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Doc Brown

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Posts posted by Doc Brown


    Now you're just looking for something else to B word* about.


    If we reduce voter fraud in this country, who gives a crap what is motivation is.


    Oh, wait. I know who gives a crap. Everyone who thinks Hillary should be president right now but can't wrap their mind around the fact that America soundly rejected the money-laundering fraud.





    *Holy crap. Can you now not type the worth b-i-t-c-h here? How will baskin log in?


    I have no problem with it because I could care less. However, I guarantee if Obama set up an election commission to investigate voter fraud by asking the state's to release voters addresses, date of birth, party affiliation, social security #'s, etc.. the right would be outraged calling it federal overreach, an infringement on one's privacy, and undermining state's rights.


    It's somewhat amusing to me to see a party who places such a high emphasis on a limited federal government and state's rights defend this stupid commission because Trump can't take the fact he didn't win the popular vote.

  2. I read somewhere that Euron has that special horn that controls dragons, Dragonbinder. The gift will be a dragon if that's true.

    In the books, Euron used the Dragonbinder to help him win the kingsmoot. I can't remember where he got it form. If they were going to use that in the show, I think it would of been introduced by now but who knows. Tyrion's head is the most likely gift, but he could also be aiming for the head of the Queen of Thorns or the Sand Snakes (who killed Myrcella). I'd be more than happy to see him kill the Sand Snakes.

  3. Awesome start and after that a typical table setting 1st episode to a season. Euron's "gift" for Cersei will either be Tyrion's head or a dragon (my bet's on the former since Tyrion was literally "The Gift" at the end of season 5). Hopefully Sansa will be a big enough help to keep Jon from following Ned's and Rob's fate. The Hound and Arya's moral compass seem to be going in the opposite direction. Also, it didn't take Sam long to find what he went there for.

  4. Insurance companies, doctor representatives, and hospitals have all come out against the Cruz amendment. They're usually silent. That's because premiums will skyrocket for those who either have preexisting conditions or those that will develop them as younger and healthier people can buy bare bone policies. Also, if you buy a bare bone policy that doesn't cover much except primary care visits, you have to wait 6 months if life throws you a curve ball in order to purchase a plan that covers hospitalizations and other essential health benefits. Get ready for more bankruptcies due to medical costs like you had before the ACA.


    Vanity Fair reported that Trump's and Saddam Hussein's mansions are very similar.


    (I am not making that up.)


    LOL. I googled the article and found this brilliance in journalism....


    We couldn’t help but notice a striking similarity in the decorating palate of two demagogues: Donald Trump, the putative Republican nominee for president of the United States, and the late Saddam Hussein, the former president, prime minister, and chairman of the Revolutionary Command Council of the Republic of Iraq.

    All of which begs an interesting question: Who influenced whom? Is it a coincidence, or does their preference for strongman politics dictate their prejudices in decorating? Or, perhaps more prosaically, which came first: the gold-plated toilet or the gold-plated bidet?


    At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if Putin himself was either there, or tied-in by conference call... This just gets worse and worse.

    I still don't think the Russia thing is a big deal, but one thing continues to be a constant. This administration has been horrible at how they've handled the constant darts the media is throwing at them. At least the Clinton's during Whitewater didn't constantly shoot themselves in the foot.

  7. agree on Bloodline S3. Very disappointing ending. Not worth the investment I put in! It's done though, no season 4.


    I was also disappointed with House of Cards season 5. Boring.


    I thought Season 5 was just ok. It definitely had some great Frank Underwood turn to the camera comments. The problem is the real political world has been so crazy lately that the show struggles to keep up.

  8. He didn't appoint Shanahan. Shanahan was there first and appointed Lynch.


    And for what is worth I think he played the Bears thing well.

    Yeah. My mistake. Even Lynch was officially hired first the 49ers had to wait until after the Superbowl to hire Shanahan.

  9. New GOP "healthcare" bill is out in the senate. Still slashes Medicaid brutally to shower more wealth on the poor suffering wealthy

    Yeah, but it keeps most of Obamacare in place which is all I really care about with the GOP dominating all three branches. Mainly, you can't be denied for having preexisting conditions. If you're a healthy 20 or 30 something and you don't want to purchase insurance you don't have to pay a fine now. Just be ready to go bankrupt if life throws you a medical curve ball. The cuts on Medicaid are pretty minor and based on the right's economic theory that they're going to get people off medicaid by giving the rich and businesses lower tax rates. The idea being they will create more jobs and getting people off the welfare rolls (which what Medicaid really is).

