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Everything posted by Buffalo_Gal

  1. After watching Mulan, the mood was probably even grimmer (the animated version is my favorite Disney movie, the live action was dreadful. Oh well, 30 bucks to live and learn.) "People only care about themselves," is an interesting conclusion to the lock down protests. But, if it makes her rethink supporting the looters and rioters, that is good.
  2. Can you imagine their internals if they are already coming up with excuses for why they lost? And Russia is only believable to their hardcore base who only read headlines and have no idea how to read reports. I wonder if the House is in play?
  3. I agree with that. I moderated a few very large boards many years ago. I had to be very quiet on my thoughts and beliefs in order to do that job well. Anything I posted I had to decide whether or not it could be considered biased to X or Y or Z. It does get tedious. Moderating is a difficult, thankless task, whether compensated or volunteer. I do not envy anyone that position.
  4. And there is a reason for that. Hapless has the ability to give me a time-out for disagreeing. Now, I am not sure Hapless will do that, but I have had posts that contradicted that thread's narrative deleted, soooo 🤷‍♂️ why continue when only one type of article is allowed?
  5. Judge bans Detroit police from using batons, gas, chokeholds on protesters — for now A federal judge late Friday temporarily banned Detroit police from using batons, shields, gas, rubber bullets, chokeholds or sound cannons against Black Lives Matter protesters . U.S. District Court Judge Laurie Michelson partially granted a temporary restraining order Detroit Will Breathe sought when it sued the city of Detroit on Monday, alleging that police were using excessive force to stop them from exercising their free speech rights. The order will be in effect for at least 14 days and forbids police from using force without probable cause. </snip> The city has until Sept. 18 to respond to Detroit Will Breathe's request for a preliminary injunction that would extend the ban granted in the temporary restraining order. Michelson scheduled a meeting on Sept. 22 at which she is hoping both sides can "agree upon protocols to govern their conduct during the pendency of the litigation. </snip>
  6. Good thing schools do not indoctrinate. Spencerport High School assistant principal:
  7. This is hilarious. Apparently, it is going viral today: On AUG 22, 2020, a violent #BlackLivesMatter mob swarmed the Trump Unity Bridge in Beverly Hills. The Trump Unity Bridge responded to #BLM with a DANCE OFF to their unifying theme song MAGA / YMCA!
  8. My data has been posted a number of times. Please do some digging into this forum. 🙂
  9. That is why I said the rating should be interesting. Are they following the money? Time will tell. If the ratings are up, they followed the money. If the ratings go down (down significantly), they blew it. We shall see.
  10. 1. I do not care what the athletes say/do on their own time, provided it is legal. Can you "protest" while working at your job? Could you force your employer to allow you to "protest" on the job? Or, should your job be a place of work and dedication to that job when on the company's dime? The NFL has spent decades trying to build themselves as pro-American with the armed forces, singling the National Anthem, etc. They have not allowed anything on uniforms that was individualized - heck, they would not allow the Dallas Cowboys to put decals supporting 5 fallen police officers on their helmets. Brandon Marshall could not support mental health issues. DeAngelo Williams could not wear pink all season in honor of his mother who died of breast cancer, and was told no (and this is with the NFL having a pink-month!) Now, suddenly, "protesting" on company time is a-ok? The ratings should be interesting. 2. Feel free to rationally, reasonably, and unemotionally express your viewpoints. 3. The framers of the Constitution were pretty smart guys. You are never going to see a popular-vote election.
  11. Fox runs negative Trump stories 52% of the time. Not sure how that means they are pro-Trump. (You can search this group for the link to that 52/48 number. I have posted it a few times.) You may not be as independent as you think if you consider Fox news pro-Trump. I loved, loved, loved Bill Clinton. Over the years, I have found out more and more about him and his administration and have come to er, not love Bill Clinton. It has simply been a matter of reading information as it becomes available. W - weapons of mass destruction. I cannot say I hated him though, nor did I admire him. He did some good, and did some bad. I could not stand Obama from Day 1. He was running against Hillary in the Democratic primary (who I wholeheartedly supported), and I saw him as an empty suit. Nothing I have read (in supported government documents) will ever make me think well of a man who spied on Americans, sicced the IRS on his detractors, and knew fully about the soft-coup against President Trump and did nothing to stop it (I suppose that is one thing I think well about him for... I do not believe it was his idea), was a good President, or a good person. Trump? If the media was even semi-fair to him (90%+ negative stories... and since Fox accounts for 48% positive stories, that must mean CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS are close to 100% negative) I would be willing to listen. But, since the press has been an arm of the "deep state" and Democratic party since he was elected? Nawwww. He has not been perfect, but for a political neophyte? He's been darned near close. Heck, peace in the Middle East? Whoddathunkit? How much coverage has the "msm" given that?
  12. Canceling red state ad buys is not major to me. Where that money is being redirected to could be major. I know Minnesota is one spot. Where else?
  13. Trump calls Black Lives Matter a 'symbol of hate' as he digs in on race <<< CNN, notice how they conflate small and big b even within that title. Bunch of news sources based on this tweet: Trump rips athletes kneeling for anthem, calls Black Lives Matter a 'Marxist group' - part of a Fox & Friends interview The first six pages of google have that first one over and over and over again. Apparently, the news organizations thought his denouncing Black Lives Matter was a bad thing so they wrote copious articles about it. If you dig further, you may find more. I was unwilling to spend more time on google.
  14. Would that even be possible? Early voting starts in less than two weeks in some states. There would not be time to get another name on the ballot, would there?
  15. My husband lived in Manhattan for many years, and was living there when we met. While I never minded visiting, I danced across state when he decided to go in a different direction with his career and we didn't have to live there.
  16. If he won (he's running against AOC) it would be must see TV every time he gave an interview:
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