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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. Fun article. The one trade that caught my eye is the Ravens sending a 1st and a 3rd for Stephon Diggs with the premise that the Vikings need to clear cap space. IF Diggs would be willing to come here (maybe sweeten his contract) I'd pull the trigger on that. He's a proven commodity in his prime.
  2. I didn't read any of this thread but just wanted to say that Todd McShay's an idiot if the title is true.
  3. Yup. Buttigieg is in for a rude awakening in South Carolina and more socially conservative states.
  4. Where'd you get that? I'd like to see the vig on those odds.
  5. I look at it as using your leverage to get a raise like any employee would do in the business world. I don't have a problem with players holding out if they feel they're undervalued or want a long term commitment in case injury strikes. The reason the player's union didn't fight to remove it in 2011 was because it impacts such a small percentage of players (less than 2% at least). I have my doubts about whether they'll seriously address it this time around as you rarely see the 99% go to bat for the 1%.
  6. Oh god. I have no doubt the DNC will try to rig it. The last thing they want is Bernie to win as they'd rather see Trump in office than him. The lobbyists on both sides are happy as lobbying spending is at a nine year high and this 2019 was the first year we had above a trillion dollar spending deficit when we weren't in a great recession. They usually do it in more subtle ways like only releasing 61% of the votes even though it looks now that Bernie might take Iowa when all the votes are counted.
  7. Mormons haven't taken to Trump like evangelicals so Romney can get away with it politically in a predominantly Mormon state. It's a political calculation. That's it.
  8. Get rid of caucuses and switch to popular vote primaries. Divide the delegates by vote share percentage. I get the rationale but it seems antiquated at this point when voters are demanding more transparency.
  9. Never going to happen as the Skins won't release him given his 32 million dead cap hit (21.4 million if they keep him). We'd never want to take on that salary via trade.
  10. Ideally, I'd love if this regime was able to sign Mariota, Dalton, or Keenum. I doubt Beane goes after them though as this regime seems sold on Barkley. So....realistically I'd rather have a somewhat mobile QB that sucks rather than a stationary one that sucks. So, I'd sign Blake Bortles and let him battle it out with Barkley.
  11. Or......they didn't do a trial run with the app and used it when it wasn't ready because they're incompetent. Just from a common sense perspective, the last thing the DNC wants to do after the bad reputation they got in 2016 is to make it look like they're rigging the primaries. The funny thing with the Dems making the process more transferable due to Bernie Sanders complaints in 2016 have created all this chaos in 2020 (now reporting the popular vote, first round votes, 2nd round votes instead of just the delegates). Now, it's rigged against Bernie again even though it hurts Buttigieg more as he won't get that traditional Iowa bounce. Maybe, just maybe, you shouldn't try to appease the radical/conspiratorial portion of the base.
  12. I agree. An amazing talent who recognized a slight media bias to the left at the time so he was smart enough to go far right and gained a mass following. He is also very funny at times which is hard to pull off as a conservative.
  13. If those results prove accurate that's good for Sanders and great for Buttigieg. Horrible for Biden. Paper ballots and primaries should be the standard. Get rid of caucuses. Bernie and Biden pry had to be explained what an app is.
  14. Don't let him leave the building. Giving Allen a sure handed veteran TE safety valve would do nothing but help his development.
  15. I thought this was only a Florida phenomenon.
  16. It'll be all about turnout like every election. I just try and find the most charismatic candidate regardless of policy when it comes to predictions. Every president since Reagan was more charismatic than their competitor in my opinion. I'll call Dukakis and the first Bush a draw (Reagan carried Bush Sr.). None of these candidates really out trump Trump when it comes to charisma so my hopes aren't high.
  17. Hey. If climate change is all its cracked up to be Iowa will be a coastal state soon.
  18. Glad health care is the main issue on voters minds no matter who wins.
  19. Sounds like they couldn't wait to announce it. Seems like a cold divorce. I haven't seen enough Falcon games to see if he'd be worth signing. PFF (everyone's favorite) doesn't like him though. We’ve been here before with Beasley. In the Falcons’ Super Bowl season back in 2016, his 16 sacks led the NFL, but he ranked just 42nd among edge defenders in pass-rush win rate (13.5%) and 37th in pressure rate (12.6%).... he is one of just six players at the position [in 2019] with 300 or more pass-rushing snaps and a pass-rush win rate below 10%.
  20. Rewarding mediocrity. "Okay, Tyrod. If we catch the right breaks we're going 8-8 baby."
  21. Back before fantasy football and they only had 28 teams in the league. They also spread the bye weeks out horribly in '93. It's a good compromise.
  22. Right, but I said 16 games with two bye weeks (giving the league 18 weeks and an extra week for TV to jack up the tv contracts).
  23. If the Chiefs were so sure he'd be the next Aaron Rodgers 2.0 .....why did they wait until #10 to trade up? Reid was smart enough to know Alex Smith would never get him over the top and he needed a strong arm QB with loads of potential to groom. They rolled the dice with Mahomes the same way we did with Allen. Let's just wait and see what Allen can accomplish before having a collective pity party.
  24. This has us at +3300 which is a little bit more accurate (tied with Bears and Chargers). Slightly ahead of Colts and Bucs (+3500). Well ahead of the Bengals and Raiders. Just shop around for the best long shot odds. 49ers were at +4500 last year at this time and were one quarter from winning the Super Bowl.
  25. The main thing with Mahomes compared to Allen is the deep accuracy. He's much more consistent and throws with more touch. They're not that far off besides that and Allen is the better scrambler. The play calling and creativity also jump out at me on both sides of the ball. The biggest strength on both teams tonight (the Chiefs weapons and speed provided to Mahomes) and the ability of the 49ers to get pressure with just the front four should be our main focus of the offseason.
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