  10. The perception that he fleeced the Bears, that's my guess.

    That's a large part of it. Moving up and drafting Reuben Foster 31st was a steal. Kyle Shanahan was probably the most sought after potential head coach (I know he screwed up in the Super Bowl but his body of work as OC was outstanding).

  11. All of that is nice in theory but gas and oil prices are the single most important issue with Russia. Putin had some hope of stifling our production under Hillary while he had absolutely no hope of that with Trump. I've been preaching this for years, but if we want real leverage with Russia, the Middle East, hell, even Europe then we need to become the world's supplier of energy. When that happens, we call the shots.


    Rhino is spot on that Hillary would fill her cabinet with neocons who would do anything in their power to gain leverage with Russia. Threatening to export our vast and increasing supply of natural gas to neighboring countries of Russia is an effective way of gaining leverage on Russia and knowing Hillary she wouldn't hesitate using this strategy for a second. Hillary combated fracking complaints by saying that production of natural gas will drive out the coal industry so she had no real interest in reducing fracking. That was a complaint of Sanders during the campaign as Hillary refused to support a ban on new oil and gas leases on public land. Putin knows what he's getting with Hillary who Putin blamed personally as the catalyst for the December 2011 mass Russian protests as she questioned whether the 2011 parliamentary elections were rigged. Although Hillary may have more regulations on drilling and fracking (my guess is she'll reduce the regulations Obama imposed because she loves to lie), she'll make sure that enough natural gas and oil is produced to threaten the monopoly Russia holds on many European countries. Trump was more of a wild card who campaigned on being energy independent, but whether he would use that as a leveraging chip against Russia was unclear. Putin probably miscalculated though given Trump's speech at the G20 in Poland.


    The Great Lakes are supposed to get colder and snowier under global warming, so you should be hoping it's true.


    Oh. Shows how much I know. LOL. I'm willing to sacrifice the future for a Bills Superbowl.



    You mean January for weeks 16, 17, and the 2nd and 3rd round of the playoffs?


    I was trying to be realistic. Week 17 is on December 31 this year.


    Without the electoral college why would a candidate ever care about, or visit, any other state but NY, CA, TX and FL? Why do you want to disenfranchise a huge swath of the population? Do you really want to leave the matters of governance soley to NY, CA? Because that's what would happen.

    First off, people that saying Hillary won the popular vote is about as useful as a hockey team losing even though they had more shots. Both campaigns new the rules going in so I'm sick of hearing about it.


    I've always been back and forth on this issue. On the one hand, we're a Republic and not a Democracy and forcing a president to actually pretend to give a crap about middle America and have campaign rallies in New Hampshire makes the people there feel like the president actually cares about them.


    On the other hand, my vote counting less than a person from Iowa's has always bothered me. I'd be even more ticked off voting in NY if I was a Republican given NYC is a liberal bastion. Plus, Hawaii and California have the same number of Senators so it's not like the smaller states aren't adequately represented.


    There's not a perfect system, but I still think the electoral college needs to stay just so I can see pictures like this.....



  14. Have I railed against Republicans or Frump?


    The latter is the correct answer.

    You're missing the point. You have to ask yourself how did Trump (and Bernie) on the other side got such support this election running populist campaigns despite being unconventional candidates? The reason is the US is turning into an oligarchy and people are waking up to that fact. Most politicians give the illusion of fighting for you when they're only enriching themselves on behests of their donors representing large coorporations. Like George Carlin said years ago, "It's a big club and you ain't in it."


    I wasn't responding to a question. I was responding to your statement that the Russians wanted a friendlier president in the White House.

    Yeah and Putin had some harsh words for Hillary in December of 2011 after he thought her comments about the Russian parliamentary being potentially rigged caused the mass Russian protests. Her reputation as being the most hawkish in the Obama administration is another reason US/Russia relations could have been a disaster under her presidency which is vital especially right now. We'll see what happens with Trump.

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