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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. That was kind of my point. We already have a lot of socialist programs in place to provide a social safety net. If by some miracle Bernie gets elected as president, our system of checks and balances will prevent him from his most ambitious socialist proposals (medicare for all, free college, student loan forgiveness). I'd venture a Bloomberg presidency wouldn't look much different than a Sanders presidency.
  2. Quick question. Wouldn't this be considered a socialist policy?
  3. That's odd. Are they authentic jerseys?
  4. McCain? He's as establishment as you could get and could barely fill a conference room. It's exactly like Trump in '16. A perceived outsider populist candidate starting a movement predicated on blaming the elites and unfair trade deals for all of societies ills. The establishment freaking out thinking the nomination will cost them House and Senate seats. Having rallies that fill out arenas. The establishment candidates refusing to drop out before it's too late warning us that Trump hasn't been properly vetted. Voters giving the media the middle finger. The opposing party celebrating what looks to be an easy victory. The general election may turn out differently but the primary process so far is eerily similar.
  5. I want a degenerative gambler to decide who wins. Also, I want pictures of Biden caucusing in a Vegas strip club.
  6. Maybe he just came for the Wilcox Mansion tour.
  7. Interesting read 2020 is a mirror image of 2016 Bernie is the Chinese finger trap of the election — the harder you pull, the stronger he gets A perfect storm enabled Donald Trump’s ascendance in the 2016 primary race, leading him to capture the Republican nomination and reshape the party in his image. It seems the Democrats and the establishment media are ignorant to the fact that the exact same set of circumstances is occurring again in 2020 — but this time it’s coming from inside the house. It’s no wonder that the same party that spent the better part of the 2016 primary blinded by laughter over Donald Trump’s candidacy cannot see what is happening with the rise of Bernie Sanders. But we do. Sanders’s campaign has been buoyed by a populist message, a faltering and terrified establishment, a rabid, angry base and a paralyzed media that has lost any and all influence on voters. The similarities don’t end there. As the ‘moderates’ walked away (we think) victorious in Iowa with Mayor Pete Buttigieg, the need for Bernie Sanders to strike back in New Hampshire invigorated his online army and boosted his polls for Tuesday night’s race and perhaps beyond. The people who bristled and scoffed at a Sanders presidency are suddenly very, very scared. As they should be, because they are the same crowd that ignored warnings from people who understood Trump’s rise in 2016 and were not blinded by Russia conspiracies and other establishment propaganda. Meanwhile, the candidates trailing Bernie are making many of the same mistakes as Trump’s old opponents. In a TIME magazine profile, Elizabeth Warren’s advisers admitted they aren now more concerned with racking up enough delegates from second and third-place finishes to force a contested convention. Ask Ted Cruz how that worked out. Josh Rogin of the Washington Post suggested Biden and Klobuchar should announce a ticket together now to stop Bernie, combatting too much vote splitting amongst the moderates in the race. Again, Cruz and Carly Fiorina didn’t have much success with this strategy in the last election. It’s all too little, too late. Joe Biden, the establishment stalwart, is limping his way across New Hampshire (or whatever state he thinks he’s in at the time), and echoes of Jeb Bush are impossible to ignore. Biden is the assumed frontrunner faltering early due to a lack of enthusiasm and too much baggage. As he turns his attention and attack ads on the young upstart Mayor Pete Buttigieg — Rubio, anyone? — Bernie once again remains unchallenged and content to let all his competition destroy itself. Remember, Donald Trump rarely won a majority of the vote in primaries. Instead, he walked away with around a 25 percent plurality, while the remaining 75 percent of votes were divided between six or seven other candidates all too busy killing each other to gain a brief lead. In New Hampshire, NeverTrump Bill Kristol is allegedly whipping votes for ‘moderate’ candidates behind to the scenes in an effort to thwart Sanders. This will only electrify Sanders’s supporters even more: ‘See, not only is the failed DNC trying to stop Bernie, but the Neocon Republicans are as well!’ Meanwhile, the Post and Courier is reporting that local GOP groups in South Carolina are leading ‘Get Out The Vote’ efforts for Sanders in hopes of elevating him to a primary win and almost unstoppable momentum heading into Nevada and Super Tuesday. This was the Democratic strategy with Donald Trump in 2016, and it didn’t end well. The GOP lifts up Bernie Sanders at its own peril. The crystal ball tells us exactly how this all plays out; Bernie Sanders is going to take New Hampshire, most likely Nevada, and South Carolina becomes a toss up. Then, if Bernie twins a majority of Super Tuesday states, the primary season is effectively over. The question becomes which candidates fall in line for post-primary cable news gigs and possibly cabinet positions in a Sanders administration. The DNC has no good plan to stop this, and can now only achieve acceptance of its fate — a state of being which still evades many never Trumpers. Bernie, much like Trump, is the Chinese finger trap of the election — the harder you pull, the stronger he gets. It’s an impossible-to-win situation. The Democrats just haven’t realized it yet.
