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Everything posted by Buffalo_Gal

  1. #twoweeks i jest, but things are starting to roll now. Everyone can see this snowball starting to pick up speed, and the reports, declassifions, and indictments will be happening soon.
  2. Wow. I was pretty sure Bruce was still on and cooperating to save Nellie from being charged and incarcerated. Guess not.
  3. Was this posted somewhere? Nellie Ohr's 'Hi Honey' emails to DOJ about Russia collusion should alarm us all
  4. I block a lot of people when I see this extreme ridiculousness. I block a whole lot more people than I follow.
  5. Round 2: Leahy: Australia Barr is going to supervise the dozen+ investigations that are ongoing. President could terminate proceedings under Constitutional Authority (not corrupt intent). Durbin: trying to blame Georgie P. and a "hack". Again, Australia. "according to news reports"... holy cow. They are still using "news reports" as legit sources. Shithouse: this man is mind-numbingly stupid Klobuchar - Ummm is she running for President? Wow I think it is funny how Barr puts his hand on his cheek and leans. Makes me wonder if he is suffering the fool, or if he is bored, and if it was conscious or unconscious on his part. Blumenthal - Barr: "Bob, what's with the letter?" ... "Concerned with how the media is covering this"...Mueller did not feel Barr was inaccurate, the press was. (Then he basically dismisses Blumenthal by reading while the dope is asking questions.) Asks for the notes, and Barr says "No" and "Why should you have them?" LOL I cannot believe these dummies came BACK for round 2... like they covered themselves in glory during round 1. O.o Cut your losses people, and STFU! And there goes 4+ hours of my life. {curtsy}
  6. "Great! Bring @KamalaHarris @amyklobuchar & @maziehirono in to “bat cleanup “. They are lawmakers I could watch all day!" O.o Holy *****. That HAS to be a bot. No one, and I mean no one, would want to be subjected to those three. Hirono is borderline ######ed. The other two are simply partisan hacks who continually try and deflect and instead sound like stupid liars. Bots, for the sake of humanity, that account better be a bot.
  7. Cruz: Wow. He's masterful. Truly. Ooooh, he touched on the wire, but it wasn't expounded upon. I don't know about that. It would have to be egregious and completely refute everything Barr has said to this point. Graham was pretty much tough-titty-said-the-kitty-when-the-milk-ran-dry when asked about calling Mueller and continuing on with this farce.
  8. No surprise. And since Lindsay Graham said, "We are done" that means, we are done. And now, it is the Trump-side's turn. It ain't gonna be pretty.
  9. Crapo: "When did the DOJ and FBI know that the Democratic party paid for Christopher Steele's dossier, which then served as the foundation for the Carter Page FISA application." Barr: "I don't know the answer to that." Crapo: "Uhhhh are you investigating to determine that?" Barr: "Yes." Then Crapo (man, how did he get elected with that last name!?) asked if the DOJ/FBI was investigating before July 2016, and again that is under investigation. Basically, this section was all about leaks and ongoing investigations.
  10. Tillis: "The legislative leaders have access to all except for 1/10th of 1% of the report." (Again, those numbers do not back up the "BARR IS HIDING SOMETHING!!" screams from the Ds and MSM.) T: "Since when is the special counsel in the business of exonerating the subject of an investigation?" B: "They are not." T: "They are not. So why would somebody put something like that in the report?" (I do wonder about that too. And why did Barr put the sentence in his summary?) Scope of OIG (Horowitz report) is focused FISA and further back.
  11. Hawley: "Spying on the Trump campaign and spying on Trump." Methinks the Dems are going to be sorry they had a hissy-fit over the word "spying". Blumenthal: "Will you recuse yourself from those investigations?" Barr: "No!" LOL (I had to fast forward through him, he's a complete idiot) Holy *****, Mazie Hirono is a stupid *****. Cory Booker: I just couldn't do it.
  12. Sasse: wow. I doubt all of that is shown as a clip on the news. Was he smacking DiFi around on the sly vis-à-vis her Chinese spy driver? LOL "How sleazy this city is".
  13. I wasn't going to bother watching the afternoon's testimony, then I saw this (longer clip on CNN) and laughed out loud. I think I need to go find Part 2.
  14. I have to go out, and wow am I grateful for that. I listened to Whitehouse, that is enough stupid for one day (week, month, year).
  15. House Judiciary Committee votes to allow staffers to question AG Barr. (Fox broke in with that vote)
  16. Now Mike Lee is up. He's also pounding the same things, Clinton, FISA warrants, etc.
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