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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. They had more than five times the amount of deaths per capita compared to other Nordic countries (Finland, Norway) who did impose strict lock down orders so it's not a scam. I'm just pointing out that even without strict lockdown measures the virus eventually ran its course in about a two to two and 1/2 month time frame which should mean we should be ready to go in the areas being hit hard now by football season. That's assuming a 2nd wave doesn't hit. Lack of available testing.
  2. My point was Sweden who had few restrictions curve flattened in about the same time frame (two months) as NYC (who had strict lockdowns). So, I don't see any reason why FL, AZ, TX, and CA don't follow a similar trend from mid June to mid August and they'll be fine once football season starts.
  3. There's been no conclusive evidence that lockdowns have any effect on the amount of time it usually takes to flatten the curve. Sweden for example took a hands off approach and the time it took to flatten the curve was about the same as other European countries imposing strict lockdowns (although their per capita deaths were a lot higher than other Nordic countries). I fully expect by mid August cases to be significantly down in the hot spots right now.
  4. They won't be able to push it to 18 games at least until 2030 when they negotiate a new contract.
  5. If the states getting hit hard now (FL, AZ, CA, TX) follow the same trend as the Northeast did the cases should be significantly down in cases by early August. I think we should be a go to start the season and just hope that a second wave doesn't hit during it.
  6. Flashback to Volume One of Steve Hayward’s The Age of Reagan from 2001: Like McGovern in ‘72, as Tristan Justice writes at the Federalist, Joe Biden Is A Vehicle For The Revolution The McGovern comparison would be a fair comparison if Bernie was the nominee. The media constantly portrayed Biden as the most moderate of the candidates in the primary so people already have that ingrained in their heads. The swing voter sees him as a centrist Democrat (been in the Senate since the early 70's and VP for eight years) and the Trump's campaign attempt to tie Biden to the radical left just isn't going to work. They're running ads in the same state where they say he wants to defund the police and in another ad criticizes him for helping pass the crime bill. The two contradict each other. Biden at least puts on the facade of loving this country (pry better than any Democratic candidate since Bill Clinton) so I doubt that attack will work. The best line of attack is he's part of the establishment, pro free trade, pro interventionist, soft on China, and is in mental decline.
  7. By far the best Weekend Update guy. His OJ jokes alone got him fired.
  8. Wow. I'm in the middle of his book. Fricken 37 years old.
  9. I plan on betting the under on all the games.
  10. Roswell Park has a nice ring to it if they can't sell the naming rights.
  11. Not sure if that's the best name. Honey, want some bad pizza tonight?
  12. What's crazy is two years ago at this time I thought he had a chance at catching Rice's records. He could've been in the discussion as the greatest ever.
  13. Moderna pulled the same crap. Pfizer, J&J, and Merck are the most trustworthy. All QB's throw interceptions too and Trump is the Winston of president's.
  14. I disagree. Historically when we veer too much to the left or right the centrist voters set us straight at the ballot box. It’s why president’s tend to shift towards the middle when facing re-election.
  15. I hope that’s it. The numerous studies that will come from this over the next 20 years will be fascinating.
  16. My wife and daughter‘s came back positive and I’m like how the hell did I not catch it because I was basically quarantined with them for two months. My wife in early March kept asking if our food tasted right. I guess that’s pry when they got it.
  17. My antibody tests came back negative twice. I was hoping that was the COVID. Lol.
  18. So. That’ll put us anywhere from 100 to 170k when all is said and done who would still be alive without this virus and that’s with all these shutdown and mitigation efforts. Keep brushing it off as an overblown hoax though @bilzfancy
  19. Damn. I forgot to call them and tell them I had a two day head cold back in March.
  20. Link or is this just speculation?
  21. Unfortunately the two veer into each other's lane once in a while making it impossible to separate the two. With Covid and the BLM movement it's been like this lately.....
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