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Everything posted by Buffalo_Gal

  1. Here's the complaint filed against CNN:
  2. My husband makes some terrific soups - some of my favorites that he makes are his chicken wing soup and stuffed banana pepper soup. Out at a restaurant? French onion or she-crab soups. BTW, I've noticed men like soup a lot more than women... true?
  3. I never considered that. It would put a completely different spin on plea deals and trials and possible convictions.
  4. I'm ready for some new teams at the top of the AFC, and the Bills and the Browns have wallowed in mediocrity (to put it kindly) long enough. I hope all these moves work for both teams, well, especially the Bills. ?
  5. So what happens to all of them? I never thought anything would happen to Obama (and am frankly amazed any testimony leads back to him). I know many of these players will end up indicted - convicted depends on the venue (#OrangeManBad is real in DC and NYC - not certain that the prosecution can get convictions there), and how clearly the prosecution can lay out the case against them. Does no impeachment "he's not worth it" have anything to do with keeping Obama's name as far out of the MSM and this horrific scandal as possible? As for the rest of them... they are *****. Really and truly. Plea deals or trials? I suppose it all depends on how loyal they are to a past administration. Plea deals is accepting their punishment in (relative) silence. Trials would be... a circus. The rest of this year should be interesting.
  6. I don't think people are going to be laughing at the Browns anymore.
  7. Gang Green is not a happy place right now.
  8. Wow. That is an excellent thread. Some people are going to jail. The question at this point, is for how long?
  9. THEIR kids? Oh honey, you need to expand your horizons and get the facts.
  10. With the follow-up, looks like hard Brexit it is!
  11. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wants to pass sweeping tax hikes on the wealthy, but the freshman lawmaker might want to take care of her own unpaid tax bill first. Brook Avenue Press, a company she founded in 2012 to publish children’s books in The Bronx, owes the state $1,870.36 in corporate taxes, public records show. </snip> “This is the first we’re hearing of it, and we won’t have any additional comment until we look into it,” Ocasio-Cortez’s spokesman, Corbin Trent, said Saturday. Brook Avenue Press was set up to “develop and identify stories and literature in urban areas like New York, specifically communities like The Bronx,” Ocasio-Cortez said in a YouTube video posted in October 2011, months before she filed incorporation papers for the company in July 2012. </snip> Ocasio-Cortez was featured on the city’s website for the incubator, and The National Hispanic Institute named her a social entrepreneur in residence. “You see a huge return on your investment here,” a 22-year-old Ocasio-Cortez told a reporter in July 2012. “People pay $500 an hour for consulting that we get for free by the water cooler.” </snip>
  12. Way to win friends and influence people. ?
  13. The HOV toll roads (high-occupancy toll lane only) are becoming more and more prevalent down south. It is a toll road... a fee is paid in order to drive on a road. You choose to use an alternate road (even if it is on the same route) so as to bypass the toll road. The fines are usually egregious if you do not pay with some sort of ez-pass to drive on that particular road lane (peach, sun, epass, ipass, ez tag... whatever the state issues and/or uses in conjunction with other states). I have yet to see one that is a plate toll in an HOV lane, hence the big fines for non-payment.
  14. Here's the Georgia tolls list (again, apologies for wiki)
  15. I'm not sure where you live, buuuuttttt... there are tolls everywhere - even if just for bridges (if not the roads). Yeah, it is wiki (sorry about that), so take all the info with a grain of salt: Toll Roads, United States (35 states) Toll Bridges - this list is absolutely not complete. I just paid a few more bridge tolls in Florida a few weeks ago that are not on the Florida list (41 states) Tunnel Tolls
  16. Whoa, whole lotta ? in that post. I think I'll grab some ? for the inevitable crash and burn.
  17. I wondered why you let me play down here! Whew, just make it.
  18. I believe he'd become the thread owner again, allowing him to again change the thread title to something stupid having nothing to do with the original topic.
  19. They'll all leave. Or dump and run. ?‍♀️
  20. Hard Brexit coming? Short term pain for a return to England's sovereignty (instead of being "governed" by unelected officials in Brussels)?
  21. Every time I see it I am like "I thought I blocked him", then I realize who @Warcodered isn't.
  22. No one implied it was. I've stated frequently that the EU is making it as painful as possible for England to leave so no other country gets any bright ideas about leaving the EU fold. My voter comment is directed toward parliament where it has long been suspected that May and her government do not want to leave, subverting the Brexit vote from the voters in her country.
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