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Everything posted by Buffalo_Gal

  1. Heck of a job, Andy. Like many others, we are now looking elsewhere to live (not Florida, been there, done that, too hot for me).
  2. Could you imagine if the payments were ever traced directly back to the Biden campaign? 💣
  3. * Chinese authorities have told major media outlets not to cover Walt Disney Co's release of "Mulan", in an order issued after controversy erupted overseas over the film's links with the Xinjiang region, four people familiar with matter told Reuters. * No reason was given in the notice, but the sources said they believed it was because of the overseas backlash over the film's links to Xinjiang. * Starring big-name Chinese-born actors - Jet Li, Gong Li, Donnie Yen and Liu Yifei - and based on a Chinese folk story, Mulan was tailored to appeal to audiences in China, the world's second-largest movie market. </snip>
  4. That was crazy. They should have paid people a day wage to be there to cheer on Biden. What exactly is the campaign doing with all that sweet lucre it "raised"?
  5. Declassifications, court documents, reading text messages (sent long ago), reading email (sent long ago)... I am not certain how those sources are "sketchy" is they say what they say.
  6. Because political discussions are in PPP? 🤷‍♂️
  7. Oh, there are threads to learn things in this sub-forum. Lots of document drops, declassifications, etc that can be read and learned from. You do not have to be one side or the other to read court documents, declassified documents, text messages, etc. It is always better to read and make your own determinations.
  8. We can take this to PPP where it is still being discussed if you like, so as not to bring politics onto the main board.
  9. I don't think this will stop that lawsuit from going forward as 25% capacity will not allow the restaurants to meet costs, let alone make a profit.
  10. That very well could be why it ramped up.
  11. So, you think all NFL players should be tarred with the brush of a few horrible human beings that play(ed) football?
  12. I plan on watching. If it is a political demonstration I will then make my determination whether or not to continue watching games other than the Bills (I plan on watching the Bills no matter what). I want to see what really is happening instead of deciding on what I think may happen.
  13. Hindsight is very clear, is it not? I know people want to dunk on Trump and Cuomo, but in February, March, and April little was known about the Wuhan virus. I still think intelligence reports reported some sort of bio-weapon coming out of Wuhan, and that is why flights from China were stopped. I wonder if the the intelligence reports thought that would contain whatever they suspected it was? You want to dunk on people? How about Cuomo not fully opening NYS? How about his threatening WNY shutdowns again? How about his killing NYC businesses like restaurants because people can riot without a mask (and not be arrested), but cannot walk through a restaurant without a mask (and will be arrested). How about the news not reporting hospitalizations or deaths these days, instead they report "new cases" (which means poopie is they are asymptomatic or people are over it in a few days) and "new cases" by percentages to scare the masses?
  14. Paid trolls. They exist. We have long laughed about Tibs being paid, but who really knows? Or possibly they are regular people who have a job that allows them free time to goof around, and what could be more "fun" than stirring the pot on a football forum's political sub-forum?
  15. U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos Delivers on Promise to Protect Free Inquiry and Religious Liberty Today, U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos delivered on her promise to protect free inquiry and religious liberty on campus by publishing the Improving Free Inquiry, Transparency, and Accountability at Colleges and Universities final rule. The new rule will ensure that public institutions of higher education uphold fundamental rights guaranteed by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and that private institutions of higher education adhere to their own policies regarding freedom of speech, including academic freedom. The final rule also ensures the equal treatment and constitutional rights of religious student organizations at public institutions and provides clarity for faith-based institutions with respect to Title IX. "This administration is committed to protecting the First Amendment rights of students, teachers, and faith-based institutions. Students should not be forced to choose between their faith and their education, and an institution controlled by a religious organization should not have to sacrifice its religious beliefs to participate in Department grants and programs,” said Secretary DeVos. "These regulations hold public institutions accountable for protecting the First Amendment rights of students and student organizations, and they require private colleges and universities that promise their students and faculty free expression, free inquiry, and diversity of thought to live up to those ideals.” The Department's final rule was created after reviewing more than 17,000 public comments. It addresses four areas of critical importance: </snip>
  16. You don't think the reporting has been a hoax? You do not think California and New York (to name two states) are unnecessarily keeping things shut down to suppress economic numbers to hurt Trump?
  17. For those wondering about the upcoming schedule:
  18. "Last couple of months" on March 30th? Acosta is an idiot. "It will go away." Well, eventually.
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