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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. Definitely 2003 when we beat the Pats 31-0 at home to start the season. Bledsoe and Travis Henry were coming off a pro bowl years. We upgraded our defense with the signings of Spikes, Milloy, and Adams. We had Winfield and Clements as our starting corners. I still for some reason thought Josh Reed and James Hardy would easily make up for the loss of Peeless Price. I didn't realize Gregg Williams was completely inept as a head coach yet so forgive me.
  2. Obviously Pence will refer to the experts which is why I'm happy Trump is putting Pence in charge.
  3. Did he mean 150K? Damn you Bernie for not holding gun manufacturers responsible for somebody else's actions. You alone killed 150 million people.
  4. It's got to be Thanksgiving and Jerry Jones crying in the press box during the highest rated game of the regular season. Most of us were pry with extended family which made it all the more special.
  5. It's a fine answer to your question because having qualifications for the job are now seen as detrimental. I guess she has a spouse that's been through the challenges of being a president looming over a recession that she can draw advice from (I know people aren't a fan of his on here but he does have eight years experience at the job). She helped pass that school lunch program thing earlier on with bipartisan support in Congress so she does have some experience when it comes to writing and passing a bill. Other than that, she worked at the University of Chicago as an Associate Dean I believe and had a leadership role at the university's hospital. Graduate of Princeton and Harvard law so the work ethic is there.
  6. I'm not being facetious. If recent history is any indicator the less experience in politics the better your chances are (thinking about Hillary being the most qualified candidate ever). It's a popularity contest and about who inspires people the most to get people to turn out and vote. Sad but true.
  7. It could be effective in the general election but rings hollow in a Democratic primary.
  8. I'm not convinced his improved performance was due to a contract year as much as him improving as a player with excellent coaching. Aren't you always playing for your next contract on your rookie deal regardless of how many years you have left on it? McBeane has more insight into what Lawson is made of mentally so I'll trust their judgment.
  9. I'm sure that third house revelation will dissuade democratic voters who want everyone to have health care in this country away from Bernie.
  10. Oh god. None. She can tell Bernie where they keep the coffee filters in the West Wing dining room I guess.
  11. Best VP pick for that would be Michelle Obama. Will never happen but that would be the best pick.
  12. Rubin is such a drifter. Can't wait until she embraces socialism on "principle." These Never Trump Republicans are beginning to realize the Dems don't give a crap about them in choosing their nominee.
  13. Oh boy. If that's the best they can do then he's going to cruise to the nomination. May not win Florida though. Remember when the media freaked out when Trump said Putin was a strong leader before the 2016 election.
  14. Oh please. Brandon Schreff was touted as one of the best OT in the draft and the Redskins moved him to guard after taking him #5 overall. Marshal Yanda was drafted as a right tackle before switching to guard and he's been to seven pro bowls. Ford's strengths make him much more suited as a starting guard and I suspect he'll dominate at that position.
  15. Rams take too big of a dead cap hit if they cut or trade Cooks before 2021. Lions would be nuts not to extend Golladay and they have the cap space to do it. I agree with you on AJ Green as only a short term deal would be feasible given his age and he hasn't played football since 2018. If Beane thinks Diggs head is on straight then I'd take the chance and trade a 1st for him as he's a proven commodity. If not, we have no choice but to get a WR through the draft.
  16. Yeah. I heard that four years ago too. They won't increase taxes on the middle class. The Dems in Congress wouldn't even approve of that.
  17. House Republicans could be hurt by strong downdraft from Donald Trump if he wins presidential nod
  18. As a Democrat I agree with that which is why even establishment Democrats will vote for Bernie even if they think some of his proposals like a Green New Deal are insane. A $15 federal minimum wage will increase the wages of 33 million people by 2025 according to an epi study. I know you'll point to all the drawbacks of raising the federal minimum wage but that's going to be the Dems sales pitch going into 2020. I agree that a wealth tax isn't a good idea and I doubt it'll ever get through Congress even if the Dems hold all three houses (which would only happen if a recession hit). For the record, I don't think Bernie would win but if he did then the Republican resistance would make the Tea Party look like amateur hour. We'll be fine.
  19. Gallup and Rasmussen had Romney up within the margin of error. The final polls were really close across the board. Obama was just able to get more people to show up compared to Hillary.
  20. Yes. Police have drawn this sketch of the prospect.
  21. Trump has been rubbing elbows with politicians since the 70's so they're both "selling" their outsider status. The lobbying/consultant system that runs DC is still thriving under Trump as we continue to run record deficits. My guess is it would pry continue under Bernie.
  22. If your definition of an outsider is having government experience then neither one is now. If your definition of an outsider is being despised by media and party elites then they both are.
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