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Everything posted by Buffalo_Gal

  1. I tried to post these so all the posters could be seen without clicking to twitter. Apparently, that is not possible. Still, you can get enough of the gist.
  2. Why would the pandemic just "go away" and life return to normal if we "vote Democrat?" 🤔
  3. We got a rescue a few months ago. We liked the name the rescue gave him, so kept it. However, after having him for a few days and seeing how he acted and his personality, we would have named him something totally different (I didn’t want to confuse him by starting again). Maybe consider waiting until you bring her home and see if a name lends itself to her personality?
  4. What does one thing have to do with the other? Because parler and gab exist that means facebook and twitter do not have to abide by section 230 that they hide behind for litigation purposes? That makes no sense at all.
  5. Trump said he is not prepared to sign off on the TikTok deal. He is being briefed tomorrow on it. He has to see what the deal said. The treasury is not allowed to accept the money! Trump is saying the lawyers said they can't. Trump is like "Well, why not?" (this is at the presser)
  6. Trump just held up the plan for vaccine distribution. (57 page document, sent to every state.) The high risk people get it first, as well as first responders and people working in health care. (following pandemic protocol) Will be available to the general public. Looking at October or November for distribution. (I "think" was said) Now the Scott Atlas -guy said no later than January. 700M doses There are pdfs on the site: Trump Administration Releases COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Strategy The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and Department of Defense (DoD) today released two documents outlining the Trump Administration’s detailed strategy to deliver safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine doses to the American people as quickly and reliably as possible. The documents, developed by HHS in coordination with DoD and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), provide a strategic distribution overview along with an interim playbook for state, tribal, territorial, and local public health programs and their partners on how to plan and operationalize a vaccination response to COVID-19 within their respective jurisdictions. </snip>
  7. Trump (on the presser) said all 13850 certified nursing homes all have the rapid response testing. Since NYS is now mandating a COVID test for visitors to nursing homes, I wonder if visitors can utilize this too? My father's nursing home got shutdown due to an agency person who came in testing positive for COVID (not regular staff, residents, or the visitors). My mother has to figure out how to get a test so she can see my father again when they reopen (now at 14 days though instead of 28 days). Will she have to be tested weekly? Looks like. </snip> State Department of Health Commissioner Dr. Howard Zucker today announced nursing homes in New York will be allowed to resume limited visitations for facilities that have been without COVID-19 for at least 14 days, a revision to the 28 day guidelines previously set by the federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. This updated guidance will allow eligible visitation in approximately 500 of the state's 613 nursing homes. </snip> These guidelines, which go into effect Thursday, September 17 require visitors to present a verified negative test result within the last seven days. Visitation must be refused by the facility if the individual fails to present a negative test result, exhibits any COVID-19 symptoms, or does not pass screening questions. The number of visitors to the nursing home must not exceed ten percent of the resident census at any time and only two visitors will be allowed per resident at any one time. Visitors must undergo temperature checks, wear face coverings and socially distance during the visit and visitors under the age 18 are prohibited. Nursing Homes accepting visitors will be required to send their visitation plan to NYSDOH and affirmatively attest that they are following the guidance outlined here </snip>
  8. He does not like leaked tapes... holy puck. The hypocrisy.
  9. Here is a link to the audios. There are three tapes.
  10. I posted the revolver piece a few days ago. Worth the read. (That tweet thread leads to a lot of great links)
  11. I had to laugh at this response. When I saw the title questioning whether people would accept the 2020 election results, the first thing I thought of was "2020!? There are a ton of people who have not accepted the 2016 results!"
  12. Repeating it (the thread has a lot of his and Kamala saying they would ban offshore drilling):
  13. He's taking a beating for pointing out the obvious. Twitter has been insane today (well, more crazy than normal). The TDers cannot, will not, understand why what is happening in the Middle East is historic, why it will lead to better diplomacy/peace/prosperity in the region, and why the Trump administration deserves a great deal of credit for brokering this agreement. The people I see diminishing this ... SMH. WTH do they teach in school these days?
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