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Everything posted by Buffalo_Gal

  1. Why would a 149 page thread you do not "mosy into" make you think or believe something contrary to what you do now? Why would you be anxious to close down a discussion that does not fit with your views?
  2. "Pushing" an agenda? I call bull####. Why? He tagged me once in the Q thread for something relevant that was happening at the time. I stated I would not be pulled into the Q thread as I consider it to be woo-woo. End of discussion. No one "pushed an agenda" onto me to get me to stay in that thread, to engage in a discussion about Q... no one even challenged my beliefs. If he is "pushing an agenda" by simply respecting someone's stated wishes to not involve them in a subject or topic, he's doing a piss-poor job of it. (pushing an agenda) (Note: I tried to search for my response in that thread, but it must have been too long ago for the board's software to find it using the board's search function.)
  3. I am not interested in Q myself. That does not mean other people do not find it worthy of discussion. I simply stay out of the thread. Why rain on someone else's parade because it is not my cup of tea?
  4. Not it, but thank you for posting this clip because Trump is correct on that point (leave the decision to each person on the vaccine, do not become anti-vaxxers to "spite" Trump). If I find it, I will post it.
  5. Here's a crazy idea... stay out of the Q thread if it is not your cup of tea.
  6. haha He just told the British guy (I think he's British) "you sound so clear" and then the camera showed the man without his mask.
  7. LOL I want the clip about Trump calling Kamala unlikable. (presser)
  8. Someone at the presser asked Trump about the Durham "report." Trump named Biden and Obama as spying on his campaign. I have to wonder how often he will be asked about Durham after naming names and laying it out like he is doing.
  9. Trump just said (presser) the feds have arrested over 1K people.
  10. The Trump administration wants him here, the deep-state has him buried in the UK. 🤷‍♂️
  11. Simply because he is a reporter does not mean he's not allowed to meddle in politics. However, because he is a political reporter (Chief Washington Corresponded for CNN for those who do not know), it does make him a player if he is meddling behind the scenes. That would make him a dishonest reporter with an agenda. Which makes anything that comes outta his mouth dismissable and slanted. JMO. Tapper did deny it to Grenell. IF it did happen, there has to be some sort of paper (pixel) trail. I wonder if that will come out?
  12. Jake Tapper Attempted to Convince GOP’s Sean Parnell to Run in Different District than Against Democrat Conor Lamb CNN anchor Jake Tapper tried to convince Republican Sean Parnell to run in a different congressional district than in Pennsylvania’s 17th, where he is currently challenging Democrat Rep. Conor Lamb (D-PA), sources familiar with Tapper’s actions told Breitbart News. Parnell, a rising GOP star who spoke at the 2020 Republican National Convention (RNC), served as a U.S. Army Ranger Captain in the so-called “Outlaw Platoon” for 485 days on the Afghan-Pakistan border. Lamb won a special election in 2017, the first year of President Donald Trump’s administration, which eventually paved the way for Democrats to retake the House majority in 2018 in the midterm elections. His seat is one of 30 such districts nationwide where Democrats currently sit but that Trump won in 2016. For the GOP to retake the House majority in November, the Republicans need to flip just a net 17 seats — so this district is critical to Democrats remaining in power. It also will, given the intensity of the race between Lamb and Parnell, likely have an impact on the top of the ticket contest between Trump and Democrat presidential nominee former Vice President Joe Biden. </snip> Also, this is interesting: (goofed with the partial tweet)
  13. And people wonder why Trump tweets? The "msm" is obfuscating, distorting, and downright lying about President Trump and the Trump administration almost constantly. The projection on the WaPo tweet is astounding.
  14. 1. Who said I am white? I am definitely not a conservative. 🙂 2. I have called you names? I am "blowing snoke?" M'kay.
  15. Apparently, he's a real charmer. He went on my ignore list. 🙂
  16. Very nice. Onto the ignore list you go. 🙂
  17. Hubby was just telling me Jake Kumerow's father, Eric, was the big star QB at his high school (he was a few years ahead of Hubby) in the Chicago area. I asked Hubby, "quarterback!?" and he said, "yes." (Eric Kumerow later played LB/DE in the NFL.) Eric's grandfather (Jake's great-grandfather) was a Chicago area ... ummm ... mobster.
  18. I think we all expect splashy, disinformation media campaigns several times per week between now and November. They are just flinging poo at the wall and hoping something sticks. After four years of poo-flinging, you'd think they'd come up with a new shtick.
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