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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. Trump's initial rock solid base base weren't all traditional Conservatives either. There were some Independents who never really took an interest to politics and crossover Democrats. His big selling point among those people was bringing jobs back from overseas because of unfair trade deals. The hesitant Republicans voted for him in the general because they hated the other side. I don't think that will be the case with Sanders because telling middle class people they're going to raise their taxes should be a death sentence as far as electability goes. I could very well be wrong though. It's looking at this point as similar to the 2016 GOP primaries. I remember talk at the time of well once Rubio, Kasich, or Cruz drop off all their supporters will gravitate towards them as Trump's ceiling was low heading into Super Tuesday. The problem was none obliged until it was too late because who doesn't want to be the next president. The longer Biden, Klobachar, Warren, Buttigieg, and now Bloomberg stay in the more likely Sanders will squeak by with between 25 to 30% in a lot of these states. A lot can change but that's how I see it at this point.
  2. Drew Brees (shoulder), Peyton Manning (neck), Vick in Philly (something about dogs), Moss in New England (not a self motivator), Richie here (bullying concerns turning into mental concerns). I suspect there's a much higher bust rate though.
  3. Except a lot of 2nd choice voters when polled went from Biden to Bernie, Warren to Klobachar, Biden to Buttigieg, Warren to Sanders, etc... Ideology plays a role but there's other factors that make up people's minds (what candidate they like better on a personal level, who they think can best beat Trump, etc...). It's really just fruitless to try and predict right now and will be interesting to see how it turns out.
  4. It would've been way more disastrous if he lost though. He has a solid base of supporters (around 25%) compared to any of the other candidates. I think that was Trump's floor too if I recall correctly early in the 2016 primaries and there was talk about the plurarlity of Cruz, Rubio, and Kasich beating Trump but none of them dropped out until it was too late. You may have a similar situation here.
  5. Voting by income levels. Not surprising.
  6. It's interesting two of the three that declined the quickest did so after some unfair attacks in the debate. Harris took an swipe at Biden in the debates implying he was racist. Voters didn't like it. Warren took a swipe at Sanders in the debate implying he was sexist. Voters didn't like it. I'm going with people really hated Hillary. It's impossible to tell who will pick up which candidates vote share when they drop out if 2016 taught us anything.
  7. LOL. I appreciate your candor. The baby boomers millenial fight is always funny to me because we're the one's that raised them. The 2008 crash, the diluted value of a four year degree, and the rise of home costs are some of the reasons millenials gravitate towards Bernie. Basically, economic insecurity. Also, young people in general are naturally more idealistic. Calling for a revolution instead of gradual change is an easier sell.
  8. Jerry Jones is negotiating through the press and it doesn't surprise me because he's a snake. Create a persona of a greedy QB and hope he succumbs to public pressure to sign a team friendly deal. How much of that contract is guaranteed? As far as Mahomes goes, I'm going to guess 44 million a year for five years because he has a top notch agent. Maybe 165 million or so guaranteed.
  9. You may be right but Bernie pry has the best chance out of any of these candidates to win these states. There's a populist, pro worker, anti interventionist rhetoric he espouses that the other candidates besides Trump can't match. A $15 national minimum wage and taxing the rich also polls well which is a difference from Trump. If Sanders win I think Warren will be the VP pick despite their recent dispute as he's already apparently inquired about whether she can be VP and treasury secretary at the same time.
  10. I know it was the Steelers game where Bell ran right through our Rex Ryan defense. 2016 maybe?
  11. Yup. Good to see. Two pretty soft goals though and we couldn't overcome those mistakes. A little unlucky in the third but a better team gets that tying goal.
  12. I don't know. We'd have Watson and AJ Brown right now if they decided to call and ask for my advice. Unfortunately, we'd have Rosen if they called me a couple years ago.
  13. I remember wanting the Bills to draft Aaron Murray as a backup to EJ. Glad I'm not making those decisions.
  14. History says no. There's a post Superbowl depression disorder that usually disappears within a couple of weeks that the AFL took advantage of in the early 2000's to get a contract with NBC. Maybe this league will beat the odds though.
  15. They're pinning all their long term hopes on a lucrative TV contract.
  16. Let's see how it does over the next few weeks. The AAF ratings were great the first weekend and then dropped off quickly. I'd love to see elite college players join the league and make some money they can't at college. Come on Trevor Lawrence and Justin Fields. Be the pioneers.
  17. If Beane does his job Duke will be an afterthought by the time September rolls around. Duke should've been converted to a TE in college like Jordan Reed was.
  18. Pry better than an openly gay male. I'll give you +169.
  19. Not for another 10 years minimum as the country becomes more secular. Only one state has an openly male gay governor and he was just elected in Colorado. If I made the political betting lines on who'd be president first. A woman or a gay male. I'd put woman at -400 and openly gay male at +250.
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