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Everything posted by Buffalo_Gal

  1. Critical race theory in the federal government is now over (it was an Obama executive order that got the ball rolling, so Trump issued a different executive order):
  2. From the photos, that is what it reminds me of. Very sad.
  3. Note that this was the last date possible.
  4. Added bonus is that their cars were impounded too:
  5. Hey, no judgement here. Whatever floats her boat.
  6. Maybe she sees herself more as Eleanor Roosevelt than a traditional First Lady? 🤷‍♂️
  7. I wish I knew what these motions meant in practical terms. Will this be over soon? Can Sullivan drag it out until November 4th? If Gleason also has agreed to file his brief by the 11th, is this done on September 11th?
  8. So while this seems gross, I had a conversation with my hair stylist's assistant last month, and she was the first that mentioned to me that kids wearing masks to school (her son is 6) would swap them. I never even considered that. I am assuming it is those under 10 (maybe 12), but yikes.
  9. No matter how much the media wants to smother this story, I do not think it is going away.
  10. I have been calling it elder abuse since the beginning. No one will change my mind on that determination.
  11. This is not a gaff. This is some sort of cognitive failure (some form of dementia, I do not know which form of dementia):
  12. Is @Alaska Darin done down here?
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