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Everything posted by Buffalo_Gal

  1. Federal court panel dismisses appeals over Justice Kavanaugh misconduct complaints </snip> Apparently... Justices of the Supreme Court are not subject to a code of conduct or disciplinary process like lower federal judges.
  2. They were monitoring PresidentTrump (campaign) months before the FISA warrant, using foreign intelligence assets: Methinks Georgie P is gonna keep drippin' and pointing things out: Edited: he deleted this tweet it said: Three days after my initial FBI interview, Bruce Ohr is talking about "his guy" not being outed (I told and volunteered info to the FBI about western intelligence asset Mifsud discussing emails during my first interview).
  3. People were all over Twitter immediately blaming Trump. The original link to the manifesto was taken down (you can find it here). These people are horrible, horrible human beings. The manifesto reads part sarcasm, part crazy, partly as if multiple people (voices?) wrote it. It also blames a lot on Europe. The talk of the US is mostly about a US civil war. The writer very much likes China.
  4. This guy has a few tweets about the SPLC (columnist for Alabama paper) https://mobile.twitter.com/Josh_Moon he said/she said/ they said going on. If I had to guess, it is probably about the money more than anything (let's get rid of the old guy and spend those donations (and offshore accounts) our way).
  5. It is striking how few people read below the headlines, certainly no more than a paragraph or two. And that is why the MSM can get away with so much... they know people do not read. It is very distressing.
  6. The 70s fashions, hairstyles, and make-up were not good looks. SMH. And the keep trying to bring that ugly back again.
  7. Soooo the SPLC today announced it fired one of its founders... supposedly for discriminated against his black colleagues. Southern Poverty Law Center fires co-founder Morris Dees and SPLC Co-Founder Morris Dees Fired, Outside Audit Ordered </snip> "Effective yesterday, Morris Dees’ employment at the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) was terminated," SPLC President Richard Cohen told The Montgomery Advertiser in a statement on Thursday. "As a civil rights organization, the SPLC is committed to ensuring that the conduct of our staff reflects the mission of the organization and the values we hope to instill in the world. When one of our own fails to meet those standards, no matter his or her role in the organization, we take it seriously and must take appropriate action." </snip>
  8. Do you have any idea what "the deep state" references?
  9. She lives to fight another day. Now she has until June 30th... no idea what is gonna change that the EU is willing to "give". Listening to the politicians yap on the way out, some are still hopeful for an earlier BrexIt.
  10. They agreed to delay article 50 extension with the EU. 412 yes, 202 no
  11. No second referendum on BrexIt. Now voting on delay.
  12. Peter Strzok's testimony to Congress (June 27, 2018). Oh this is the private testimony, 312 pages long.
  13. It isn't much of a secret. Whether it will be widely reported is another issue. He was 26, and he called it "poor judgment". Police reports detail Beto O’Rourke’s 1998 DWI arrest </snip> State and local police reports obtained by the Chronicle and Express-News show that O’Rourke was driving drunk at what a witness called “a high rate of speed” in a 75 mph zone on Interstate 10 about a mile from the New Mexico border. He lost control and hit a truck, sending his car careening across the center median into oncoming lanes. The witness, who stopped at the scene, later told police that O’Rourke had tried to drive away from the scene. O'Rourke recorded a 0.136 and 0.134 on police breathalyzers, above a blood-alcohol level of 0.10, the state legal limit at the time. He was arrested at the scene and charged with DWI, but completed a court-approved diversion program and had the charges dismissed. </snip> He did declare this morning. He supports the new green deal.
  14. Top Mueller Prosecutor Stepping Down In Latest Clue Russia Inquiry May Be Ending </snip> The departure is the strongest sign yet that Mueller and his team have all but concluded their work. </snip> He's gonna go teach in NY (shocker). He's not going back to the DOJ --- his choice? Or "asked" to not return? Apparently, while he was at the DOJ during the 2016 election he was part of the chain of custody of the Steele dossier.
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