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Everything posted by Buffalo_Gal

  1. Looks like "only" $35B pretty
  2. The last few years have been so *****-up it has been very difficult to recognize The Onion as parody.
  3. Well, this is as good a thread as any to post this in. (Searching "twitter" in PPP ain't easy. ) GOP Senator Puts Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey on Notice: Time for a 'Third-Party Audit' of De-Platforming Policies </snip> "In light of these events, and in view of Twitter’s history of de-platforming conservative voices, it is time for Twitter to open itself to a third-party audit of how and when the company enforces its suspension policies," Hawley wrote. The senator, who has been a vocal proponent of investigating big tech companies, said that conservatives who advocate for the "dignity of all persons, regardless of size or age" are used to being treated unfairly by corporations. "But platform companies like Twitter are supposed to rise above that partisan nonsense." Hawley reminded Dorsey of his 2018 commitment "to serve the public conversation” by “defending freedom of expression as a fundamental human right” at Twitter. Social media platforms have been given a "sweetheart deal," according to Hawley, which includes "immunity from liability for illegal content posted by third parties." They were given special consideration, he said, because they promised to provide "a forum for a true diversity of political discourse.” </snip>
  4. Ignore is your friend. Start with Tibs, everyone does!
  5. U.S. Jobless Claims Fall to 49-Year Low, Below All Forecasts Filings for U.S. unemployment benefits unexpectedly fell, dropping to the lowest since December 1969, as the labor market tightened further. Jobless claims decreased to 202,000 in the week ended March 30, below all economist forecasts, Labor Department figures showed Thursday. The four-week average, a less-volatile measure, declined to 213,500, the lowest since October. </snip>
  6. You are not going to get a coherent answer out of that one.
  7. Beto looks like a thumb with teeth.
  8. Considering they won 6 last year, were 2 plays away from winning 8, and the offense was, er, offensive... I'm going with 10-6 and hoping for 11-5. How that shakes out? No idea. But, hope springs eternal when you are a Bills' fan.
  9. Not lookin' good for the faux Indian... Elizabeth Warren Loses Finance Director as She Struggles in Early Fund-Raising On a Sunday afternoon earlier this month, Senator Elizabeth Warren began a swing through the South by proclaiming that she was running “a different type of campaign” — one that did not include high-dollar fund-raisers but was entirely reliant on grass-roots contributions. “If you think that’s a good idea, go to ElizabethWarren.com,” she told about 500 people at a town hall-style event in Memphis, adding: “Pitch in five bucks, do whatever you can.” The next morning she woke up to some news about a surge in small-dollar contributions, but it wasn’t for her: Former Representative Beto O’Rourke had raised $6.1 million in the first 24 hours of his candidacy. It was another blow to a candidate who has spent the first months of the Democratic presidential primary campaign seeking to distinguish herself from the field: </snip>
  10. Yes. Better insurance that was less expensive. In NYS, we were "winners" for the first year as prices went down (NY and NJ went down a bit across the board year one, all other states had rises in health insurance costs). However, I could no longer buy the same insurance I had prior to Obamacare. It just didn't exist. It was considered to be a "Cadillac" policy, so poof! gone! Since Obamacare, I've only had the same policy once (for a two year period). Every other stinking year it has been a cluster***** of getting new insurance as the health insurance industry has played around with what is profitable for them, and what is not. We now pay more for health insurance than many people make in a year. That one year decrease was absolutely not worth it as we now pay exponentially more than we did prior to Obamacare... for crappier insurance.
  11. Jim Morrison was a very, very, very attractive man. There is no way he could be overrated based on that alone. He was smokin' hot.
  12. You have no idea how many times I've thought this over the last 10 years.
  13. She probably shouldn't have used the money to divorce her brother, but on the other hand, she shouldn't have married her brother in the first place. (That makes my skin crawl.) Omar facing campaign finance probe Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., the controversial freshman House Democrat, is soon to learn the results of a probe into her campaign spending as a state lawmaker in Minnesota, Sinclair has learned, with authorities there having recently completed their investigation and preparing to issue rulings in a pair of complaints Omar faces. The complaints were filed last year, while Omar cruised to election to the House of Representatives, by a Republican state lawmaker, Rep. Steve Drazkowski. In referring Omar to the Minnesota Campaign Finance Board, Drazkowski alleged that Omar improperly spent close to $6,000 in campaign funds for personal use, including payments to her divorce attorney and for travel to Boston and Estonia. Drazkowski's filing of the two complaints followed an earlier episode in which Omar repaid $2,500 for honoraria she received for speeches at colleges that receive state funding, a violation of ethics rules for Minnesota lawmakers. </snip>
  14. I put this in the Mueller thread too. So much belongs in both ?
  15. Not shocking. Someone either paid or ran a bot script for the Titans. They were too far down, and came up too quickly at the very end, for it to have happened any other way,
  16. If this is true, that policy may end soon... Link Jared Kushner: One statistic that I found very pleasing is that, in Florida, they passed a law that former felons can now vote. We've had more ex-felons register as Republicans than Democrats and I think they see the reforms. Laura Ingraham: Woah, woah, woah ... You've had more ex-felons register as Republicans than Democrats? Jared Kushner: That's the data that I've seen. I think that will surprise a lot of people.
  17. Substitute margaritas, that is what I do. ?
  18. Welp, this is on the Hill. It was known in more right-leaning circles, but this on the Hill? Verrrrrry interesting. First "creepy Uncle Joe" gets highlighted, now this. I am ordering a new tin foil hat because things are just gettin' started. Joe Biden's 2020 Ukrainian nightmare: A closed probe is revived </snip> But Ukrainian officials tell me there was one crucial piece of information that Biden must have known but didn’t mention to his audience: The prosecutor he got fired was leading a wide-ranging corruption probe into the natural gas firm Burisma Holdings that employed Biden’s younger son, Hunter, as a board member. U.S. banking records show Hunter Biden’s American-based firm, Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC, received regular transfers into one of its accounts — usually more than $166,000 a month — from Burisma from spring 2014 through fall 2015, during a period when Vice President Biden was the main U.S. official dealing with Ukraine and its tense relations with Russia. The general prosecutor’s official file for the Burisma probe — shared with me by senior Ukrainian officials — shows prosecutors identified Hunter Biden, business partner Devon Archer and their firm, Rosemont Seneca, as potential recipients of money. Shokin told me in written answers to questions that, before he was fired asgeneral prosecutor, he had made “specific plans” for the investigation that “included interrogations and other crime-investigation procedures into all members of the executive board, including Hunter Biden.” He added: “I would like to emphasize the fact that presumption of innocence is a principle in Ukraine” and that he couldn’t describe the evidence further. </snip>
  19. Whoever put together that Rachel Maddow montage ? ?
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