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Everything posted by Buffalo_Gal

  1. I am pretty sure that the yellow vests started off as a grassroots movement. I am also fairly certain they have been "infiltrated" by paid agitators. Who is funding those agitators? Welllll I have an opinion *adjusts aluminum foil chapeau* Do I believe that paid agitators enjoy the same benevolence as grassroots protestors? If they are peaceable, certainly. If they are not, no. I firmly believe people should have a right to protest peaceably. In my opinion, it is a tenant of "free speech" (the French have freedom of expression but things are getting worse, not better over there - you are probably not aware of this, but my MIL and BIL were French citizens before becoming American citizens. Hubby has loads of relatives there, and we get to fly into Nice later this year... where this protest took place. While we are not completely up to date on the yellow vest movement, we are more aware of it than the average American might be.)
  2. Soooo she asked for it? She shouldn't be allowed to protest without the expectations of a cracked head? I'm not sure where you are going with this, but it doesn't sound like anywhere I want to be.
  3. That we should all allow globalists to take over our countries, dictate to us, take away weapons, hope, and dreams, and not be allowed to complain about any of it? Yeah, hard pass on that.
  4. I looked for a Blagojevich thread but the only one I could find was in OTW from 2009. I figured with the players, I could slap it in here. This was the 2016 article where they started the process: Judicial Watch Files Lawsuit against Department of Justice Seeking FBI Interviews with Obama, Jarret, and Emanuel Relating to Criminal Investigation of Former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich
  5. Macron under fire for saying incident that badly injured 73-year-old ‘Yellow Vest’ lady hopefully taught her a lesson </snip> Macron, who was in the area Sunday for a meeting with visiting Chinese President Xi Jinping, told the Nice-Matin newspaper that he wished Legay a “speedy recovery, and perhaps a degree of wisdom”. “When one is fragile and risks being shoved, one does not go to places that are declared off-limits and one does not put oneself in a situation like that,” he said. </snip>
  6. There is a reason Trump is hitting Schiff right now, just as there was a reason he was hitting McCain last week. The gloves are off and the counteroffensive is gonna be a beatdown.
  7. Whatever this is, it is getting slammed. I keep getting a timeout.
  8. I don't think he can resign. And this noise will only make him a "hero" to his constituents. I think @DC Tom's idea that he will be quietly asked to not seek reelection in exchange for not being charged may very well happen. I guess will we know if that is a possibility in the coming weeks - will the Rs double down and keep pressing? Will Schiff shut the ***** up!? Popcorn time indeed.
  9. Isn't that only on the floor?
  10. link!? link!? link!? Is he yapping or is someone actually calling him out on his stupid?
  11. Hey @Hedge could you take some of the links dropped that fit the topic at hand and add them to your original post? This thread looks like it is gonna devolve for a while, and that way someone interested in the topic can easily access the information in the first post. Thank you for considering my suggestion. ?
  12. I hope he doesn't. Because then I'd have to root for Tom ***** Brady, and that might make my head explode. ? ? ? But in all honesty? It would be hilarious because über liberal Boston would vote for him. Just thinking of my family pulling the lever for a line other than D makes me laugh out loud.
  13. Hmmm healthcare, healthcare, healthcare.... watch Tucker Carlson's opening tonight. Healthcare was the signaled talking point from Nancy on Monday, and healthcare was the pivot Tuesday (and continued today) on CNN and MSNBC. Apparently, some here got the message.
  14. She's Johnny Bravo. A manufactured media sensation brought to you by a buncha ex Bernie-Bros. She is young, cleans up well, and can memorize her lines. She gets in trouble when she tries to continue a conversation past the talking points she has learned. If she brings in money to the DNC she'll be "allowed" to continue with her act. If she costs the DNC (or more importantly, her fellow Congressional members) money, she will have a very short tenure in Congress. The Amazon debacle she was blamed for didn't make a lot of monied people very happy. There have been whispers that her seat will be one eliminated in NYS after the 2020 census numbers come in, or that she will be primaried from within. I am pretty sure Nancy has already made a decision on what will happen in 2020 (and beyond), but maybe not.
  15. Before the records are sealed, CPD releases some the records on this debacle. This was via a FOIA. "Our requests for video, including bodycam, surveillance, and interrogation, was denied." Chicago Police Department's complete investigative file of Jussie Smollett case
  16. Twitter: Sharyl Attkisson Twitter: Margot Cleveland Twitter: William A. Jacobson (Legal Insurrection)
  17. AOC was running around "warning" people after this vote. SMH Oh, and ouch
  18. I do not know where you are located, but.. a vet teaching hospital can be an economical alternative (like Cornell, Gainesville, etc). They have the students as lackeys (so free labor) and the graduated vets taking care of the animals. The vets that are working on specialized advanced certifications (neurology, oncology, etc) are already veterinarians who are working on the advanced specialty under vets who are their teachers and who are well qualified in the specialization. Good luck to you and your doggie. We lost our little pooch last fall after his long, long battle with a horrible disease.
  19. US embassy pressed Ukraine to drop probe of George Soros group during 2016 election </snip> It turns out the group that Ukrainian law enforcement was probing was co-funded by the Obama administration and liberal mega-donor George Soros. And it was collaborating with the FBI agents investigating then-Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort’s business activities with pro-Russian figures in Ukraine. The implied message to Ukraine’s prosecutors was clear: Don’t target AntAC in the middle of an America presidential election in which Soros was backing Hillary Clinton to succeed another Soros favorite, Barack Obama, Ukrainian officials said. “We ran right into a buzzsaw and we got bloodied,” a senior Ukrainian official told me. </snip>
  20. Link to story A former Senate aide charged with doxxing Republican senators and extorting a witness reached a plea deal with federal prosecutors in Washington after his wealthy and well-connected family brought in experts to talk about his mental health and the private supervision they could provide him. A judge signaled that Jackson Cosko had allegedly taken large quantities of sensitive information from the Senate, but banned media from hearing the details. A hearing had been scheduled for Thursday, but on Tuesday, the court canceled it and indicated that a deal had been struck behind the scenes. A plea agreement hearing, where the deal is to be officially signed, was set for April 5. </snip> “I own EVERYTHING,” Cosko told a Hassan aide who caught him in the act, according to prosecutors. “If you tell anyone I will leak it all. Emails, signal conversations, gmails.” Information revealed in court since then suggested that might not have been a bluff. U.S. District Judge Thomas Hogan on Jan. 24 said Cosko allegedly possessed terabytes of information, including Senate data so sensitive that it could not be discussed in open court. “He downloaded more information than was originally understood. There is no combination of conditions that could ensure the safety of the community,” Hogan said in December 2018. </snip>
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