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Everything posted by Buffalo_Gal

  1. That is a very nice strip in St. Pete. Hubby and I would like to vacation there again soon. We stayed at the Vinoy (Marriott) last year. Inside the hotel is a history of what the area looked like, and how it has been rebuilt. A lot of time, energy, effort, and money have gone into making that waterfront strip safe, walkable, and high(er) end. The last thing that area needs is to become lawless. I am surprised the police were not on them to disburse that crowd immediately.
  2. Is it generally safer to serve a warrant on a drug dealer at 1am or 3 am versus 10am, noon, 2pm? "There are a million ways to arrest someone without possibly initiating an armed confrontation in a densely populated building where it is GUARANTEED the majority of residents will be at home." On a drug dealer? Was the man generally armed? Did he frequently use human shields? Did he have body guards willing to shoot? As I said, I am not LEO. If you are, especially if you are in drug enforcement, it would be helpful to know how and when they could have served this warrant that there would be an absolute guarantee that the drug dealer would not start shooting. Perhaps a middle of the night no-knock where they actually do not knock?
  3. Most of the people here already knew the "findings," although not the specific details. Because Hunter Biden got paid off, and that report was released does not make the "findings" partisan. It simply shows the graft and misdeeds of the Biden family. Let's face it; people screamed for Don Jrs head for taking a short meeting with a Russian woman to discuss adoption, yet you do not seem concerned that Hunter Biden took $3.5M from a Russian billionaire with close ties to Putin. Why is that? So now Durham is partisan!? Holy cannoli! You will not read the reports. You will not read the declassified documents. You will not read text messages released. You will not read released email. If you did, you would quickly see the people you assume are desperate, are not the people that really were, and are, desperate. Trump is out there telling people about Biden. Maybe he should have allowed the DNC to keep Joe Biden's decline under wraps. Even if Joe comes out and drools all over himself, the "msm" has already declared him the "winner." Speaking of thrashing at the debate... what are the current odds that Joe Biden takes a swing at President Trump at the debates?
  4. Two police officers were shot in Louisville tonight, suspect in custody.
  5. What was the point since you think I missed it. You stated there was a "Big difference between serving a warrant and an imminent danger situation." They served a warrant (and foolishly knocked) so the guy started shooting. That is imminent danger. They shot back.
  6. The guy shot at them, how much more dangerous does it get?
  7. No-knocks (and recall in this case they knocked and were ***** shot at) are totes illegal. You may want to read up on the law. Again, please spend some time with these brave LEOs who serve warrants on these drug dealers. After you have been shot at for trying to serve a warrant on these charming, precious little angels, you may change your tune.
  8. Yup, sure Jan. Sometimes I follow your logic and even if I do not agree, I find it has a logical explanation. In this case? I think your take is nuts.
  9. Sure, that is exactly what I said.
  10. Welp, how do you expect the police to try and arrest some big time drug dealer? "Hello Mister Big-time Drug Dealer. We are here to arrest you. Would you mind coming with us?" Why don't you do a month ride along with some big city LEOs and come back and answer that question. 🙂
  11. I am not an LEO or attorney, and do not play one on the internet. With that caveat... apparently no-knocks are so the drug deals do not start shooting at the cops coming with a warrant. That was pretty common before no-knocks. In this case, it was a no-knock that they knocked for (do not ask me why). She was probably her sainted boyfriend's human shield, and why she is dead, and he is alive.
  12. Joe was really reasonable. What is happening!??!?!?!?
  13. Before the election? Leaks in 3...2...1...
  14. Not one tiny bit of evidence...
  15. re: Princess Sparkles and Prince Harry At the presser some journo asked Trump about them endorsing Biden, and he said he was not a fan of hers, and "I wish Harry a lot of luck, he's going to need it." (paraphrased, but close). 🙂
  16. Trump is up at the presser and said that currently under 2% (I "think" he said 1.6%) of emergency room visits are now for COVID.
  17. Spill over?
  18. And remember, this is just the interim report. There is more to come!
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