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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. I agree with you completely. I was just referring to the simplistic post where the poster said, "Now they have to have at least an 85 IQ not to to visit the in firmed, old folks and nursing homes while during infectious stages." Does he realize that he shouldn't visit ANYBODY while infected and self quarantine?
  2. I bought Planet Fitness stock back in April as I figured the most impactful outcome of covid19 for most Americans under 60 was gaining 19 pounds.
  3. You have to also factor in that black people commit more crime than white people. In 2018 the rates of violent crime was 3.6 times higher by black people than white people. Studies have shown when controlling for all those variables that white people get shot and killed by police more percentage wise while blacks have excessive force used against them. However, white people tend to encounter cops more in grave situations (active shooting scenarios for example) while black people interact with cops in more non deadly situations and this is probably due to racial profiling (driving while black comes to mind). Throwing all the convoluted statistics out the window, there's a reason black people are more afraid of cops than white people and the BLM movement didn't form based on a lie.
  4. Or they pass it on to a buddy who passes it to his girlfriend who passes it to her friend who passes it to her father who passes it to his cousin who happens to work in a nursing home. Now five people in a nursing home die because this world class athlete unknowingly passed it to his girlfriend.
  5. The government gave them money for recruitment purposes. At least they did.
  6. Trump's not known for his oratory skills or expertise on specific issues so I'm going to avoid the debates entirely. It'll just make me depressed that with all the great minds in this country the best two presidential candidates we could come up with was THIS??? The only debate I'll be watching is the VP debate because there actually might be some substance being discussed. Plus, with both presidential candidates in their 70's the VP debate may be more important than it typically is.
  7. It's not that uncommon for some colleges to give an E grade because they don't want to confuse it with a P/F grade. Colleges are still happy to call your kid a failure
  8. What college? I know some have turned to pass/fail because of the virus but this is the first I've heard of this.
  9. I was going to write that more (not less) money should go into policing if they truly want to take steps to improve police performance. That includes more money for basic entry-level recruit training and ongoing yearly training (de-esculation training, mental health response training, etc.). If these cities cut funding for the police the first thing that will go are training programs.
  10. Operation human shield!!!
  11. There's nothing more American than allowing players to kneel during the national anthem. "I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." A smart move for the NFL after the National Anthem would be to ask everybody in the stadium (including the players) to rise and have 15 seconds of silence to honor the brave men and women in the military to honor those who are serving/have served or died defending this country.
  12. I'm glad somebody is tracking this and as bad as they are I expected these numbers to be higher. Especially the suicide/drug abuse deaths. My inkling is both lockdown deaths and the covid-19 deaths are both underreported. It's impossible to tell whether without these lockdowns how many more covid deaths there would have been so I'm sure this will be a debate that goes on for years on whether they were unnecessary, too strict, just right, or not strict enough.
  13. Boycotts usually don't last very long. They'll see an initial hit and then it will fizzle over time. The NFL should've taken the position of letting players kneel who wanted to from the beginning without any repercussions.
  14. I don't expect him to be kneeling at the end of games so he should enjoy it when he has the opportunity.
  15. I was asking about his definition of socialism as some people consider social security checks socialism since the government is involved in the rules, collection, and distribution of the funds.
  16. Which is why when people on the right throw out the scare term "socialism" it makes it hard for me to take them seriously as they collect their social security check.
  17. You said none of these words change in definition. Define it.
  18. Define it then because some definitions I've seen are vague while some are extremely specific.
  19. Yeah but how many quarterbacks fumble the snap, pick the ball up, and plow through two d-lineman for a first down while people at home are snarfing down apple pie? It's really hard not to love Josh Allen even if he laterals it to nobody in overtime of a playoff game.
  20. So, you're saying the imaginary numbers in my head are not accurate. I stand corrected. My apologies.
  21. Is it your contention that the 2017 tax cuts and jobs act brought in more federal tax revenue than before its passage?
  22. Yup. Move to Florida. It may have been pitched that way but it made the deductions and loopholes easier to take advantage of if you look at the fine print. The private plane and yacht loophole is the most comical. Buffett who you quoted even said he only had to pay 17.4% of his taxable income to the Feds in 2018.
  23. Democrats passed law to repeal SALT tax last December and increased the top federal income bracket back to 39.6%. It died in the Senate. The irony is that Democrats actually wanted to lower federal taxes on the wealthy in blue states. On average though across the US the tax reform bill absolutely benefits the wealthy the most. Just pure math alone should tell you that.
  24. That explains why I want it expanded to five games.
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