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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. That first Pats game really skewed his stats as Belichick confused the hell out of him. It's too small a sample size as he played better at home his rookie year.
  2. Good list. That 2014 loss to the Chiefs where we were well on our way to winning before Bryce Brown fumbles running into the endzone and Chandler couldn't recover it still stings. Momentum shifted and that fumble pry costs us a playoff spot. Still the number one offense and play much better at home.
  3. What's Allen''s history of playing in domes in Texas on a short week in late afternoon games?
  4. Two good TE's also. Maybe Arians can talk Brady into going down there.
  5. Yeah. I forgot that they own his rights with two years remaining on his contract. Luck's still only 30 so if he was willing to go to any team besides the Colts the team would pry have to give up substantial draft capital.
  6. Directly responsible for 42 points against (49 if you include extra points) with seven pick sixes. My 2020 NFL prediction is Bruce Arians talks Luck out of retirement to start for the Bucs.
  7. No faith in the Bills though. Somebody should start a 2020 predictions thread. BTW....whatever happened to the Dude?
  8. Sounds good but this is pry the best solution before a game to calm the nerves.
  9. We were pretty lucky to be even have a chance to tie against Baltimore as we got some gratuitous calls throughout the game (the Beasley acting job being the most obvious). I think we beat the Texans as long as we don't go conservative on offense. I don't see us winning in Baltimore as they just have too much firepower on both sides of the ball. We have a better chance against KC. I still only seeing us getting to the divisional round though. We just don't have the offensive firepower and that should be the main point of emphasis this offseason like it was last offseason.
  10. Yeah. The blame was with the people who handles the envelopes as Beatty was handed the wrong one. It was the one for Best Actress I think and he named the movie.
  11. Oklahoma and now Baylor showing the large discrepancy in talent between the Big 12 and SEC. At least with the top teams.
  12. Ouch. My condolences. Definitely the most difficult part of owning a dog. Their life spans are too damn short.
  13. This week? Probably Allen since I doubt Watson knows our playbook. Although, does that mean Allen starts for them? Long term.....I'd definitely take Watson over Allen. He's more of a sure thing at this point.
  14. I was wondering what Kevin O'Connell was up to after he got booted as the channel 2 weatherman. The franchise is still here when we could've lost it in '98 and '14. He was at least decent at selling hope.
  15. It depends if more bets come in for the Bills from the superstitious type.
  16. Kidding. Everybody thinks the refs are out to get them. Even Pats fans think the refs overcompensate because of the public perception that refs give them on the calls.
  17. There you have it. A damn Pats fan paid by Kraft/Goodell to frequent other teams message boards to pretend that the fix isn't in.
  18. Correct and I never said otherwise. Rush was referring to his bigger government policy proposals from the mortgage industry to health care. Liberals think their policies are best for the country in the long term and conservatives think the same. There's nothing wrong with that if you think the greater good means short term pain. Conservatives will tell you his policies did fail while liberals will tell you it brought us out of the worst concession since the depression and Trump is seeping the rewards. They'll also tell you that the cut in regulations and tax cuts are just paving the way for another great crash. It's a tireless debate that will never be resolved because of the ebbs and flows of the economy throughout history.
  19. Agreed, but what was the Bill's play of the decade?
  20. Orton to Watkins to win the Minnesota game in 2014. It's been a sad decade for the most part up to this year. Even the playoff birth in 2017 felt more like a pity prize.
  21. If you're talking on an ideology level..... Rush Limbaugh said it best when he said he hopes Obama fails. Both sides believe that their policies are best for this country in the long term even if the country is doing well now. If you're talking on a personal level..... Trump rubs a lot of people the wrong way and when you despise somebody it's natural to root for them to fail. These people were pry fine economically before and after Trump became president.
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