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Everything posted by Buffalo_Gal

  1. You are not the first that has noticed this. They are hiring the dregs of the earth, and who those they aren't paying simply seem to enjoy participating in pillaging and looting. Buncha sickos.
  2. Molested in this case means raped.
  3. So with all the right people squealing, complaining, and issuing threats over this, does this actually have some teeth?
  4. So, how much money is it worth to you to see the Secret Service arrest Cuomo for threatening the President? And psssst, Andy, he is called the "Commander in Chief" for a reason.
  5. You might be interested in this thread for those answers.
  6. Twitter has been funny as heck on this: How long until she blames the Russians? If I'm going down for getting a haircut, it better be a good haircut. According to the Constitution, she is 3rd in the line of succession. She thinks she is the Hair Apparent. I sincerely doubt this moves the dial in her district or with her donors, but it will upset a lot of women who do not (did not) have access to a speak-easy-hair salon. Will they hold it against other Democrats? 🤷‍♂️ But, when my mother said to me the person she missed most during lock down after my father was her hair stylist ... yeah, millions of women missed their hair stylist more than just about anyone else while on lock down.
  7. The B word set me up!? Yeah, that'll work.
  8. Hey now, don't let this thread slide off the rails.
  9. Cuomo was honest here: "The media is not your friend."
  10. Duelling threads. What next?
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