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Doc Brown

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Posts posted by Doc Brown

  1. platitudes. You're so good at them.


    I imagine your life to be stellar. High achiever. Etc.


    The one thing that's funny. No one questioned Obama's service. Why? Because he wasn't born here and we all know it and that's why he could serve in the military.


    God you're such a gullible little dude who believes everything you read on the internet. #cnn just tweeted. Hurry up!


    He was 14 when the Vietnam War ended and their hasn't been a draft ever since. Where's your proof that Obama wasn't born here when you speak of being gullible? Seems like you're a pot calling the kettle black.

  2. If you were talking about me, it would have been hilarious given my disdain for President Trump, but that wasn't my point.


    My point is that you are going to get zero mileage out of calling half the country deplorable. It's exactly that language that began to drive the nails into Hillary Clinton's coffin.


    You are never going to win people to your cause by insulting them, talking down to them, speaking past them, marginalizing them, or calling them racists.


    They don't need to be educated by you.


    Conversely, you need to be educated by them. You need to listen to them. Their concerns are real.


    And they aren't going anywhere, so if you ever want to govern them again, you had damn well better learn their language, and not only understand their problems but sympathize with them and understand their root causes. The actual root causes, not President Obama's condescension about God and guns.


    If you can't do that, you don't deserve to govern again.

    Exactly. Unfortunately, the Bernie Sanders progressive wing of the party appears to be the side that understood that during election season and even warned the Hillary campaign about it. They didn't listen because they had to please their corporate donors so they tried to win on bashing Trump and identity politics (while turning their backs on the white working class). They also relied on state polling that is historically inaccurate compared to national polls. Hillary's first sign of trouble should of been Sanders shocking win in Michigan when the polls had her winning that state by double digits. Your ruse is up corporate democrats and either change the way you do business or you'll continue to lose.

  3. Those by-elections would've turned out the same no matter who won the Presidency. Of course if Clinton had been prez you'd have said it was because of her and the country no longer supported her.

    Republicans won in republican strongholds, nothing more.


    Both parties are rotten though so the article was half right, just incomplete.

    Exactly. People are beginning to get that both parties don't give a $hit about the people as the US is turning into an oligarch. Evidence of this is congress's approval rating, people's lack of trust in the federal government at an all time low, and the rise of two populist candidates (Sanders and Trump) who preached in different ways of taking on the Washington establishment.

  4. Some douchebag of a POTUS we have... Stay Classy... What a dumpster fire of a person he is. Lacks character, but let the enablers enable.


    Our Scout Council and Districts just apoligized via e-mail for the Trumpamaniac not acting classy and for NOT living up to Scout values. Here's the email:


    "Dear Scouting Families,


    The Pathway to Adventure Council sent a contingent of 209 Scouts to the National Jamboree this year for two weeks full of adventure, community service, friendships, and positive once-in-a-lifetime experiences.


    While Scouts on the ground have been focused on having the time of their lives, we know the Jamboree has been seen differently by some here at home. As your local leadership team, we want to extend a sincere apology for the political rhetoric that was injected into the presidents speech on Monday.


    The custom of inviting every sitting president since 1910 to speak at the Jamboree aligns with our program's duty to country, which teaches Scouts to become participatory citizens. However, this speech parted with the long-standing tradition of presidents from both parties who have delivered non-partisan, motivational words to the next generation of leaders.


    We echo the sentiments included in the letter below from The Boy Scouts of Americas top executive. Scouting is apolitical. It stands for qualities such as trustworthiness, loyalty, helpfulness, and kindness, which transcend politics and policy. It is a uniting force that we hope you will continue to support as we work to give young people the tools they need to succeed now and throughout their lives.






    Jeff Isaac

    Scout Executive/ CEO



    Stephen Schwab

    Council President


    Sue Simmons

    Council Commissioner


    Scouting Family,


    In the last two weeks, we have celebrated the best of Scouting at our 20th National Jamboree with nearly 40,000 participants, volunteers, staff and visitors. The 2017 National Jamboree has showcased and furthered the Scouting mission by combining adventure and leadership development to give youth life-changing experiences. Scouts from Alaska met Scouts from Alabama; Scouts from New Mexico met those from New York, and American youth met youth from 59 other countries.


