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Everything posted by Buffalo_Gal

  1. Worked for Joe Biden with her Hubby. Biden made it to VP. ?‍♀️
  2. Someone has been reading her own press. She will be lucky if she is reelected. I wonder why Nancy allows her this, and then I can't help but think that AOC is a squirrel for the Dems while some other shenanigans are going on behind the scenes. But Ocasio-Cortez reportedly took it a step further. She said she would help progressive activists unseat those moderates in their districts in the 2020 elections, the report said. Her spokesman Corbin Trent told the paper that she made the "list" comment during the meeting.
  3. Yes, and no. It is always good to have a lot of voices to form a consensus and "get things done" (I am assuming what is getting done is beneficial to society, but that is probably Pollyannaish). Which means that the voices need to have differing opinions, slightly differing opinions, and the same opinions, and be willing to work within those differences to form a cohesion; a goal. What we have now is a buncha people on the left whose main cohesion is #OrangeManBad. Which is of course, stupid and does not work as a "common goal" for many Americans. The political parties should have a platform. The goals of the platform should be what the party works toward achieving when in power, or what they (majority and minority) work on by crossing the aisle and getting the other side to support their goals. Does that always work? Of course not. But it is a good idea in theory and worked fairly well until #OrangeManBad. Now, some of the R house flipped seats to D from 2018 didn't happen because #OrangeManBad voters, it happened to get rid of the DNC RINOs. Basically, addition by subtraction via the "retirement" and who was running in their place. (When people ask why didn't XYZ happen with a House and Senate majority the first two years of the Trump Presidency... you don't think all Republicans got on board the Trump Train, do you!? There was a certain faction that was (and probably still is) working against him.) So circling back... the purpose of belonging to a political party (IMO) is to join together as a unit to work to a common goal. When all members of that political party are not sold on what the common goal is, chaos and/or gridlock may occur. You'd like the people in your party to want to achieve the common goal. The time to vet them, if before they run.
  4. There needs to be a "stupid police calls" thread. ? This is truly dumb (but funny) thread
  5. This thread is interesting. What is most striking is this: "6) Assuming Rushing, Murphy and Readler are confirmed next week, Trump will have exceeded Reagan's circuit judge total during RR's first term (34 v. 33)." Judges. And it is only year 2 of the Trump administration. If this keeps up, lawfare, as the Democrats know it today, may very well be a thing of the past.
  6. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s campaign may have illegally paid her boyfriend </snip> “It is totally legal, as a candidate, to hire family members, people you know to work for you. But they didn’t do that,” said Attorney Dan Backer. “Instead of paying him directly, they paid him through an intermediary — in order to obscure the fact that they paid him. The FEC should investigate and find out if that’s the case. That’s the allegation,” Backer added. </snip>
  7. I'm so old, I remember when having hired an illegal alien in your distant past as a nanny, au pair, or housekeeper, your political career (elected or appointed) was over.
  8. ? ? (he has more videos on his Facebook page) People are crazy, and you need a high tolerance for stupidity to be a cop.
  9. It will be interesting how it plays out in court.
  10. Because this will be "affordable": New ‘Medicare-for-all’ bill would largely outlaw private insurance
  11. Do you honestly think Schiff is going to be indicted for anything the slimeball has done?
  12. I swear I think of that every single time I see one of his tweets!
  13. Ohhhh is this thread bringing the TWS people down to PPP?
  14. Doesn't that need like 2/3 of the states to ratify or something?
  15. I did! I did! Oh wait, I didn't vote for President Trump. (I left the line blank, in NYS I had that luxury.) Why I think he won: 1) Not Hillary 2) Not part of the DC "elite" Ummm that's all I got. I'd vote for him in 2020 because he has exceeded my wildest dreams as a President, but in NYS it doesn't usually matter who I vote for if it isn't a D. Who knows, maybe it'll be like Reagan and NYS will have regained some sanity? I do not even want to consider what this country will be like if one of the DNC Clown Car Occupants wins.
  16. Episodes. Hilarious, the scripts said more about Hollywood than many were probably comfortable with, and Matt LeBlanc was fabulous in it (he won a Golden Globe). The supporting cast was great.
  17. Something about giving someone who owns a media conglomerate (well, stock in such) regulatory concessions in exchange for good coverage to Bib. And same for a newspaper (different ownership). The other one was gifts he shouldn't have received. I have not been following it much either, but my husband was up in arms about it this morning. Not sure if the AG is the same party or not (sounds like not - which could explain this, but I may be wrong).
  18. Awww I hope it is not true. I like Bibi, and I think he's been good for Israel.
  19. Yeah, I don't think Margaret Jr is gettin' re-elected. He'll be lucky if he finishes out his term. Political Scandal Worsens for Canada’s Justin Trudeau Former justice minister says prime minister’s top aides repeatedly pressed her to drop the prosecution </snip>
  20. It is gonna be the high school trans on er, steroids.
  21. I have not found this to be true. At all.
  22. Facebook Insider Leaks Docs; Explains “Deboosting,” “Troll Report,” & Political Targeting in Video Interview
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