Guard protects the Pope (they look so cute in their little outfits, and unlike some military are not squeamish about having their photos taken when on guard at the Vatican). This man clearly takes threats against Christianity very seriously. I'm not certain how his actions equal his being a coward. I am not certain how his "sentence" means the Swiss Guard are cowards. Unless that is, your word choice was simply meant to provoke or troll?
  2. I think it is pretty clear they are running her entire life. I wasn't kidding when I called her Johnny Bravo. She simply fit the suit (dress, skirt, etc).
  3. I scrolled through her twitter feed looking for her "hit back" tweet, but apparently, she deleted it. (Her twitter feed is now filled with how great the new green deal is. ? The ex-Bernie Bros running her life certainly have an agenda.) Conservative group claps back at AOC with new Times Square billboard
  4. The human trafficking angle on this is horrible. If these women (I read they were over 18) do not want to be prostitutes and are forced into this against their will, then these men are basically aiding and abetting. If these women do want to exchange money for their sexual favors, IMO they should be allowed to (yeah, yeah, against the law, don't care... if they have a commodity they want to trade for payment, and the keywords are "they want to", they should be allowed to). But come on... doesn't Bob Kraft have a mistress or six? Doesn't he have a private jet to fly up some woman that wants to be paid handsomely for er, servicing him? And doesn't he have "people" who can find whatever kind of kink he's into and set him up after vetting those women? Can't he fly to some country and get whatever kind of kink he's into where it is legal? And finally... he's 77!!?? Those little blue pills must truly be magic.
  5. I have no idea how you smoke coffee beans, and have no desire to learn. ?
  6. Have fun and drink lots of coffee! We were there last month and apparently there was fire in the fields a few years back, and prices have gone way up. We still managed to buy six pounds.
  7. How to train your dragon... but not at the show. I'll wait for video.
  8. Lol Trump 404 page "error".
  9. Well Dr. Tom, I can tell you I've had an allergic reaction. I thank goodness my doctors did not consider it bull#### and actually treated me for what was a life-threatening complication. ? I'll cross your name off my list of recommended physicians when you get your MD.
  10. Allergic reactions, don't work, bring on the disease, etc. There are reasons which may be specific to an individual's reaction to the vaccination. For many (most) vaccines are a path to a longer, healthier life. For some, they simply do not work (hence the CDCs "almost never" because it does happen, and so do allergic reactions to vaccines (again, in spite of the "almost never")).
  11. I get why people don't want vaccines. Heck, I've had mumps and whooping cough and been vaccinated against both. Does it lead to autism? No idea, I'm not a scientist. I did have my son vaccinated though because (IMO) most vaccines do more good than harm. Saying that, I am never gonna ever get another flu vaccine. No way, no how.
  12. Unfortunately, I am not blowing this out of proportion. Those boys will have this following them always, through absolutely no fault of their own. (And the brother and his wife can never get back their wedding day.)
  13. What's the price for being 16 and attacked by the MSM in a false smear? What If any of the lunatics that DID threaten those boys with death due to this false narrative succeeded? What does the brother (and his now wife) of one of those boys deserve for having their wedding ruined by protesters- from a false narrative? What if one of the lunatics maimed or kills one of the kids or their family in the future? What if employment is impossible due to this ginned-up false narrative? What if the college of choice becomes impossible due to this false narrative? (I got more, but I'll stop... my point of this being "too much money for what was suffered at the time" is shortsighted.) These boys are minors and private citizens, and were verbally attacked and lied about by a complicit press. Their attorneys asked for a retraction and apology. When they did not receive one (some members of the press complied), those that did not retract and apologize were sued. If i were on the jury I'd award a whole lot more than $250m for knowingly ruining a life - especially when a public apology and retraction could have made the lawsuit go away.
  14. How much is your life worth? These kids are young. There will always be people that remember the narrative, not the reality of the situation. It will follow them throughout their lives. Now, if they end up winning a ton of cash from a complicit press for smearing their good names, well, that may change the narrative. And maybe, just maybe, it will stop or slow down the mob mentality of our MSM to smear people unjustly.
  15. I don't know what this says about me or this forum, buuuuuttttt... Hubby and I were wandering through the City Market in Savannah yesterday and I saw this and had to take a photo to share. I think you all have corrupted me. ?
  16. VA Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax rape accuser Meredith Watson: “I’m willing to testify in public” “Despite every attempt to shame me, I am not ashamed. It is Justin Fairfax who should be ashamed.” </snip>
  17. He's done... Jussie Smollett's 'scenes on Empire have been cut and show writers are scrambling to fill in the gaps' amid 'hoax' attack scandal </snip>
  18. I didn't know where to plop this:
  19. States can now dictate how federal funds are allocated?
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