    Over the course of ten days, Scouts have taken part in adventures, learned new skills, made new and lasting friendships and completed over 200 community service projects that offered 100,000 hours of service to the community by young men and women eager to do the right thing for the right reasons.


    These character-building experiences have not diminished in recent days at the jamboree Scouts have continued to trade patches, climb rock walls, and share stories about the days adventures. But for our Scouting family at home not able to see these real moments of Scouting, we know the past few days have been overshadowed by the remarks offered by the President of the United States.


    I want to extend my sincere apologies to those in our Scouting family who were offended by the political rhetoric that was inserted into the jamboree. That was never our intent. The invitation for the sitting U.S. President to visit the National Jamboree is a long-standing tradition that has been extended to the leader of our nation that has had a Jamboree during his term since 1937. It is in no way an endorsement of any person, party or policies. For years, people have called upon us to take a position on political issues, and we have steadfastly remained non-partisan and refused to comment on political matters. We sincerely regret that politics were inserted into the Scouting program.


    While we live in a challenging time in a country divided along political lines, the focus of Scouting remains the same today as every day.


    Trustworthiness, loyalty, kindness and bravery are just a few of the admirable traits Scouts aspire to develop in fact, they make up the Scout Oath and Scout Law.

    As part of our programs duty to country, we teach youth to become active citizens, to participate in their government, respect the variety of perspectives and to stand up for individual rights.


    Few will argue the importance of teaching values and responsibility to our youth not only right from wrong, but specific positive values such as fairness, courage, honor and respect for others.


    For all of the adventure we provide youth such as hiking, camping and zip-lining, those activities actually serve as proven pathways and opportunities to develop leadership skills and become people of character.


    In a time when differences seem to separate our country, we hope the true spirit of Scouting will empower our next generation of leaders to bring people together to do good in the world.



    Yours in Scouting,


    Mike Surbaugh


    Facebook Twitter Instagram


    Boy Scouts of America

    1218 W Adams Street

    Chicago, IL 60607

    I admire your passion when it comes to boy scouts, but I'm sure these kids are going to get over Trump talking about the health care bill for 15 seconds. Based on Trump's previous behavior, it's a risk for any organization in America to invite Trump to give a speech if you're highly worried he may go off script and try to make a political point.

  5. Exactly what I was thinking when it happened.


    Immediately before the attack happened, she joked about killing her sisters. She must feel terrible now. XD

    She's about to feel a lot worse being Cersei's prisoner. Get ready for some torture from The Mountain.


    Thats what I was referring to in Post #99



    But Doc................we are both guilty of "thoughtcrimes"



    Sorry. I didn't peruse all of the posts on here, but I do like Ben Shapiro though. He's one of the bright, young conservative minds who hasn't become a Trump apologist like many prominent media figures on the right have become to keep their audience.


    What's scarier is the Democrats are just as dedicated to the same philosophy - and have actually taken it a half-step further (trying to ban Fox from the White House press pool in 2009).


    Both parties want to silence opposition...which leaves no one to halt the charge.

    This friction between the president and the media is nothing new. It goes all the way back to the Alien and Sedition Act in 1798 with Adams. Specifically imprisoning newspaper editors who opposed the federal government.


    I'm pretty sure the mainstream media won’t hold Democrats accountable, but in the real world Bernie, it might not work out that way.




    But maybe he's right, it's not like the democrats have lost hundreds of elected positions since 2010


    Oh wait......................


    A major factor in them losing those seats was the Republicans promise to repeal and replace the ACA with an open market health care system. Now that they're in charge it looks like the best their going to get is ACA lite. Should be an interesting midterm election.

    What bill would you have them pass?


    The tea partiers aren't going to allow anything resembling the current situation. The RINOs won't change the current situation too much. There's no ideological purity in the republican party, unlike among democrats.

    You're correct in that Republicans are split further ideology, but their is a split right now between progressives and corporate Democrats that could get ugly.


    First they came for the transgendered 18 months past their gender assignment surgery wanting to enlist in the armed forces, and I said nothing...


    What a hateful, bigoted thing to do. But when you really want to cement your allegiance to that part of the Republican base you have to do some ugly things. Are they really going to throw patriotic, dedicated soldiers out of the service? Disgusting if they do


    Thinking like this is why we continue to lose.

  10. The Nymeria scene was about Arya's own character growth.


    "It's not you."


