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Everything posted by Buffalo_Gal

  1. Is that what I want to hear? No. But you did sum it up well. 🙂
  2. For *****'s sake... go over that ($#@*&% who "testified" at the Kavanaugh hearing. She's lucky she was not brought up on charges of lying to Congress. Instead, her gofundme got her a $1M payoff, and she road off into obscurity. You know why that hearing ticked me off so badly? Because sexual assault and sexual harassment are no joke. And the Democrats made it into one. Ask yourself why.
  3. You think they had credible sexual assault allegations made against them!? Ummm not even close.
  4. Considering how many Catholics are currently on the Supreme Court, that would really be something.
  5. So, I will not go into this not being "her" seat, it is the people's seat. I want to dwell on the statement, supposedly from Ruth Ginsberg, released by her granddaughter. I decided to look up the granddaughter. Clara Spera has ties to Lawfare and Brookings Institute. Infer from that what you will.
  6. I do wonder at the hysterics that those on the far-left display when talking about Donald Trump. It is psychotic, and you are correct, they should be on medication.
  7. Ask yourself what Schumer would do if the Democrats held the Senate and there was a Democratic President. Think he'd say, "Let's wait!" If you do, I have a bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell you. Republicans keep playing by one set of rules, and the Democrats play by another set of rules, and pretty soon you have riots in the streets, mass election cheating, and... oh.
  8. Was this the Lisa Murkowski “fair is fair” tweet that is now gone? (Did I imagine it?)
  9. If Collins loses her seat (assuming the vote is after the election), there is no reason for her to vote against. Heck, if she wins she has six years and no reason to vote against. I am guessing Lisa Murkowski is a “no” as stated until offered enough incentives.
  10. Hence my point on nominating now, even if not voting until after the election. As far as a flip? I do not know. The Rs will pick up AL, maybe MI. The Ds will probably pick up Maine with AZ and CO strong possibilities. There are a couple more each side could pick up, but 🤷‍♀️ who has the coattails? Trump or Biden?
  11. I would LOVE to see it, but the old bat from Alaska already said no, Collins would be too afraid, and Romney is an #######. Doubt it goes through prior to Election Day, but Mitch does love judge-stuffing, so who knows.
  12. Nominate now, go through the process and then vote after the election.
  13. Stay classy, Chuckie. And he can wish on one hand...
  14. I don’t think it will be 4-4 even if she is not replaced before the election. I think the Democrats plans to steal the election at the SC have just ended. I am not sure they want to wait. No matter what happens in this election, the Supreme Court is arguably just as, if not more, important and would have repercussions for decades to come. Gonna be interesting.
  15. You don’t think someone will be nominated before the election and pushed through before the next congress begins?
  16. You do not think Joe Biden is has engaged in criminal conduct? M'kay. Since you are so uninformed, start at with thread, move on to this thread, and continue on reading here. You will find him an active member of the soft coup against President Trump, a full participant in the *election (re: coup) in the Ukraine (for which Hunter ran out with mucho dinero), and a willing participant in selling the US out to China (for which Hunter ran out with mucho dinero). To make it easy on yourself, read the government documents only. And, to make it crystal clear to you in Creepy Joe's words, here he is bragging about his work in the Ukraine: Note: I cannot answer your points unless you stop babbling and start making sense.
  17. These "events" are so tightly controlled. I realize that the Biden team will have the questions in advance (I am hoping someone from the Trump team shows up with a jammer for the wire he will be wearing for the answers), however, things will go back-and-forth at some point during a debate*. How in the world will Joe Biden hold-up? *Note: still not convinced any will happen
  18. You might wanna take your own advice there, sport. 🙂
  19. I doubt things will get better at Twitter now that he is gone, but here's hopin'. Twitter public policy director decamps for Biden transition team Twitter public policy director Carlos Monje's exact position on the transition team was not immediately clear. Twitter's public policy director, Carlos Monje, has left the social media company's Washington office to join the transition team for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, a person familiar with the move said Thursday. Monje's exact position on the transition team was not immediately clear and Biden's transition team declined to comment. Requests for comment sent to Monje were not immediately returned. But he serves as co-chair of Biden's infrastructure policy committee and helped host a fundraiser for the former vice president this week, according to an invitation obtained by POLITICO. </snip>
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