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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. Many people aren't defending the drunk but question did the cop have to shoot the drunk dead. When I watched the body cam video what struck me is how the cop and drunk were with each other for 40 minutes or so and how quickly it escalated. This wasn't an a-hole cop that we've all dealt with at one time or another and the drunk seemed cooperative. The conversation was friendly so it was likely the drunk would fully comply with him being handcuffed. However, the guy was drunk so there's always a chance he'll act irrationally and the cop didn't seem ready for that (which goes back to training). The drunk stole the taser and tried to shoot the officer. You can die with a taser so the cop feared for his life and shot the guy dead which I believe is allowed in that circumstance. The DA definitely overreached to both appease the mob and knowing they could get him on a lesser charge. If it's true the cop kicked the guy he just shot dead, he'll probably be found guilty of assault. The other officer may also if he just stood over his body without providing any kind of medical attention (which also may have to do with lack of training). If you want to look at reform or better training than I think the first thing you can look for is what the cops could've done differently. They searched him and he had no weapons. He failed a breathalyzer test. They had his information. He wasn't a threat. Why arrest him when his sister lived a few minutes away and not just drive him home and usher him a court date? I've seen cops do this in similar circumstances. This is going to be bad no matter what the verdict is. Seeing a guy being shot in the back will get the protests and rioters out there if the cop isn't convicted of murder. If he is, you're going to have a lot of cops quit or retire early arguing he feared for his life and we need some damn latitude to do our jobs without being fearful of our lives being ruined.
  2. Yeah he did. George W got ripped off with only 10 million for his book which is pry far more interesting.
  3. Yeah. Former employees have said similar things. It tells me more about Bolton as he could've testified in the impeachment hearings but chose not to for book profits.
  4. This was already well known by other world leaders that you should use over the top flattery to get what you want. Just look at the Ukraine call and Zelensky started off by bombarding him with praise.
  5. Bolton or Trump? None of the revelations coming out are surprising at all. Trump wanted a foreign leader to help him politically win reelection by agreeing on a policy? No way. That hasn't happened during the first term of a presidency since the IPhone 4 came out.
  6. They did a recent poll of this and more Americans agree with the players kneeling at this point. If the NFL is looking to the long term health of the game they'd be wise to support players kneeling given its support among young people. The poll asked the question, “Is it OK for NFL players to kneel during the national anthem to protest police killings of African Americans?” The results were interesting: Both male and female respondents agreed that it was, by a margin of 52 percent to 37 percent (male) and 52 percent to 34 percent (female) Younger respondents tended to be more favorable to the idea, with 68 percent of those 18-29 agreeing that it was. That number steadily declined to 36 percent of respondents over 65 Self-described Democrats strongly favored the right to protest, at 77 percent, while only 20 percent of Republicans, and 20 percent of self-described Trump voters, answered in the affirmative Along racial lines, 77 percent of blacks, 57 percent of Hispanics, and 47 percent of whites answered positively Among respondents with incomes of more than $100,000, 63 percent agreed with the right to protest, while 49 percent of respondents with incomes of less than $50,000 agreed
  7. I'm beginning to think the McDermott and Beane hiring was more the case of a broken clock being right twice a day than actual ownership competence. The Sabres organization is the joke of the league right now.
  8. I agree with you completely. I was just referring to the simplistic post where the poster said, "Now they have to have at least an 85 IQ not to to visit the in firmed, old folks and nursing homes while during infectious stages." Does he realize that he shouldn't visit ANYBODY while infected and self quarantine?
  9. I bought Planet Fitness stock back in April as I figured the most impactful outcome of covid19 for most Americans under 60 was gaining 19 pounds.
  10. You have to also factor in that black people commit more crime than white people. In 2018 the rates of violent crime was 3.6 times higher by black people than white people. Studies have shown when controlling for all those variables that white people get shot and killed by police more percentage wise while blacks have excessive force used against them. However, white people tend to encounter cops more in grave situations (active shooting scenarios for example) while black people interact with cops in more non deadly situations and this is probably due to racial profiling (driving while black comes to mind). Throwing all the convoluted statistics out the window, there's a reason black people are more afraid of cops than white people and the BLM movement didn't form based on a lie.
  11. Or they pass it on to a buddy who passes it to his girlfriend who passes it to her friend who passes it to her father who passes it to his cousin who happens to work in a nursing home. Now five people in a nursing home die because this world class athlete unknowingly passed it to his girlfriend.
  12. The government gave them money for recruitment purposes. At least they did.
  13. Trump's not known for his oratory skills or expertise on specific issues so I'm going to avoid the debates entirely. It'll just make me depressed that with all the great minds in this country the best two presidential candidates we could come up with was THIS??? The only debate I'll be watching is the VP debate because there actually might be some substance being discussed. Plus, with both presidential candidates in their 70's the VP debate may be more important than it typically is.
  14. It's not that uncommon for some colleges to give an E grade because they don't want to confuse it with a P/F grade. Colleges are still happy to call your kid a failure
  15. What college? I know some have turned to pass/fail because of the virus but this is the first I've heard of this.
  16. I was going to write that more (not less) money should go into policing if they truly want to take steps to improve police performance. That includes more money for basic entry-level recruit training and ongoing yearly training (de-esculation training, mental health response training, etc.). If these cities cut funding for the police the first thing that will go are training programs.
  17. Operation human shield!!!
  18. There's nothing more American than allowing players to kneel during the national anthem. "I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." A smart move for the NFL after the National Anthem would be to ask everybody in the stadium (including the players) to rise and have 15 seconds of silence to honor the brave men and women in the military to honor those who are serving/have served or died defending this country.
  19. I'm glad somebody is tracking this and as bad as they are I expected these numbers to be higher. Especially the suicide/drug abuse deaths. My inkling is both lockdown deaths and the covid-19 deaths are both underreported. It's impossible to tell whether without these lockdowns how many more covid deaths there would have been so I'm sure this will be a debate that goes on for years on whether they were unnecessary, too strict, just right, or not strict enough.
  20. Boycotts usually don't last very long. They'll see an initial hit and then it will fizzle over time. The NFL should've taken the position of letting players kneel who wanted to from the beginning without any repercussions.
  21. I don't expect him to be kneeling at the end of games so he should enjoy it when he has the opportunity.
  22. I was asking about his definition of socialism as some people consider social security checks socialism since the government is involved in the rules, collection, and distribution of the funds.
  23. Which is why when people on the right throw out the scare term "socialism" it makes it hard for me to take them seriously as they collect their social security check.
  24. You said none of these words change in definition. Define it.
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