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Everything posted by Buffalo_Gal

  1. Supreme Court restores witness signature rule for absentee ballots in South Carolina The Supreme Court weighed in again Monday night on procedures for conducting mail-in voting this fall, reinstating South Carolina's requirement that absentee ballots include witness signatures. </snip>
  2. Twitter suspended the account. From a Townhall in September:
  3. That is one of the main reasons for the media meltdown.
  4. It is like there has been a mass escape from a psychiatric hospital. They need mental help. Lots of it.
  5. The tirade Jen Rubin went on today is gonna get her picked up on a 72 hour involuntary. It was a display of insanity.
  6. Didn't his campaign figure out a national mask mandate is no bueno? They had stopped calling for it for a while, and today he's back at it.
  7. It is difficult to know how honest I should be... will I receive warning points? Will I be banned? I sincerely hope not, but here goes... What has happened is the personal foul flag was tossed at the one who retaliated. TFR is on my ignore list for a number of reasons, but mostly because he overbearing, rude, obnoxious, condescending, displays passive-aggressive hostility, and is antagonistic. I may have missed a few, but you get the idea. Over the past year I have watched DR take it on the chin down here. He continually engaged people I would not have given the time of day to simply because he feels everyone can be reasoned with. The constant poking, picking, needling, and trolling he received down here went above and beyond what someone should ever endure on a message board. And yet, he was kind enough to endure it in order to share with us his sources and perspective. And, he has sources that the rest of us can only dream of. Is PPP moderated, or not? If it is moderated, what besides crusading and call-out-threads, is prohibited? What will earn you a warning? What will earn you a banning? Clarity and even handedness is truly what people seek. People cannot obey rules they do not know exist. If we are told this is a "fire free zone" and then suddenly it is not, how are people to react? TBD is your website. You make the rules. People really want to know what those rules are.
  8. Today's interrogation of the Walter Reed doctor by the "msm":
  9. Interesting. Not a Trump physician. He did not work at Walter Reed, but has (had?) consulting privileges. He gets hired by companies (like CNN) to opine. Journalists once again not performing journalism. Shocking, I know.
  10. Cuomo also reported this today:
  11. I have never seen that before, so I went and did the Day of the Dead costumes search. I attached the image of my top line.
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