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Everything posted by Buffalo_Gal

  1. You'd think they'd have had a better plan in place than shrieking the same tired lies. It became pretty evident to me a year ago where this was headed, so if I could see it, how did the DNC and MSM (BIRM) not have a better contingency plan for when this all went sideways? These people are in the know. SMH I am disappointed in them. They should have had a different set of lies all T-ed up and ready to go.
  2. People have been saying for years he may have saved the republic. It is difficult to disagree with that assessment.
  3. That is simply.... there are not words. ^^^ ok, i gotta stop trying to remove tweets.
  4. It is killing these people. You can see them shrinking before your eyes.
  5. Trump just said, "No collusion, no obstruction. There never was, there never will be. We have to get to the bottom of these things. This should never happen"... "this should never happen to another President again... this hoax should never happen again" That is what he just said at the Wounded Warriors speech, and now he's on to the speech.
  6. Could go in the Russia thread too, but I am hoping after today that thread is dead: Australia Says It's "Ready To Confirm" A Key Meeting That Led To The Investigation Into Trump's Russia Links Heavily-redacted documents released to BuzzFeed News show Australia's former high commissioner wrote a three-page cable to the United States about his London meeting with a Trump campaign adviser. </snip>
  7. Hey now, that $10,000 in Facebook ads could have changed one vote. Probably not two votes, but one was possible.
  8. I found that very odd myself.
  9. Gettin' tougher all the time as it is being debunked daily. Imagine what is going to happen with the indictments!? Wow. The crisis hotlines in America are gonna be overloaded.
  10. They are nuts. No collusion was said over and over so there was no mistaking that there was NO COLLUSION! Our media ... they never miss a chance to show what a buncha idiots they are.
  11. Yeah, he just spent 25 minutes knocking down the narratives. The spin should be epic! ... along with the Democratic and MSM (BIRM) tantrums.
  12. And now he's done. Wow, Barr does not suffer fools gladly.
  13. All the questions are narrative questions, and Barr is smacking them down like flies with a fly swatter.
  14. The President's lawyers did not request any redactions... Another narrative shot down
  15. White House voluntarily cooperated with the SC... That's gonna hurt a few narratives.
  16. Welp, "no collusion" seems about right. Did NOT have the cooperation of President Trump, or the Trump campaign...
  17. How come these guys are always late? Spoke too soon! And we're off!
  18. Weekly jobless claims: 192k (actual) vs 205k (estimated) March retail sales: 1.6% (actual) vs .9% (estimated)
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