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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. A lot of fans visit 85 year olds between games. That's why you're going to see empty stadiums this fall.
  2. Ashamed he was ever a Bill. He'll be remembered as a Bill and he was in physical decline when he went to Houston. His lack of production there proved it. It's just a shame we couldn't give him consistently above average QB play.
  3. Vikings are way too low. Jets are way too high. Gore could be a surprise cut. Other than that, it's not a bad list.
  4. One thing Obama and Trump's presidency has proven is the partisan divide is now more about hatred of the other side as opposed to devotion to one's own party. That became crystal clear to me with the reactions on here when Trump agreed to meet with Kim Jong Un.
  5. The former caused by the latter before the 2018 season. The NFL tv networks like close games and this option would keep the viewer engaged in the game longer. One solution I like better if they're intent on changing it is to move kickoff spot to the 32 yard line when attempting an onside kick and the ball only has to travel 8 yards before the kickoff team can touch it. This would create more of a chance of recovery and not make the game as gimmicky.
  6. I have a good feeling about Fromm.
  7. On the one hand I love the idea of taking the fate of a game out of a kicker's hands. Moving back the extra point was and still is a horrible move. On the other hand, this feels to gimmicky. They're trying to solve a problem that doesn't exist as it should be a low percentage play.
  8. So, let's say a team's down 4 at their own 10 yard line. It's 4th and 20 and they have no timeouts left. Wouldn't they just take a safety and then hope to get the onside kick? I'm sure the NFL thinks this through and comes to the right conclusion like they always do. I mean, the challenge rule for the PI worked to perfection last season.
  9. What's the guaranteed money or did Jerrry not leak that part of it?
  10. I'd trust the Ohio governor given he pry was the best in the country at responding to this virus.
  11. I was actually going to guess Eric from the first Real World because he stuck around in obscurity and did all sorts of weird crap.
  12. What about private businesses? Particularly healthcare workers, food services, hair salons, etc...?
  13. Was his brother a reality tv star?
  14. He's a right wing capitalist on Fox News. Sue him. He's also a human being who's been through a lot and vilifying successful people is one thing I can't stand about the far left.
  15. It makes me think he was genuinely concerned understanding how impressionable some people are no matter what side of the aisle they're on.
  16. Interesting. I don't know if it's Fox News's way to avoid any potential lawsuit with their opinion people pushing this malaria drug or it's because Cavuto beat stage 4 cancer, has MS, and had triple bypass surgery so he's generally alarmed that this may kill people with serious medical conditions who take this without consulting with a doctor.
  17. Hmmmm...has elderberries and larch tree ingredients. Interesting.
  18. I love how everybody points to the Cassel season proving Belichick's genius without the caveat that they finished 16-0 the previous season and retained pretty much the same team. The Pats added basically nothing on offense and lost some defensive starters. I can't see them going above .500 with a much tougher schedule than last year without Brady. New England Patriots — over 9, -110 Bill Belichick won 11 games with Matt Cassel the last time he didn’t have Tom Brady, and people are also forgetting that the Patriots won 12 games last season with a pretty mediocre version of Brady. I think Brian Hoyer wins the QB job and is good enough for the defense to lead the Patriots to 10 wins.
  19. I agree with this although I still need to see more from Ridley. Just having to watch Benjamin, Zay, Holmes, Foster, Thompson, Matthews etc. over the two previous seasons made Brown look pretty good last year.
  20. Just looking at the beginning of this post it's clear the idiot media had a lot more to lose than Trump even though hydroxychloroquine has been a failure.
  21. Even in this case you weren't dumb enough to have an open beer between your legs.
  22. That article is two weeks old and we've known this for quite some time that the real death rate is pry .2% to .5%. For comparison, the H1N1 flu season of 2009 the death rate was about .02%. The problem is 90,000 plus people have died from this within a two and a half month time period because of how contagious this thing is. That's with social distancing and lockdown measures. If half the US population gets this virus you're looking at around 230,000 deaths using that .2% number. You can debate about whether the measures were too extreme or not extreme enough but I wish people would stop comparing it to the damn flu.
  23. Together, we should all make this a priority.
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