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Everything posted by Buffalo_Gal

  1. Well, he bailed out the defense today. WTH is with the Bills defense in the second half?
  2. 3-0 Another 300+ yard game for Josh That "interception" was not an interception, I do not care what review says. What's with the defense in the second half?
  3. 3-0 Another 300+ yard game for Josh That "interception" was bull####.
  4. Yup, another week, another Bills outage.
  5. Happens in California, too. Abandoned by the GOP:
  6. Yup, she is holding up a bill to help the airline employees. After all, what do people's lives and livelihoods mean to her as long as she can get her hair done and eat ice cream? It is 4D chess.
  7. I do not know when this is from. I went to the original twitter account it was taken from to get a date, but apparently the British police were busy beating up people (including an elderly woman) at an anti-mask protest in Trafalgar square yesterday (after letting BLM do their thing earlier in the summer), and there were tons of tweets in that stream about the police abuse.
  8. WTH is Kanye doing in Haiti? Doesn't he have a presidential campaign to run? 🙂
  9. Going completely OT... and yet the RNC will not run anyone electable (read that as reasonable, rational, and well funded) against him. The Republicans have basically abandoned NYS, even though half of the state does not want elected officials like Cuomo, Schumer, or Gillibrand to represent them.
  10. Joe Biden is hiding so the general public does not realize he had a cognitive disorder. Kamala Harris is hiding hoping people forget just how unlikable she is. It may work. If it does, goodness help this country.
  11. And I thought he was only screwing things up in DC for 47 years? Joe says it was a lot longer than that!
  12. Biden said he was a student at Delaware State University; school says otherwise <<< Fox story from today Biden had made the claim during an October 2019 town hall event ahead of the South Carolina primary Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden alleged on the campaign trail last year that he had jumpstarted his academic career at Delaware State University. </snip> The director of news service for Delaware State, Carlos Holmes, said that the former vice president was never a student, though he has made appearances on campus twice before for commencement speeches at the university in Dover. “Vice President Biden did not attend DSU,” Holmes said earlier last week. “However he was the Commencement keynote speaker in 2003 and [2016], and during the former he was awarded an honorary doctoral degree.” Biden had made the claim during an October 2019 town hall event held at the historic Wilson High School in Florence, which was founded in 1866 by the Freedmen’s Bureau for Black children seeking an education. “I got started out of an HBCU, Delaware State — now, I don’t want to hear anything negative about Delaware State,” Biden told the crowd, as shown on video. "They’re my folks.” </snip>
  13. Could be why the Atlantic ran with their fabrication on Trump. Wouldn't shock me that they expected that video to resurface at some point. The Ds are always accusing others of doing what the Ds are actually doing (or have done).
  14. Sir Maejor Page!? So he scammed them in Atlanta with plans to move to Toledo (or maybe a rental)? </snip> Page founded Black Lives Matter of Greater Atlanta in 2016 and this year took in more than $466,000 in donations in June, July and August, Desorbo said. </snip> According to the bureau, Page also used $112,000 of the donated money to purchase a house for himself in Toledo, Ohio. The transaction took place last month. </snip>
  15. Possibly printed propaganda? Website FAQs? Crap to run by the attorneys? 🤷‍♂️
  16. She's retiring next week. I think her give-a-damn was busted so she told some truths. 🤷‍♂️
  17. I think there is more to it than simply a training class.
  18. Location, location, location.... butt ugly house though. Tear down or renovation project for the rich and not-so famous.
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