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Doc Brown

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Posts posted by Doc Brown

  1. I highly recommend watching the Oliver Stone Putin interviews on Showtime for those who get it. Putin talks about his rise to power and goes through the history of Russia and where he thinks past leaders have made mistakes. He also goes into great detail about NATO and there is clearly some animosity for the United States since he entered office. He comes off to me as a very intelligent, disciplined guy with a decent personality who has a very firm grasp of American politics. Let's just say after watching this I have a feeling he got the best out of his meeting with Trump.

  2. Corporate democrat propaganda?


    What would that include? Sounds like a fancy way of pushing Trump's point of view



    What media sources do you rely on?


    You've got to do a little digging yourself. Clinton's 7th biggest campaign contributor was Time Warner Cable (now Spectrum I think) who owns CNN. That explains why they never treated Bernie like he wasn't a serious candidate despite him drawing 20,000 person crowds while Clinton could barely fill a Hilton conference room. Their cozy relationship with Hillary also led to CNN's Donna Brazille feeding Hillary the questions before the Democratic debates. I'm assuming Nancy Pelosi is now their unofficial boss.


    I'm more center left and a realist compared to Bernie, but if the Democrats want to have a chance at winning 2018 or 2020 you have to go to where the energy is. Right now, like the Tea Party on the Republican side '09, it's with the progressives.

  3. Where does it say he is happy? Trump sure is lucky to have inheriated a good economy. Remember how Obama was attacked for the economy he took over?

    Yes. I actually made out well on the cash for clunkers program. Obama was only attacked on Fox News and talk radio relentlessly because that's what they do, but the MSM continued to blame Bush (as if he had anything to do with the housing market crash) even after failed stimulus package.

  4. Both.


    Other classics that grab you right off the bat:


    Inglorious Bastards

    Raiders of the Lost Ark


    Several Bond movies


    I was going to mention this one as the best opening of any Tarantino's movies imo. Also introduced me to Christoph Waltz's talents.


    For cartoons I'd go with The Lion King and Up.

  5. Remember watching it live. Never seen anything like that before. The NE comeback in the SB is the closest since. :thumbsup:


    The Pats were lucky enough to have the two point conversion option so that makes our comeback even more impressive. I still can't believe they won that Superbowl. Having two Pats fans at the party made it 10x worse.

  6. This whole fiasco just confirms what we've known all along.


    1.) Trump continues to be a man child who thought it was appropriate to retweet on the personal presidential twitter account a doctored WWE wrestling match of him body slamming somebody with a CNN logo on it.


    2.) CNN is a left wing propagandist outlet disguised as a News organization that makes even Fox News look good. CNN should have just not responded and let Trump feed his base while the rest of America does a collective face palm.

  7. I was in my early teens and remember having to drive to my aunt's house to watch it because she had a satellite dish as the game was blacked out locally. How the hell could a Bills home playoff game be blacked out and how did we get it on satellite? Winning in Pittsburgh the next week and then in Miami was icing on the cake.

  8. No love for Ace Ventura, Last Boy Scout, Necessary Roughness, The Replacements, or Bend it like Beckham?


    The Replacements is the best "it's so bad it's good" football movie out there. It's almost like they purposefully threw every sport movie cliche you could think of and put it in one movie. I lost it when Keanu Reeves gave his "It's like quicksand" speech.

  9. 44 states have said no.


    How many blue stares are there?


    10 to 15 at the most? Why are the 29 to 34 other Red states telling him to back off?


    Because his Voter Fraud Claim is Fraudulent.


    Well, the Republicans believe in a more decentralized government so it makes even more sense for them to refuse to participate. The GOP governors will oppose Trump when they think he's wrong as it won't hurt them as much politically as GOP Congressman and Senators.

  10. It's interesting they didn't cut her off until she said she hoped to have a partner and form a family. You can be gay and Mormon as long as you don't enter a sexual relationship with a member of the same sex. You can be excommunicated. The LGBT community has been putting pressure on Mormon's the last few years as they're one of the few religions who haven't loosened their views on homosexuality and gay marriage. I'd like to see teen suicide rates due to being a homosexual among teenagers in Utah compared to other states.

  11. What makes them better?


    It's more interesting to me to see how a team and coaches reacts to the highs and lows throughout a season. How a team reacts to injury and lean on their backups and how a coach approaches a typical week for home and road games was interesting to me. Also, they focus more on star players and you get a better sense of who they are as opposed to Hard Knocks that focuses a lot more on fringe players that may or may not make the roster.

  12. Until the economy takes off there won't be any more living wage jobs added. You guys on the left should back Trump's healthcare plan and his eventual tax cuts so that the economy grows if you ever have hopes of more welfare spending.


    I'm very wary of right wing economic theories that Trump's budget proposal seems to fully embrace. I would be shocked if 15 years from now we'd look back and say those Trump tax cuts were proven to be a great idea with solid short term and long term economic outcomes.

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