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Everything posted by Buffalo_Gal

  1. My gwad, the responses to that thread. TDS really is a disease.
  2. Whew, thank goodness. I was putting it down to user error. Now, I can blame the board software!!
  3. That original, dated, WikiLeaks Tweet was making the rounds again today. But hey, never let the facts get in the way of a good narrative! And for some reason, I couldn't delete that first tweet to put the focus on the second tweet that I was commenting on. Did you use some kind of gorilla glue on it, @Deranged Rhino ?
  4. Wow. You have a very different opinion of him than I do.
  5. I'm not certain that "you're a racist" works anymore for anyone, except the MSM. "You 're a racist", and "you're a racist", and "you're a racist" have made what was once a huge insult that truly took people aback, into "meh". But when it is the only slightly bent, very tarnished, barely being held together with twine, arrow in your quiver, I guess you gotta take aim and hope it hits something.
  6. You should have just done her eyes as your avatar. ?
  7. He should have declined this "invite". Things have gone from bad to worse for him.
  8. Ok, so I missed this shitshow today and am catching up on the low lights. 1) I did not know Cohen was a Democrat. 2) Why do people say an attorney was a "fixer" like it is a bad thing? What exactly do people expect attorneys to do if not legally "fix" things for them?
  9. None of the "regulars" down here care if you double post a link, @B-Man - sometimes articles work for multiple threads (especially now that some of the giant threads have evolved and grown from their original subject lines). Personally, I'd rather have something good posted twice rather than not at all. ? I think that a sock-puppet or paid-opp is probably correct for the weirdo that came in with insults blazing, and would hope you do not give any credence to the original "complaint".
  10. This has got to be a tough one for the "those jobs aren't coming back" crowd:
  11. I'm posting it here just because many (myself included) think most current-day feminists are batshit crazy, doing women little good, and much harm. This interview goes to the "transgender" males taking over women single spaces, as was mentioned above in sports. This woman was punished for pointing out that biology is male and female. Julia Beck weighs in on the trans debate and the argument against trans people in female-only spaces after she was ousted from a Baltimore LGBTQ committee over her views.
  12. I read Jim Acosta crying tweet about having to move out of his hotel yesterday, this is apparently why: They are all whining...
  13. If you pull a string...
  14. Well, ABC covered it probably not expecting this:
  15. Exclusive: HSBC probe helped lead to U.S. charges against Huawei CFO An internal investigation by HSBC Holdings PLC into Huawei Technologies’ connections to a suspected front company in Iran found that the Chinese telecommunications equipment maker maintained close financial ties to the firm years after purportedly selling the unit, documents reviewed by Reuters show. </snip>
  16. We finally lost power about 10 minutes ago. ? We got a whole house generator after the October Surprise, so we still have lights, heat, and internet.
  17. Deep state too.. EXCLUSIVE: DOJ Prevented FBI From Pursuing Gross Negligence Charges Against Clinton
  18. Sounds like a Jurassic Park movie waiting to happen.
  19. Need to lose a few pounds, and teeth, huh?
  20. I am still not used to the "new" Lindsey Graham. I keep waiting for him to revert back to his McCain brain.
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