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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. Good. The less I hear of the Bernie fanatics the better. Your revolution is over Lebowski. The bums will always lose.
  2. Good move by the Browns as he's a top five DE in this league and only 24. Having said that, the Browns drafted him over Mahomes.
  3. The Seminole tribe in Florida has no issue with the name which is why they've been able to keep it all these years while the Redskins is an ugly racial slur. Utah and Miami Ohio got rid of the Redskins name decades ago.
  4. I don't read twitter posts with "Breitbart's army" as their twitter handle. Now that I have I reminded myself why and feel dumber for having read it. The only way this would have any merit is if Bernie wasn't thoroughly rejected in the Democratic primaries.
  5. Maybe some conservative activist groups should start a "go fund me" account for Snyder to keep the name by raising the tens of millions he would lose in not changing the name.
  6. The Redskins name should've been changed 25 years ago and Indian team names have been eliminated from high school and colleges over the last 50 years. This is complete bullcrap.
  7. My wife is a teacher but I used to work in the district as a school psychologist. I would rather be a hot tar roofer than an elementary school teacher.
  8. Yeah. It'll be two minute intervals for each classroom and they'll announce it on the loud speaker. It will slightly delay dismissal. There's honestly still a lot of crap that needs to be worked out because of how fluid the situation is.
  9. Why mention PPP then or are you just throwing crap against the fan. LOL. It's not that complicated. Each grade will add one teacher and we'll have about 18 per classroom to meet the social distancing standards. We're cutting art, technology, and music so those teachers will be available. Lunch will be delivered to the classroom to prevent unnecessary movement. Kids will stay in the same classroom all day. Teachers will rotate. To cover that extra classroom one teacher (art teacher, two music teachers, technology teacher, and one gym teacher) will be made available to each grade. Those teachers will have kids go on the computer on education sites to reinforce the lessons. They're still trying to get guidelines on special education students and whether kids can go to gym class or not. Also, not sure if students will be forced to wear masks. Hands washed every half hour (going to be a pain) and social distancing will be taught and reinforced. That way all kids will come in five days a week at normal time, no increase to the school budget (some teacher aides had to be cut to balance the budget), and parents will be able to work. Substitute teachers are no longer required to have a teaching degree (just a bachelor's degree in any field) to increase the demand for teachers afraid to go back to school. It's going to pry suck but it beats keeping kids at home or your crazy 72 hour a week schedule.
  10. I'm not a teacher/administrator but I want to get your plan correct so there's no confusion. Then I'll tell you what our district came up with. -Ten kids get three four hours of instruction a day six days a week. -The students get assigned morning, afternoon, or nights based on their heights. Free babysitting services provided for parents. -Teachers work 12 hour shifts six days a week. I assume on their day off they'll have to grade papers and complete lesson plans for the next six days. -To cover the six bus routes under your plan the district will have to hire more drivers. -To cover the extra 32 hours of overtime for teachers, the increased bus drivers, and babysitter personnel the federal government will cover the extra expenses through the paycheck protection program (which they can't currently apply for because they're not a private business). Also, unions are abolished. Did I get anything wrong?
  11. The teacher unions would never go for it. Let's for the sake of argument say there were no teacher unions and teachers didn't work on a salary. You'd have to legally provide 32 hours of overtime pay. Where are you going to come up with that money? Also, if you have kids come in four hours a day. Which kids come in in the morning, in the afternoon, and in the evening? How do working parents adjust to the new schedule? Will the school provide babysitting services and who's going to pay for it? What do the bus routes look like? Do you need to hire more bus drivers or pay them overtime?
  12. If I'm reading that right, you want teachers to work 72 hours a week? Where are districts going to get the funding to hire new teachers if you want smaller class sizes?
  13. Fan of these posters. And of course for the bonus.......
  14. I like Redhawks or Redtails. Keep it simple.
  15. I realize that. My wife's a teacher and she's not apprehensive as she's middle aged and healthy but some of her coworkers are. Some older teachers in her district are retiring early because they're in the "at risk" age range. Schools have reopened across Europe though and pretty successfully for the most part with some common sense social distancing measures in place. It's going to be a trial and error experiment in each district but keeping kids home shouldn't be an option unless there's a severe outbreak given the current evidence we have. My biggest problem with allowing home schooling has always been the lack of interaction they have with other students so it would be hypocritical of me to say kids should be forced to learn from home until there's a vaccine. Other professions are taking a risk in going back to work. Why should it be different for teachers?
  16. I mistyped and meant fall 2019 standard operating procedure. I think you'll find that once you get back in the building a little bit of that fear will be removed and you'll quickly go back to the way things were.
  17. Do they have state by state data since this thing moved from the North East to the Southern and Western states?
  18. "If this team doesn't put points on the board I don't see how they can win." -John Madden "A spectacular move by Michael Jordan." -Marv Albert "We are not worthy. We are not worthy" -Rick Jeanerette "Down goes Frazier." -Howard Cossell "I don't believe what I just saw." -Jack Buck My personal favorite. "The lights are still on here at Rich Stadium. They've been on since this morning. You can pretty turn them out on the Bills right now." -Houston radio team
  19. I was hoping Brown would get nothing and the Pats would still have to eat the nine million and give it to charity.
  20. I don't know. It doesn't say whether it's a picture of a kid separated from his parents when he crossed as they awaited an asylum ruling in 2018 or if he cross unaccompanied seeking refuge from the violence in Central America in 2014. Sounds like a bulletproof plan. My prediction is you'll go back to fall 2009 sop by the third week.
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