  8. Defensive coordinator. I don't know if having the guy who invented the "Not for long" phrase working in it is the best omen for the league.
  9. I like that. You could also choose another division in the NFC and have a set schedule every year (we'd play the 2nd place NFC North team next year (Vikings). That way you avoid playing the same team two years in a row.
  10. Stone has really crappy lawyers then if some internet board sports poster knew something in the legal process they didn't.
  11. Even if all that is true Stone knowingly broke the law when he could've just invoked his fifth amendment rights or told the truth to Congress. He has nobody to blame but himself.
  12. IF he were to pardon Stone which was the comparison being made. Thanks for specifics instead of just throwing out numbers. The vast majority in your link were non violent drug offenders. No. That would be the prosecutors who recommended 7 to 9 years. Stone’s arrogance and stupidity is why he’s in prison. How stupid do you have to be to lie to Congress and then intimidate a witness by threatening to take her dog? He deserves jail time and apparently what he got was typical for the crimes he was convicted of.
  13. Three questions about the 17th game. What factor will determine who each team plays? Will all the neutral site game all be in different countries? Will the NFL expand into China?
  14. Great research there because nonviolent drug offenders are the same as longtime personal friends.
  15. Then Andy Reid fleeced us in a trade (not the first time) and said he was the best offensive tackle in football after studying film on him despite the 11.5 sacks given up the year before. I swear the next time Andy Reid offers us a trade for a player he covets we take or keep that player no matter what.
  16. Steep decline in play last year as injuries really hampered him. Sounded like he was going to retire. One of the most underrated players of the last decade.
  17. That won't happen as tv networks will want to air games all 19 weeks. The popularity of fantasy football and gambling should keep ratings up. What they should do is give the two TNF teams a bye the weekend before.
  18. Good. Maybe the clown can make another Netflix documentary there.
  19. I disagree. The Steelers won a lot of close games before losing to us, the Jets, and Baltimore resting their starters. The Chiefs pry would’ve won an ugly 24-3 type game against them. The one and done allure of the playoffs with parody has always been somewhat negated by the top two teams having byes thus increasing the importance of the regular season. Having a bye and a home game greatly increases your chance of making the Super Bowl. I prefer to award teams who have an exceptional regular season and this new format makes that less likely.
  20. The best thing that can happen to Rosen is for the Packers to give up a 7th round pick or something for him. Rodgers and him seemed close before the draft so Rodgers may not actually be a dick and help him develop until he retires. It's a low risk potential high reward move for the Packers.
  21. Finally a Jerry Springer type debate we saw with the Republicans in '16 where they were comparing hand sizes and talking about how many illegals they could realistically kick out at once. I was waiting for the field to clear and desperation to set in. I thought they all were pretty strong. Even Biden partied like it was 1899. Bloomberg started out pretty tepidly but picked it up about a third through. Bernie flipping the socialism question around on how socialist government policies help the very rich was smart and pry resonated with a lot of people feeling sorry for themselves at home watching on their 60 inch 4K smart tv's. It's looking more and more like a brokered convention as nobody really separated themselves from the pack.
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