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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. Tough for me to believe he wouldn't have easily found a job elsewhere having fielded three top two defenses in the last four seasons. That's a really easy sell for a new head coach to pitch to a fan base despite the Bengals game (which can easily be chalked up to the injury excuse). I think he really did just want a year off. Regardless, I'm glad it happened as the in game adjustments in the playoffs were "lacking" the last three playoff losses too put it kindly.
  2. That 9.5 sacks was an anomaly as the Cardinals found out after giving him that 10 million a year contract. His upside if he stays healthy is worth the three million guaranteed risk imo as he's a big body who can get after the passer as a rotational piece in this defense. He wasn't my first choice as I would've preferred Campbell or Poona Ford but they may have been out of Beane's price range. I still think we add to the DT room in the draft but it's not as glaring as a need.
  3. True but it may only take one restructure to get it done. Extending players like Daquan Jones and/or Taron Johnson are also options.
  4. Interesting and well thought out. I thought my top three scenarios were pretty close as far as likelihood. The last one (trading back out of the first) is far less likely imo because of the lack of first round talent in this draft and many of the teams picking say between 20 and 26 will also theoretically be looking to trade back. The tricky part is we don't know how many first round grades the Bills have and who they are. They may have a higher opinion of a player than the consensus and they know it so they can just sit tight and take that player at 27. We may never know if it's a reach or not because they'll never tell us.
  5. All the Bills have to do to create the cap space sign OBJ or trade for Hopkins is simply convert Dawkins and White's contract into a signing bonus. This creates 12.4 million in cap space.
  6. Yeah but he was pretty awesome in that game. His two injuries were kind of funny and freakish how they happened.
  7. Four most realistic scenarios and what I think is the most likely in order. 1.) We get lucky and a first round prospect is available to us at 27 at a premium position of need. 2.)Beane trades up a few spots to get the last guy he has graded as a first round prospect. 3.) We reach for a 2nd round prospect at 27 because we can't find a trade partner to trade back into the 2nd. 4.) We trade our first round pick for some other team's second along with multiple day two and three picks (a 3rd and a 5th for example)
  8. Why in god's name would he not take the former? He'd be playing for 50 million a year in your first option and 30 million a year in your second option with the exact same amount of guaranteed money. If it was a shorter term deal (3 years, 150 million guaranteed) that would make a lot more sense. I'm not sure Lamar would agree to that though.
  9. Out of curiosity I decided to look at the 2017 photo. McDermott still wears the same suit and pants.
  10. I don't think he said that as you're comparing apples to oranges. Banning books or the implementation of bathroom laws doesn't threaten the lives of me or my family. If they suddenly made guns illegal I'm still keeping my shotgun because he's right in that if a "bad guy" is motivated enough they'll find a way to get a gun (legally or illegally). It should be really fricken difficult to get and own a gun legally though imo.
  11. Impossible to tell as it's impossible to measure what laws on the books now have kept guns from "the bad guys."
  12. Don't bite the hand that feeds you. Anybody who works for NFL Network will always be limited in what they can ask and say.
  13. To be clear. I'm not saying guns should be illegal but removing it as a constitutional right would make it far easier to push for real gun control laws that actually have an impact. It would be a privilege and not a right (like driving) to own a gun. It would take decades, a high amount of activism, and a lot more mass shootings for it to even be considered. You're not going to get all the guns off the street but gun buyback programs have been successful in other countries.
  14. By calling for repealing the second amendment you can shift the debate to the left making a lot of the "common sense" gun laws that have been debated ad nauseum more of a moderate position. Somewhat how the ACA is now seen as moderate after the left pushing calling for Medicare for All. All I ever hear every time a tragedy like this happen is feckless democrats preface every minor gun control proposal as assuring people that we're not here to take your guns away. Their message should be "owning guns should be a privilege and not a right. In order to make that a true reality we need to repeal the second amendment." Nothing substantial will happen until they take that position.
  15. Very little more than what's already been/being done unless you repeal the second amendment. After every school shooting like this you have one side clamoring for common sense gun reform laws and the other side saying they're politicizing the issue to try and take away their constitutional right. The first should be clamoring for repealing the second amendment. NO HALF MEASURES if you actually want to get anything substantial accomplished.
  16. That's a good point. I wonder who he surrounds himself with as there seems nobody in his inner circle that will give him some tough love and tell him why he needs an agent now more than ever. Growing up without a father is tough as mine would've hit me beside the head and say hire a darn agent you idiot.
  17. That's the unfortunate downside of the second amendment as other other high income countries have similar levels of mental illness but the firearm homicide rate is about 25x higher than the next on the list. I think anybody seriously trying to address this at some point just throws their hands up in the air if they are being honest with themselves.
  18. I'm saying that expecting them to not draft a player in the first round that will be a full time starter is unlikely given their draft history in the first round based off your comment.
  19. 2017 - T. White - full time starter his rookie year. 2018 - Josh Allen - started after the regime saw Peterman for one half in a regular season game. 2018 - Tremaine Edmunds - full time starter his rookie year. 2019 - Ed Oliver - saw about half of the snaps in the defensive line rotation. 2021 - Greg Rousseau - saw about half of the snaps in the defensive line rotation. Elam appears to be the outlier.
  20. No. That's not the reason. It was more to do with whether the total snaps played the last five seasons included players originally drafted by the team more than five years ago (White, Milano, Dawkins). The tweet said "total snaps played in last 5 years by players a team drafted themselves." It doesn't specify whether for example Mahomes would count for the Chiefs as he's a player they drafted themselves six years ago.
  21. Tyler Bass too . You unfortunately can add Cody Ford and Zay Jones to that list who played every game their rookie year. I believe Spencer Brown played most of his rookie year as a starter. The deeper your roster is the less you need to rely on rookies as we have the third most wins over the last five seasons. I will say though the reluctance to give Shakir and Elam more reps last year was frustrating. Making Elam a healthy scratch at the Pats is still one of the enigmas of last year.
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