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Everything posted by Buffalo_Gal

  1. IMO it would be difficult. The regulars here know who is a troll or a troublemaker. If you are not reading or participating in PPP fairly regularly, it is difficult to know the players. What happens is like in football, it is not the instigator that gets caught, it is the one responding to the instigator. FWIW, I have read a lot of people lumped in with the likes of Gary. I realize all ignore lists are personal, and it could be due to a terrible exchange with someone, but while I have a large ignore list (IMO) someone like Alf is not on it. I may disagree with him politically, but he is not a troll, troublemaker, or mean.
  2. Shocker Declassified doc National security surveillance court finds FBI regularly does not follow rules The largely secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court identified 'widespread violations' concerning improper searches for information on American citizens </snip> The pattern was revealed while searching through emails that were gathered without a warrant, according to a December ruling declassified Friday. Additionally, the ruling stated that despite identifying "widespread violations" by analysts conducting these searches, a judge still approved the warrantless surveillance program for another year. Outlined in a heavily redacted, 83-page document, the ruling was part of the regular certification process for the use of surveillance techniques enabled by Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). Those techniques included the warrantless surveillance program that allows the government to collect emails and phone calls from noncitizens abroad even while they are communicating with Americans. </snip>
  3. What has been fairly obvious for the last two months:
  4. Oh, I do not doubt Trump is why Biden received a boatload of money- probably not for the reasons you think, however. How was Biden’s money bundled? Was it large donations? Why will no one show-up to see/hear Biden speak?
  5. Because “I know what you are, but what am I?” discourse does not further the discussion. Honestly? The trolls are not solely to blame. Their schtick only works with a participating audience. No audience? No participation? They either get bored and go away, or talk to themselves. It also takes about 12 seconds to identify a sock puppet. We are not dealing with the masters of disguise. Again, ignore function. Is it tedious? Yes. Will it make for a better sub-forum? Hopefully. Note that I say trolls. I do not mean people on the other side of the political aisle who do engage in substantive arguments. Listening, engaging, and discussing both sides of any argument makes for great debate.
  6. 1. Use the ignore function. 2. If you choose not to use the ignore function, do not engage. That is all. 🙂
  7. So, after I posted Joe's "fundraising" numbers the other day (try and keep up @transplantbillsfan you're several days behind) I posted this and no one had an answer. I will ask again, how does a guy who can't get 12 people to attend one of his functions "raise" that kind of dinero? 🤔 It does make me wonder...
  8. Facebook will not take new political ads a week out, but they are allowing the #fakenews networks to spread whatever stories they put out (wanna bet the anti-Trump ones are amplified?!?) Because everyone knows the major "news" networks are totally fair, balanced, on the up-and-up and have no agenda. Facebook is claiming the ads need to be submitted by October 27th to run. The politicians can front load them. This is a softening of the original ban considered. All this is of course to "stop the spread of misinformation." Uh huh
  9. Just because you consider something a "conspiracy theory" does not make it a conspiracy theory. Simply because you deem something not worth the read, does not mean it is not worth the read. Simply because you are offended by looking at a thread topic or discussion does not mean others are offended, does not mean the topic should not be discussed, does not mean the thread should not exist or be deleted. I cannot decide if you truly do not understand that your beliefs might not be other people's beliefs; that other people are allowed to have beliefs other than yours, or if you are being disingenuous. Suppressing speech and ideas you disagree with is not a good thing. (People are gonna place bets that you are Democrat if you continue on in this fashion. 😉 ) And once again, since you are having a hard time with this: because I think Q is woo-woo does not mean other people think that way. It could turn out that Q ends up being spot on, and I was wrong. I would never want discussion about Q silenced because I do not intend to enter the discussion.
  10. He's something else. Take a look at his posting history down here. I put him on ignore. He's clearly .
  11. I am beginning to question if you are literate. This might help you. Asking again a different way ... Why do you want to shut down a discussion (the Q discussion, specifically) because you disagree with the premise? Ok, I see this has been clarified. So, you do not want the Q thread closed. You do not "mosy" into it. So, why does the existence of the Q-thread bother you? You have deemed it a "conspiracy theory" so that makes it wrong somehow?
  12. Disingenuous to the core. SMH
  13. Question 1: Question 2: Shut down the Q discussion. Asking again... why do you want to shut down the Q discussion simply because you disagree with it?
  14. Can you read? Again I ask you... why are you trying to shut down a discussion you simply disagree with?
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