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Everything posted by Buffalo_Gal

  1. Earnings and data could be proof that slowdown fears were overblown </snip> According to Refinitiv, 74% of the companies reporting so far have beaten expectations. Based on forecasts and actual reports, earnings for the S&P 500 as a whole are expected to decline 1.7%, the first negative quarter in three years. Some forecasters had projected an earnings decline of 4% or more. The equivalent of the economy’s first-quarter report card will be released Friday, with the first reading of GDP. The outlook for first-quarter growth has suddenly shifted upward, after a series of better data releases later in the quarter. CNBC/Moody’s Analytics Rapid Update survey shows economists’ median forecast is now tracking at 2.4%, way above the 1% expected earlier in the quarter, when severe winter weather and the government shutdown were stifling the economy. </snip>
  2. "Appear". Ummmm wow. With all the work that investigation did, it appears (haha) that may have been a bone tossed to the Russia crowd? To put people off the real DNC email hacking trail? Mueller knows better and for some reason is obfuscating? Curiouser and curiouser.
  3. Under the bus you go! Kim Foxx's chief ethics officer, integrity unit director resign following Smollett controversy Two ranking executives inside the Cook County State’s Attorney's Office have submitted their resignations — including State’s Attorney Kim Foxx’s chief ethics officer, April Perry, whom Foxx cited as the person who advised her to “recuse” herself from the Jussie Smollett case that has rocked the Chicago office, Fox News learned Thursday. </snip>
  4. I was reading that the Italians plan on handing him over to the US, but have found no confirmation of this. Would not surprise me. That tweet from the other day shocked a lot of people, so if they are admitting he is alive and they knew where he was... Anyhoooo things are about to get interesting!
  5. I was reading an attorney on another site who was trying to explain "intent" to people. This explanation is simple and easy to understand. I "think" a lot of what Mueller did in his report was "corrupt", and cannot disagree with this assessment. However, Mueller passed on some findings to the DOJ which opened other probes. Wouldn't that part - the FISA abuse, etc be redacted in this report as there are ongoing investigations dealing with it? I'm not trying to make excuses for Mueller (believe me, that is the last thing I'd do), just asking.
  6. I stick up for you a lot, but I swear ... sometimes you are just trollin'. There can be no other explanation.
  7. My siblings and I went to a Catholic school. My father and aunt each taught for 35+ years. At dinner this evening I asked my niece how school was going (she's an ESL teacher). She said they have started looking for private schools for her daughter. The daughter is two... no way is she going to a public school. I could never have homeschooled; I'd have killed my son (that is not as much hyperbole as you may think). He went Catholic/private from preK-12. We chose private knowing he needed someone to sit on him (the typical smart but unmotivated, he'd rather have been playing a sport). So, going back a lotta years, I would not send a child to public school, and that was while my father was teaching in the system!! And while he was teaching in the system, he would not send his kids to public school, and that is going back even more years. I can only imagine it is worse today (and I live in a "desirable" school district).
  8. The mosque fire was in a guard's room not in the mosque. It was put out with a fire extinguisher.
  9. The first rule of holes... These people truly are stupid. This coup did not go as planned, so make sure to keep it alive with hearings, and in front of the American public. Makes perfect sense to me.
  10. My SIL cooks. We could be eating almost anything during the game and I wouldn't care because I'm not the one that had to cook it. Saying that, the turkey legs idea is fabulous! My mother is most unhappy when we are watching football before and after dinner (little does she know this year it will be during too). The turkey legs, bleu cheese, celery and carrots for dinner might just push her over the edge. I'm gonna suggest to my brother and SIL that we do it! ?
  11. I think when the leaks stopped things got tough for the DNC. But even still, the source documents available to "everyone" told the tale. I honestly cannot believe no one had a back-up plan (regardless of how snarky my original thought came out).
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