    She was quoting herself from an early episode when she was speaking with her father, and he told her she would be a great lady married to a lord, and she replied that the life wasn't for her.

    Ah, good catch. That's when Ned assigned Syrio Forel to train her in sword fighting. By the way, there's always a possibility of a Syrio return.


    Great point. What's his best argument to be kept around? "You would have lost if I didn't bring the Knights of the Vale." Ok, great. You did, thanks. Now off with your head.

    I would be shocked if that happens as The Knights of the Vale still thinks highly of Littlefinger and they need all the support they can get in the real battle that matters in the end. Littlefinger has something up his sleeve. Would love to see Jon behead him though before the series concludes.


    Mattis is on vacation.

    Oh yeah. The Sessions thing. It's odd that berating a highly regarded cabinet member on Twitter in hopes he'll resign instead of just asking him to resign like a responsible adult would do would cause unease among other cabinet members.


    I'm sure there's a policy document floating around somewhere. Of all the criticisms I could levy against him, the above is probably the weakest. As I recall, Obama would announce major policy decisions with tweets. Just not exclusively, and everyone understood that it was a complementary, not primary, communications channel for him.


    What I like most about this decision is the gnashing of teeth and rending of garments over "Oh my God, Trump overturned Obama's policy with an executive decision! How unfair of him!" Well...yeah, Obama made the policy the same way. Why would this be surprising?


    Good. Show me that first Trump. Better yet, have Mattis give a press conference explaining why they made this decision.

  14. The Democrats constantly claim that large numbers of people will die if Obamacare is repealed. This is truly contemptible: did the mortality rate decline after 2010, on account of the ACA? No. Actually, it rose, although not because of Obamacare

    The morality rate didn't decline I'm guessing because of the aging baby boomers. Also keep in mind that 82% of people wanted in 2008 wanted the health care system to be overhauled due to soaring premiums.


    However, bankruptcies have declined about 50% since the ACA's passage. This coming from a May 2017 consumersreport article http://www.consumerreports.org/personal-bankruptcy/how-the-aca-drove-down-personal-bankruptcy/


    The many experts we interviewed also pointed to two other contributing factors: an improving economy and changes to bankruptcy laws in 2005 that made it more difficult and costly to file. However, they almost all agreed that expanded health coverage played a major role in the marked, recent decline.



  15. Obama was a a commie jihadist sympathizer racist.


    And you're no better and probably worse than the hyperbole of the OP.


    The problem simple: as a man you can claim/be a woman (just by saying so) and the services have to hold you to the female standards for the physical testing. Meaning, men who weren't strong enough or fit enough to serve can get in by using the female standards.


    That's a rational argument that could of been laid out with other arguments to why transgenders shouldn't serve in the military in an official White House statement. Instead he announces a major policy decision on two tweets.

  16. Pretty soon there won't be but three or four clowns left in this entire trashy administration



    Anthony Scaramucci, the new White House communications director, threatened on Tuesday to fire his entire staff in an effort to stem the leaking that has plagued President Trump's administration since almost the first day he took office.


    Im going to fire everybody, thats how Im going to do it, Scaramucci said. Youre either going to stop leaking or youre going to get fired.


    Scaramucci, wearing blue-tinted aviator sunglasses and speaking to a small group of reporters in the White House driveway Tuesday morning, gestured to the guard booth on the outskirts of the complex to emphasize his threat.

    I feel like Trump hired a combination of Gordon Gecko and Tommy Devito.

  17. So they're going to vote today about agreeing to proceed on a debate about whether to just repeal with a two year delay or repeal and replace? My prediction is the vote to proceed passes, but nothing else after that does. Trump will then say let Obamacare die and the GOP moves on to tax breaks to please their donors. Oh, and just a question for the old timers here that know US political history better than me. Does a president usually threaten to fire his HHS secretary and put pressure on a senator while giving a speech to boy scouts?

  18. What blows my mind is the never ending glee with which a majority of this board still celebrates that Hillary lost, while ignoring the !@#$ed state of our president.


    I get it. Cersei Lannister lost. But we elected Aegon Targaryan.


    That's a horrible comparison as they both used wildfire to kill those that opposed them. Plus, they have a monarchy while we live in a Republic who's founders through the constitution made sure the president couldn't turn into a dictator.

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