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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. My only criticism of Beane this year was not upgrading at WR2 from Davis. He’s done a phenomenal job with this roster other than that. One game isn’t going to change that.
  2. This had me spit my coffee out. Well done. 🤣 I'm with you.
  3. Agreed. They have the pieces on offense. They're a quarterback and an offensive coordinator away from being a serious contender. What's Brady and McDaniels up to now adays?
  4. There's no way Belichick would renig on a coaching commitment.
  5. My gut is telling me that if Taron Johnson plays we win. If he doesn't we lose.
  6. Yup. The only time he failed to cover as an underdog was to the Bills last season so we've got that going for us.
  7. Mahomes is 8-1-1 ATS as an underdog which is the stat that scares me the most. I'm not sure if that includes 2017 because he only started one game that year.
  8. They've played at least eight road games a season since 2017. That's 56 games. Do you mean as road dogs?
  9. They've only played 10 times on the road since 2017?
  10. There's nothing that could happen in one game that would prevent him from being retained. Nothing. No matter how much you want it. Not even a 13 seconds repeat type situation or a blowout. Pegula (IMO) is extremely relieved that McDermott made the playoffs so he could easily justify not making a change.
  11. McD should keep the play calling duties. It's been elite level despite a comical amount of injuries. Unless he publicly endorses Hamas or something, he's as safe as any coach in the league.
  12. I'm not a fan of the guy but his Cowboys trolling is elite.
  13. I view it as more of a hostile road environment problem than a weather problem with the Fish's offense. They play too much of a timing based offense with motions/shifts/rpo's that leads to more mistakes in a loud/hostile environment. Plus, they lack physicality in the running game and some of that is do to injuries on the o-line.
  14. Imagine the outrage if they said. Boom. Bledsoe era throwbacks.
  15. I agree that Hopkins was a huge missed opportunity. Ironically, we still pry finish with the two seed and the AFC East champs even with him. Not sure if Hopkins would've been happy as a #2 WR if we offered him the same money but if we miss the Super Bowl that's an easy thing to point to. You have to give Beane credit though for upgrading the o-line and drafting Kincaid though was the point of my post. Along with two players outperforming expectations this season (Cook, Shakir) from the previous draft.
  16. Do Kincaid, Torrence, and McGovern qualify? Developing Cook and Shakir. Last year we had Allen dealing with that elbow injury making his short term accuracy awful, no slot presence having to call the corpse of Cole Beasley with the Crowder injury/McKenzie failed experiment, and an o-line that was shaky all year with a beat up Spencer Brown. This year Kincaid and Shakir have given us that middle of the field slot presence. McGovern was a significant upgrade to Stafford and Spencer Brown has played much better fully healthy this year. Combine that with the emergence of Cook to provide more balance and I expect a much better performance this postseason than last one from our offense.
  17. On offense I don't know if we'd ever been as healthy this time of year. Davis is the only starter pry out and I'll leave it to other's to debate if it helps or hurts us (I think it slightly hurts us against KC). Five o-lineman healthy all season and through a playoff game is unheard of. Hell, even Harty somehow didn't get injured this season. We need their A game or we'll lose like the Dolphins did last week who also had a similarly depleted defense. This is definitely Josh Allen's biggest game of his career and I don't think it's particularly close.
  18. Everyone will agree on this I'm sure but he's actually pretty good when not talking about the Chiefs or Bills. I've agreed with a lot of his takes over the years and he can be funny. He's probably exactly who I'd be as a national figure if I grew up in Kansas City and felt the need to diminish anybody that would threaten my QB.
  19. Poloncarz isn't calling for a driving ban so probably not. Still an extra thing to deal with though.
  20. He picked off Mahomes last year in the regular season. He also had a key pick in the Wild Card game last year just like this year. He's a very frustrating player to watch because you can see the flashes of what made him a first round pick.
  21. If it was the second most important position they'd be paid the second most amount of money. You should get flamed.
  22. "History doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes." - Mike Tyson This whole season feels so similar to the 2021 season (minus the injuries on defense). Now we have a 6:30 divisional game on a Sunday against Kansas City. Let's hope if it's close the ball breaks are way this time.
  23. Just have the backups play as well as the starters and we'll be fine. Offense needs to limit the penalties better than the first time they played. No back breaking turnovers either.
  24. True. That's why James Lofton still has a job so we can at least tolerate the rest.
  25. For all those who complained about the Bills always playing in KC. We're now guaranteed to play them three (possibly four or five) times at home before the end of the 2025 season.
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